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Everything posted by shortpants

  1. shortpants

    Awesome Lion Pic's

    Awesome pics Jim! What's up with the one foaming at the mouth, yikes! Thanks for sharing.
  2. That's what I was referring to Keith.
  3. I was hoping it would take a little longer than that. Yes that's it!
  4. Lets play find the deer with the 2 pics rimhunter just posted. Other than the obvious doe in the middle of the picture can you see a second deer?
  5. You boys are making me laugh! :lol:
  6. Cool. Where'd you get the panels?
  7. shortpants

    Arizona Deer Association Banquet

    For him that would be $23,000 + the fines he had to pay.
  8. Your photo's look great. Thanks. One more question, how often do you change the battery and what type of battery is it? OK I guess that's 2 more questions.
  9. Could be but the G-5 on the right side as well as the G-4 on the right make me think maybe not?
  10. shortpants

    Saw another shed hunter

    Yeah that was me. I found a couple of 400''+ matching sets and a 130'' class double mainbeam double droptine coues skull.
  11. Hey Bowhunter4life, what cam are you using?
  12. " Nice buck Shorty " Thanks Gino.
  13. shortpants

    Arizona Deer Association Banquet

    Thanks for posting the pics for all us poor saps that couldn't make it.
  14. shortpants

    Touch and Go on the Kaibab......

    SWEET!!! Thanks for sharing.
  15. shortpants

    Spotted a member today

    You got me Pops!
  16. Hey pig, nice javi!
  17. shortpants

    Protect Your Privacy

    Thanks a lot! I just called my wife in here to show her, thinking it was for real, and you made me look like a baboon in front of her.
  18. This buck is another that means a lot to me.
  19. shortpants

    Buck to Doe Ratio

    Hey Jim, thanks for jumping in on this topic. I just wanted to say that I'm on chapter 9 of your book right now and it has been a facinating read so far. I can't wait to finish it cause I'm gunna start it all over again when I do. There's so much info crammed ito that book that there's no way I'll ever remember it all in 1 reading. Thanks for the book!
  20. Hey Bret, that's one helluva first coues. Great pics, thanks for sharing.
  21. Hey Dustin, do a search for trailcams in the search window in the upper right hand corner of your screen. This topic has been covered in the past.
  22. shortpants

    Buck to Doe Ratio

    The topic is very interesting and I'm glad you started it. My last post was directed more at your opening statement that stated you thought the ratio was out of whack in that area. The rest of your post is filled with good info and great questions. I wasn't trying to ruffle any feathers.
  23. shortpants

    Long Range shooting

    Hey Coues7 I have the same ACI but I havn't used it yet. Casey, you totally lost me.
  24. shortpants

    5B South Archery Bull

    If you do your scouting before the hunt then you'll know what to hold out for. There is no set # in any unit that will work for every hunter every year. What I'm trying to say is in 5b south last year I would have shot the 1st 320'' bull I saw without a doubt. After the first few days I probably would have been excited to shoot to shoot a 300'' or even smaller. The biggest bull I saw in that unit last year was around 340''. That was last year. The year before that I would have held out for a 340'' bull and probably ended up with a 320'' bull later in the hunt. Horn growth was terrible last year compared to the previous year. There are many factors that one should consider before deciding what to hold out for. To be honest with you these #'s mean nothing. I use them as a reference but I always say if you like 'em, smoke 'em! Good luck on your hunt!