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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Opening day success

    Nice buck!
  2. Explorer

    21 roll call

  3. Explorer

    Unit 10 Bull Tags to Increase

    Unit 10 has been a disaster for years. Anybody who puts in and wants a quality hunt is delusional. You can't even hunt the early archery deer hunt there without running into herds of guide grunts looking for elk. What a shame. Back in the 90's it was an amazing place to hunt elk. I will be putting my dad in for a champ tag there though. He only has to compete with muzzy hunters.
  4. Explorer

    Home meat cooler

    Do any members have a home walk in/ meat cooler? I am thinking of building one out of a ice locker. Like the ones you get Ice out of at gas stations. Any ideas or info would be great.
  5. Explorer

    My girls first elk and my boys second

    Great job! That's a lot of meat your family has there!!
  6. Explorer

    Shiras Moose - Utah - Part 2 -

    Amazing animal. Beautiful country!
  7. Explorer

    AZGFD License "Simplification" Bull****

    I like the new system. I bought my license when I put in for my elk tags. Now I don't have to buy a license Until I put in next year. And I am covered for January archery season. No need to rush out after Xmas and buy a tag AND a license.
  8. Explorer

    AZGFD License "Simplification" Bull****

    Regulations!! The only thing G&F gives away for free. That's why I have two copies and read them front to back.
  9. Explorer

    Campfire wood cutting in forest.

    Each forest has it's own regs on what you can cut, if it's standing. I can cut standing dead oak in the kaibab but in the Prescott I can only cut it dead and down.
  10. Explorer

    Camp wood road

    I was driving up camp wood road in 17 yesterday. Passed a g&f officer, a sheriffs dept forestry cop and two FS law enforcement cops w horse trailer.followed by two flatbed wreckers(empty). Any body hear anything?
  11. Explorer

    Camp wood road

    Forest Patrol* is the actual label. Sorry
  12. Explorer

    Camp wood road

    Yavapai County sheriffs dept. Forest division. It looks like a normal SO SUV accept it has " forestry division" written on the side. I see them roaming around the prescott area. Usually has a quad on a trailer in tow. Something new and different for sure.
  13. Explorer

    Camp wood road

    Oh.. Yep that's the price I pay for being a newbie haha.
  14. Explorer

    Camp wood road

    Not sure what that means...
  15. Explorer

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Best hunting story I have read on this forum. Next time my shoulder hurts when I pull back my bow I'm gonna think of it.
  16. Explorer

    Helicopter antelope hunting

    AZGFD has removed the story from their Flakebook page. Shady.
  17. Explorer

    Watson lake

    Watson has good fishing. It's a dirty lake though. I would not eat the fish. Sewer plant half a mile upstream. Willow has great fishing with cleaner water. Lots of weeds though. Get out in a small boat and you can catch some BIG bass.
  18. Explorer

    Scouting 101

    sounds like they should sell their hunting gear and grow vegetables.
  19. Explorer

    Scouting 101

    I am blessed to live in a central location with great hunting all around me. I go hiking ,small game hunting and woodcutting in the areas I am interested in and that is how I find my spots I like. When I put in for tags the first thing I do is ask myself " do I have the time, resources to make this a quality hunt?". Then I pick my hunt units. I don't put in for a dream hunt and then panic and stress about how I'm gonna get my tag filled. Google earth is awesome for finding roads/ trails and water. Those forest service maps are not always accurate as far as water locations and road locations.i went scouting this weekend. Boy do my feet hurt.found out that the elk are not anywhere near where they were when I tagged out last year. Gonna pick a different location and get more boots to the ground this weekend.
  20. Explorer

    Spot the Sniper

    yep. Looks like burlap sticking out w gun barrel
  21. Explorer

    Spot the Sniper

    3 for 3. Clump of grass at base of mildly bent pine right of center.
  22. Yep, the guy who only has one kill in 15 years. = one hit wonder.I Draw EVERY year I put in. I bust my ars. Don't always tag out but I hunt. Not kill. I go jogging once in awhile, doesn't make me a marathon runner.
  23. Explorer

    Spot the Sniper

    I'm sure this one kilt me looking for him lol! I think it's a he is about 2/3 down in the middle. In the pine branches?
  24. Explorer

    Spot the Sniper

    Not sure on this one much better. I would open fire on dark hole in pine boughs.bottom third of pic, 1/3 from the left.
  25. Explorer

    Spot the Sniper

    Easy. Train harder.