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Everything posted by shortpants

  1. shortpants


    So let me get this right, you traded us wonderful coues hunters in for some varmit/hog hunters??? Just kidden, glad to hear all is well. Don't forget about us.
  2. shortpants

    Monsoon Season...

    Those are some of the most amazing photos I've ever seen!!! I love the antelope and that last one is just incredible! Thanks for sharing.
  3. shortpants

    Ron Green article

    Awesome story Ron. Thats great that your dad was there to share it with you. Thanks for sharing that Tony, very nice article!
  4. 370ish, Great Bull!!!!
  5. shortpants

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    114 5/8'' otherwise known as SHOOT!!! AWESOME BUCK!
  6. Anyone know the best place to get a Rhino lining in the east valley?
  7. shortpants

    Time to get in Shape

    That's pretty dang funny!!! :lol:
  8. shortpants

    Ethics VS Law

    That's life in the wild. Non-hunters have to watch things like that on t.v. While that is very sad to witness you are lucky to be able to experience mother nature first-hand. You did the right thing. It would be heart wrenching but it is the right thing to do.
  9. shortpants

    Mathews question

    HA HA, thanks Doug!
  10. shortpants

    Can you tell?

    I was able to click on your picture and it came up as big as my screen. He definately has some character on his right side but he also has a point coming off the front of his left base! Very cool buck, thanks for sharing.
  11. shortpants

    Glock-19 9mm for sale

    Glock-19 9mm (never been fired) with two hi-cap. 15 rnd. magazines in Glock case. $475.00 also includes 1 box of shells. Remington 870 Express 20 gauge pump ( youth model ) with a box of shells and a trigger lock. Very good condition... $250.00 Send me a PM if interested, Jason
  12. shortpants

    Glock-19 9mm for sale

  13. shortpants

    Glock-19 9mm for sale

  14. shortpants

    Unhappy with my new coues mount

    I would think going with a different form or altering the one you have would be possible but what do I know?
  15. shortpants

    To our Troops:

    I just learned yesterday that my cousin was shot in the groin while serving in Iraq. He underwent surgery but they left the bullet inside him. He was stable enough to call his sister and tell her he loved her so hopefully things will turn out O.K. They are transporting him to Germany and from there he'll be sent back to the U.S. I can't wait to tell him in person thankyou for his sacrifice.
  16. shortpants

    Awesome Lion Pic!!!

    BAD A$$!!!
  17. shortpants

    Unhappy with my new coues mount

    If your not happy then it should be fixed. However, I think you should ask yourself why your unhappy. If it is because the mount does not look exactly like the picture of the real deer then I think your going to run into this problem with every animal you ever have mounted. If however, you can look at the mount and see something about it that you feel is not right then there is definately a problem.
  18. shortpants

    Glock-19 9mm for sale

    I WISH!!!
  19. That is the funniest post I've read in a long time!!! I don't know how I got drug into this one cuz I wouldn't know what an elk tag even looks like but that was dang funny!!!
  20. shortpants

    Where can I find out

    I've got a Glock 9mm and a Rem. Express 870 (youth model) 20 gauge that I'm looking to sell. I'm not sure of their value and was wondering where I can find this info? Thanks Guys, Jason
  21. shortpants

    Where can I find out

    Thanks Doug. How did I know that you'd be the first to respond. I always appreciate your knowledge.
  22. shortpants


    Thanks for sharing that with us and Happy Fathers Day to you and your dad.
  23. shortpants

    Cliff Dwelling

    Great pics Scott! What a view from inside the dwelling!!! Congrats on building your home in coues country!
  24. shortpants

    1998 tent trailer

  25. shortpants

    1998 tent trailer

    Where can I find out more?