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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Spark Plug Remover

    I think anti seize on the threads when you put the new ones in is helpfull also.. Thats what i do but mine is the 5.8
  2. Explorer

    Thanks for nothing

    True, but I gotta find a watermark for the picture that will make everyone happy.
  3. Explorer

    Gun mistakes

    ruger P85. Never jammed but never hit much either.grip sucked to.
  4. I will be chasing bear with rifle instead of deer with a bow this fall. That being said I am now guaranteed to be within bow range of a monster buck and have the wrong weapon
  5. Explorer

    Bulls Are Frisky

    Great now they are gonna ban hunting elk on the basis of gay elk rights!
  6. Is this the one they have in seligman?
  7. Explorer

    Game and Fish Catchments

    alot of tanks were not built properly to begin with.. You cant just dig a hole and call it a pond. You have to put clay in the bottom to retain the water otherwise it percs right back into the ground. Seen alot of big tanks that never hold water for long due to bad soil conditions.
  8. Explorer

    December Muzzy hunt in Unit 8

    Should be a fun hunt congatulations! You should have no problem shooting a big one.
  9. Explorer

    Results are Up!!!

    My son drew 20c youth tag third choice. I got skunked.
  10. Explorer

    no need for sheep

    Many people have certain feelings. Many people were born certain ways. I was born naked and sometimes I want to punch my brother in law in the face but if I walked around naked or punched dude in the face....
  11. Explorer

    2014 Buck is on the wall.

    Beautiful AZ mule deer!!
  12. That area has gotten really trashed by target shooters and motorcycles as well as illegal dumping. I hope the law starts cracking down on it.
  13. Explorer

    Need advice

    So my son is hoping to draw his first deer tag this year. He has seen a video where someone gets "scoped" and is fearfull of shooting a highpower rifle now. Darned internet!! Any tips? He shoots his scoped 22lr just fine.
  14. Explorer

    Antelope unit 19A or 9

    no hunting allowed in granite dells. Nothing west of Robert road and north of 89a. There are some big ones in there though. Thanks to G&F giving into the prescott tree huggers you cannot hunt with a bow within a quarter mile of any occupied structure in northern 17b/19b. New regulations after someone shot a deer in front of some cidiot crybabys last year..
  15. Explorer

    Remembering Prescott 19

    remembering all the brothers, sons, fathers and husbands. Great American heroes who are greatly missed.
  16. Explorer

    Rocky Mtn Sheep in Morenci

    Glad they are moving them away from all the hazardous waste that mine has stored in stockpiles and ponds.
  17. Explorer

    Favorite unit

  18. Explorer

    Better off dead

    I kill the ones that get to close. Let the rest live.
  19. Explorer

    CO River stripers

    Nice catch!!
  20. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    Edge, god bless that we live in America and we can think and say what we wish. I take no offense to your opinion. But I stand by mine. shall we agree to disagree like gentlemen?
  21. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    chicken food will not grow turkeys well. Its only about 12 percent protein. You have to buy special game bird/ meat bird food with 20% plus protein. Mine are young and yes they are starting to fly. Gonna clip their wings this weekend and see what happens. They will eat scraps.
  22. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    yep people who make mistakes are all horrible people.Would you rather have sherrif joes vitaloaf? That's your kin, eh?You got to make a lot of big mistakes to wind up in prison. Story sounds like bunk anyway. You can give steroids in their food not in their leg.lol people who pay for their mistakes and come out a better person have my respect. I would quote the bible but everyone is so opinionated I will just leave well enough alone. You could be right about the leg shots either way just repeating a story as my original post stated.
  23. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    yep people who make mistakes are all horrible people.
  24. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    Create a hybrid and your altering genetics. We've been doing it for thousands of years from mules to mangos. I have relative who went to prison and worked in the kitchen as a cook. They feed the inmates the left legs. They only sell right legs in the store in case you never noticed. Well anyways the left legs is were they inject the steroids. He said the box they come in says not for human consumption. They are all shriveled up and tough.
  25. Explorer

    Raising your own meat

    Broad breasted bronze and giant whites.