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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Forest service officer shooting

    A good friend of mine was hunting in his tree stand behind a tank in 6a(bull tag) when a group of drunks pulled up and started unloading AK's and other high powered rifles into the dam he was behind.He had to bail out of his stand and call LE. LE showed up and then told my friend that the men were to drunk to drive and they had children so they could not tell them to leave. After they left the drunk idiots harassed my friends camp firing off rounds around it at night. He packed camp and left. Returned mid week and the men returned Friday and harassed him again.they claimed to be hunters but they didn't get drawn so they didn't care.
  2. Explorer

    My First Elk

    Beautiful animal! I guess the plus side of the rut not being in full swing is that the bulls are not busted up yet.
  3. Explorer

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    I love hunting with my brothers. We yell at each other and then we figure out a plan and hunt our butts off.
  4. Explorer

    My 7E Archery Bull Elk

    Nice bull! Congratulations!
  5. Explorer

    Back from San Diego

    I have the time just not the $. I have the problem of coming up with new ideas all the time but never enough money for all of them. I have my elk tag so I am greatful. Next year tuna boats and Utah otc elk are gonna be my goals.
  6. Explorer

    I think we are quite lucky Az has so much public land

    I am proud to live in Arizona. And if they try to take away my hunting grounds I will become a modern day Robin Hood. Anybody have a good recipe for wolf? Jk..
  7. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    Am I the only one who wonders why there are no bighorn sheep in 8/6B sycamore canyon and redrock wilderness? It would be a tough hunt but it screams sheep country!
  8. Explorer

    Back from San Diego

    I hope conditions are good next year! I picked the wrong year to procrastinate going on a tuna trip!
  9. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    I guess there are more people that run hounds in Northern Arizona than down south, I don't spend time down south so I could be wrong. I can't go anywhere up here without seeing a truck with kennels. Even if I'm just going to Walmart. From what I hear the sheep in 6a are doing very well compared what seams like a near kill off from predation in the southern units. And the herd in 10/9 is on the small side, but they are not being killed off maby the lions having more food choices up north helps the bighorn survival rates up north. I guess they don't run domestic sheep in 10 anymore or the bighorn don't migrate south enough to come in contact with them.
  10. Explorer

    More kids fishing

    Brings back memories of when my dad took me fishing!
  11. Explorer


    I have viewed this site a few times over the years and I figured its time to join the " gang". I'm a bad speller, an avid hunter and I live for teaching my son the values and ethics that are being lost in today's society. Looking forward to the adventure of CWT.
  12. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    Ranching uses are specifically protected under the Federal Land Policy Management Act, which govern the use of the national forests. Don't forget that the forest service is a branch of the USDA. Hunting and fishing are not specifically protected uses on national forest lands. They almost were, but the Sportsmans bill got shot down a few months ago because Ted Cruz and some of the other congressional extremists got greedy and tried to amend the heck out of it to satisfy their political agendas. Also, from what I recall from my training on federal land use, it's perfectly legal for the service or BLM to allow the continued use of grazing rights in areas that have since been designated wilderness (which, practically speaking, is all wilderness area because grazing was going on pretty much everywhere long before anyone even thought of designating wilderness). Thanks for the info. We should start a petition to gain equal access rights.
  13. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    It states multi unit area. But it applies in general to the special treatment USFS gives to the ranch industry. A little off subject yes.
  14. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    A lot of rancher abuse the system and the forest service lets them. Not g&f but I can show you many examples of ranchers bulldozing roads onto national forest that border their land and then having the NFS close all trails that go into that area only allowing the ranchers access. They cut down live oaks and build ponds all over the multi units. But get caught back there on foot and it's almost a gunfight.
  15. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    Oh by MY I mean I pay taxes= national forest funding..not trying to claim anything per say.
  16. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    I wish they would pass a law that any domestic animals found in wilderness areas are to be considered feral. Ranchers get away with to much and $5 dollars a head per month to destroy MY forest is not worth it.
  17. Explorer

    Bighorn wish

    Why don't they transplant them there was more of what I was thinking..
  18. Explorer


    Oh.. I made a mistake, I will start a new thread in the Bourbon drinkers section lol!
  19. Explorer

    Jaguar Play

    Sounds like a good spot to show up and show off our trophies in the parking lot. Maby tailgate some wild game wearing a deer skin loincloth...
  20. Explorer

    Would you hunt alone?

    I hunt alone, but when I do hunt with others it's only my family members. I learned a long time ago that showing the wrong person an area can ruin it after they tell a friend who tells 3 friends who....
  21. Explorer

    Cited by AZGF

    Were can we find said stories about g&f officers committing offenses? Just curious..
  22. Explorer


    Thanks everyone. I don't require to much advice I'm to hardheaded lol.everytime I want to know something I load the pack and put my own boots to the ground. I have found that to be the best way to learn..do it yourself.
  23. Explorer

    Hunt #3085 limited opp. Antlerless- combine efforts

    There are a fair amount of elk in this hunt area. But it is also a lot of country for them to hide. The biggest herd I have seen in the area was 6, most of the time it is either a lone bull or a cow with her calf. If you find track stick to the area even if it is only one or 2 sets. Good luck my brothers and I filled 4 out of the last 5 tags we have had on this hunt.
  24. Explorer

    Cited by AZGF

    It's always a good idea to have a copy of the regs in your vehicle when out hunting.