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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    2015 App is in . . .

    17B both hunts.
  2. Explorer

    2015 App is in . . .

    So if I put in for a december tag first choice and a october hunt second choice do I still have a chance at the 80% of tags left for the december hunt since I only have one bp?
  3. Explorer

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    It costs about 1000 dollars and takes about a two month waiting period. its easier than getting a BATF sbr permit or even a silencer permit. Most people are to stupid to research and file all the paperwork i have noticed.
  4. Explorer

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    So basically your saying if it doesn't hurt anyone other than the tree and your truck, then breaking the law is OK. Reaching for your beer while driving down the road on your week long hunting trip and crash into a tree shouldn't be a felony? Just a stupid mistake? Wrong. I don't want this idiot hunting the same area as me or ANY of my friends! Guns and booze don't mix. Wait til you get back to camp, turn your 2000 deadly weapon off and drink your beer there. How's that scenario. I dont drink and drive. In fact I preffer not to have alcohol during a hunt. Just part of the experience of nature. my point was that most people are ignorant and point fingers just because of the term felon. You do know that ANY felon can petition the court for their rights back and as long as all restitution is payed or it is a non violent crime the percentage of getting their rights back are high. They do investigate every case and sometimes slip up but i have mentally ill neighbors who have gun rights and they have never been convicted of a crime.
  5. Explorer

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    Felony is a level of crime that is taken out of context by most people. Trying to kill another person- felony. Crashing your truck into a tree without any passangers while reaching for a beer on your next weeklong hunting trip in the back country- felony. I am sure nobody on this site has tried to kill anyone, but im sure if g&f and FS LE started cracking down during hunting season some of us and some of our good buds would become worthless trash felons that we could no longer see fit to own a weapon. Just stating one of many scenarios that could happen were anybody could commit what the law calls a felony. I am not defending drinkng and driving. But the system is WRONG with its labels.
  6. Explorer

    Water Hole Ethics

    I have found that the animals are going to search out the cleanest water they can. And its not always a tank or drinker on the map. I killed my last elk coming into a crystal clear puddle in the creek bottom that was within a half mile of more than one crusty old cattle tank.
  7. Explorer

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    Congatulations!! Stripers are above all my favorite fish to go after. Great fighters and great tasting also!
  8. Explorer

    Sow & Cub?

    When does a cub mature enough to not be considered a cub? As long as it is with its mom is it a cub?
  9. Explorer

    Antelope unit 19A or 9

    19a has alot of country and alot of antelope. Alot of antelope cross the highway into 19b when the hunts start though.
  10. Explorer

    trophy mule deer tag

    December rifle all the way. During the rut.
  11. Sweet buck! I wish you wouldn't have told these guys the unit. Just feed em 19a b. 6A 21 stuff. Flatlander killed the last big buck in 19b area. Now stop putting in for it so I can draw a tag and shoot a dink
  12. Explorer

    bluefin off 'dego in april. good sign.

    Super pumped! I am going for sure this year!!
  13. Explorer

    Last years collection

    Was lucky enough to find a fair amount of sheds last year. Wish I could have found more browns but hoping for more success this year. Good luck everyone!
  14. Explorer

    Last years collection

    They all end up in my moms garden haha! I keep my browns for projects and memories. Will post more pictures. I hunted my butt off on a limited opp hunt last year. Found lots of good memories and as you can see the lions are killing machines out here!
  15. Explorer

    What is this?

    Is that a earth tank in the middle?
  16. Explorer


    Im glad they issue limited tags on that hunt. Quality of hunt has got to be amazing. I have missed a few out outer loop but the reason I missed was because I was in a truck. Still patiently waiting for my tag.
  17. Explorer

    unit 10 early bull rifle tag soup???

    10 is such a big area with lots of elk. I ate tag soup on a late bull hunt once in 10. You have a dream tag, relax and go scouting and have an awesome hunt.
  18. Explorer

    Our thieves up date

    G&F and even Forest Service officials are spread to thin it seems. In all my years in the field I have only made contact three times with any kind of LE in the forest. Once they pulled up in camp, once I stopped them in the road and the third time they rode up on horses and threatened to shoot our dog. Other than that they are almost ghosts and never are at the right place at the right time. I have found tire tracks in the wilderness as well and it would take alot of willpower to not confront such idiots. Btw another housing boom is kicking off around these parts and get ready for more idiots to move in.
  19. Does anyone know of any body who has tagged out on the archery cow hunt for the limited opp multi unit hunts? I have killed them with a rifle on this hunt before but never heard of any non bull archery kills.
  20. Explorer

    Our thieves up date

    What a lump of a man. I hate thieves and lazy people. Hope he rides into a barbed wire fence or something.
  21. Explorer

    Unit 10 Archery Cow

    Remember that the muzzy bull hunt is right before that hunt. should be a good hunt though. Love those low tag hunts.
  22. Explorer

    Unit 8

    that takes me way back. They had a store and everything.
  23. Explorer

    Results by phone

    Archery cow for me, my son did not get drawn.
  24. Explorer

    My girls finally got drawn!

    I put my son in for general tags also. Hoping he gets drawn!!
  25. Explorer

    Leveling Kits

    This blanket statement is a little misleading.Totally depends on the truck, transmission, and axle combination. No way going from 31s to 33s on a stock Ford F250, Chevy 2500, or Dodge 2500 will trash an axle or tranny. Probably just about any other 1/2 ton or up either.On an old Jeep YJ/TJ/XJ with a Dana 35 rear axle, maybe. But those old C-clip axles can bust a ring gear with stock 28s on them. And regearing one is a waste of money if you actually use 33" tires for where they will take you. I have seen SO many D35s blow up it is ridiculous.If going up 2 sizes of tires blows a tranny, you have other issues. Not trying to mislead anyone. There are lots of factors yes, you can drive any combo you want if its just a street queen truck. But get into heavy offroading or try using your overdrive and things start weakening. A truck with a standard is a little more forgiving.