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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Landowner Tags

    God bless Doctor Metcalf
  2. Explorer

    Landowner Tags

    Oryx is not able to inter breed in Az. Maybe the ranchers are looking to expand with money from the raffle tag money they got to cut down junipers.
  3. Explorer

    Landowner Tags

    Doesn't surprise me. G&f still gets the processing fee and licence $$. Making money off landlocked land that elk don't get hunted in already unless you pay...
  4. Explorer

    Elk points

    Worked in a beef processing facility. Their moto was kinda like yours... Call a dairy cow Angus and sell it to whoever
  5. Explorer

    Elk points

    Frozen meat is the end game
  6. Explorer

    Elk points

    I love it when a woman can eat the whole dinner I paid for. Call her fat or whatever. I prefer to cuddle something soft not a scrawny twig.
  7. Explorer

    World record Elk

    Didn't Jay Scott get busted years ago claiming a public land bull that was bs?
  8. Explorer

    Ruger American Gen 2 Thoughts

    Gen 2s look ugly. At least offer them with a non fluted barrel.
  9. Explorer

    Restore our 2A

    Oregon is split into the coastal high population scumbag voters vs the majority of the state low population voters wanting better. California can fight over pocket knives. Stop moving here because your mom was a hippie and you want to be John Wayne on a side by side.
  10. Explorer

    World record Elk

    He hunted hard
  11. Explorer

    World record Elk

    Yeah it was the grandpa bull not the spider bull in unit 8
  12. Explorer

    World record Elk

    A bull that big would have a few more eyes on it than the hunter who killed it. Has to be more hunters that could have collected finders fees like the Jimmy John bull or a competing hunter with info would know the back story, time will tell. Still a beautiful bull. Spider bull getting killed by average guy just walking behind White horse is still the best story.
  13. Explorer

    Oleander removal

    Chinese chemical warfare. Imagine if it was anthrax they would do something about it...
  14. Explorer

    Oleander removal

    Auto correct is awesome.
  15. Explorer

    Oleander removal

    Phyntenal and oleanders. On every valley Street.
  16. Explorer

    Step Aside

    Un- bearable..
  17. Explorer

    CW withdrawals

    Power lines for sure..
  18. Explorer

    How much meat?

    I'm curious how much meat you get back from a processor compared to cutting it yourself.. I'm blessed to have a large refer unit and can age and cut my own meat. Never had to pay so wondering what kind of experiences people have had.
  19. Explorer

    How much meat?

    The bone marrow is also the beneficial part of bone broth.
  20. Explorer

    How much meat?

    Basics are a 3rd bone and hide. A 3rd guts and a 3rd meat. Worked at a beef plant and a whole beef was 350 ish sale weight even the though a whole beef was 6-800 pounds on the rack. Plus they were certified Angus and we were cutting Hereford and milk cows and whatever else was half dead from the auction. Wild game is the only healthy way. A cheap hundred dollar grinder will get you through half a dozen elk if you do small amounts at a time. Trying to do the whole burger run will get you about two elk before it burns up. Best bet is get the 1.5 horsepower grinder for 3-500 bucks if you are serious.
  21. Explorer

    How much meat?

    Crazy what the prices are. Have heard stories of people getting low yield after taking a clean heavy elk in. Thanks for the responses. I got about 125-150 I'm thinking out of my elk. All trim and scraps are being made into healthy dogfood as well. Even gonna try some elk bone broth this year. Maybe next year even pressure cook the bits off the bones. Doing it yourself is time consuming but rewarding with the yields you get and money you save.
  22. Explorer

    Shockey’s sheep

    Wonder what guide offered him the brownest nose. Guess at least he didn't have to have a separate pack horse for all his insulin like Jimmy John.. did his daughter go and was there a camera man behind her a lot?
  23. Explorer

    Late Rifle Bull-disappointment to Jubilation

    Hard to find a bull that isn't broken pretty good or just spikes and rags on the late hunt.great job!
  24. Explorer

    Rough tag great hunt

    Over the last 20 years I have drawn a lot of limited opportunity tags. Always 5th choice and every year I say never again. I call it the M effer hunt. Filled a couple rifle cow tags and killed a rag bull on the achery hunt. . This year I had to miss the first three weeks while I was away working out of state and thought I wouldn't even make it out for the last couple weeks of the hunt. Was able to make it out this weekend for three days and had a great time . Spent all day Friday sitting water and had three elk come in at around 430 pm. At the same time I hear a vehicle coming closer and closer when finally a green van with a Jurassic Park sign on the side pulls up through my scope.. off road and drives halfway around the tank. So I switch my safety off and the hippie steps out of his van and proceeded to start preparing to urinate in front of me. I informed him of my presence at that time. Not wanting to get in a fight and having elk in my sight I grabbed my gear and took off after the elk. Never cought up with them. So the hippie decided to camp 10 yards away from the tank all weekend. Test of my old self not wanting to be confrontatinal I decided to build a blind up the trail from the tank and have another family member make a report to fish and game about the hippie violating the quarter mile rule. Two days later 6 elk come in shooting range of my blind and hippie gets a rude awakening with rifle fire.elk down. Had an amazing time and got the biggest cow elk to date. Plus size is on the way out I passed the game warden headed in to give hippie a ticket for stupidity. It was a good day.
  25. Explorer

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    I would never go on a hound hunt. But they serve a purpose. One of my favorite units has had reduced deer tag numbers over the years and is even an archery deer draw unit now. Over the last few years reduced tags and increased lion hunters has brought it back with some amazing deer numbers. Saw some hound hunters and big bucks this weekend and was able to fill a limited opportunity elk tag in 3 days of hunting. Hound hunters have been here for a hundred plus years. Tree huggers are only a generation behind me. Who is doing the most damage is obvious.