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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    sheds :)

    Holy palmation!! Looks like the rodents chewed on the one brown already?
  2. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    haha thank you. I was about to throw my IPAD LOL!How old when you butcher?Friends of mine raise these geneticly altered chickens that are ready to butcher at 6 weeks. All they do is eat, can hardly walk but they are delicious. Turkeys don't start developing body fat until about 22 weeks. So about 5.5 months. They get big enough to butcher earlier but the fat is what gives them the good flavor and moist tender meat.
  3. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    haha thank you. I was about to throw my IPAD LOL!
  4. Explorer

    Hunting w/ Epi-Pen

    i developed asthma after I got pneumonia 2 years ago. I was unaware of it at first, thinking it was bronchitis. Just about died on a day hike about a month later. Inhalers are a must even though now I only use it occasionally. Its like drowning but your not in water. Make sure you are not allergic to benadryl like I am. Glad you pulled through Flatlander that is scary as heck!
  5. Explorer

    good year for goats?

    It was even more amazing 20 years ago. Saw a big buck dead off outerloop two days ago..I am convinced I will accidentally hit one out there before i am lucky enough to draw a tag. Drove by the next day and the head was gone of course. Hoping it was not the big one I call Forky. He looks like a fork horn muledeer almost.
  6. Explorer

    My first double....

    Beautiful! I love Arizona!!
  7. Explorer

    2015 / 2016 hunt predictions

    Hoping for fat yummy deer/ elk this year. Lots of clean water and food.
  8. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    hmm I was thinking of trying rabbits. Cant do pigs. I guess because i grew up with my parents doing nothing but chickens they are not my favorite.tried quail and that was a disaster.. I made alot of rookie mistakes with them and only ended up with 38 out of 105 surviving. Most of them flew into hard wire and injured themselves. Gotta use soft netting i discovered. The plus side with quail is they lay alot of eggs and if you incubate them it is pretty productive. Great to here ideas.
  9. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    My brother was blessed with an archery coyote kill with his recurve bow on a coyote that was sneaking around our chicken pen. Goats are nice hardy animals to raise just keep them away from any flowers or bushes that your wife is fond of lol! It took years for my honeysuckles to grow back after our fist goat. Yes I refuse to buy anything from now on without acreage and a well. I cant even grow an affordable garden with the water prices here. Luckily the cattle auction is a few miles away and I will be buying my first beef full grown but after that I hope to have property to raise my own. I dont trust auction beef but I will keep it alive at my brothers property for a few moths before butcher to clean it out with good feed and water.
  10. Explorer

    48 Elk Harvested with a bow and arrow

    I honestly enjoy that you are willing to take the time to provide education about hunting for free when some guides will only give you the time of day if there is money involved. Thank you!
  11. Explorer


    Not to get off subject but if the animals are not afraid of the smoke and fire much why is everybody worried about campfire scent getting on their hunting clothes? Seems to me it would be the best cover scent in the world judging by the comment about deer being in the smolder..
  12. Explorer

    nature hits the city

    I am thinking about looping the audio of the deer crys to an mp3 player and using it to call predators.
  13. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    Wow i have seen sideways pictures but never upside down pictures before!! Sorry I cannot figure out how to flip them!
  14. Explorer

    Best time to start

    90% of the time i go out I find bear sign. Either scat or prints or broken oak branches. Amount of bears I have seen.. One. But then again this will be my first year buying a tag. Springs and creekbottoms in canyons are where i find most sign. Not much pears in my neck of the woods but the acorns seem to be a big thing for them. I would probably die getting a bear out of most of the areas i find sign in. areas away from cattle tanks and roads.
  15. Explorer


    if its not filmed in the USA they might be able to stay out of the country for a certain amount of time and not have to pay so much tax. Thats what my ex mother in law did when she worked in Saudi Arabia.
  16. Explorer

    unit 10

    No big bucks on unit 10. Only wild borros and USO.
  17. Explorer

    Calibration Defense| Anybody ever try it?

    Exactly...DUI offenders are the worst. Driving while drunk then they get a lawyer to try to get off on a technicality. Bunch of BS in my younger years I got a dui, everyone in front of me in court seamed to do everything to piss the judge off. When it came my turn i politely told the judge I was guilty and sorry and thanked the cop for doing his job. I got the minimum( it was under 400 bucks) back then and I truly am glad for the life lesson I learned. Plead not guilty and still get found guilty and they usually hit you with the maximum they can give you. But the police have to follow the rules to. Good luck in court.
  18. Explorer

    Unit 8

    Good luck. I love me some unit 8! The tag gods tell me i must love another unit though
  19. I have seen alot of quail hatching this year. I am hoping it is a great year for them as well. The out of state invaders who moved to AZ during the housing boom have put a major strain on the quail hunting quality in my neck of the woods.
  20. Explorer

    Best Mexican Food In Tucson

    Not the best post to read when you are hungry haha!
  21. 17b and 20c. Mostly because i have an elk tag in those areas so I figured i could scout for my deer hunt during elk season.
  22. Explorer

    Recommendations for buying online

    J&G sales. They have a direct link to Davidsons with prices and availability.
  23. Explorer

    2015 App is in . . .

    Thanks for the input. Then again the more of us you educate the worse things could get for the ones who already know haha!
  24. Explorer

    Laws on minors hunting and shooting

    Look up the child handgun safety act. It has most of the info you need as far as possesion of a firearm by a minor.
  25. Explorer

    2015 App is in . . .

    I am sure that i will not get drawn for the october hunt in the first round. Wish I would have purchased bonus points all those Years I only bowhunted deer...