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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    WTB 45LC revolver

    Ruger blackhawk. Can't beat the factory warranty. Handles the hottest loads.
  2. Explorer

    Good Tag? 7 East Peaks Hunt Area 10/21-10/27 Any Elk..

    Are you going to shoot a cow if you can't find bulls? My family will be hunting those same dates and unit but for cow only. Goodluck.
  3. Explorer


    Simmer down with your stick Harry Potter
  4. Explorer


    Or a quick draw contest with the guy at the stick?
  5. Explorer


    I want to hunt drones now.
  6. Explorer

    Turkey Set up for Youth

    Purchased a single shot 20 gauge for my ten year old for 70 bucks and cut the stock down. Added a recoil pad. Will get him a pump when he proves his skills.
  7. I always reference what hunts are going on before or at the same time as the hunts I'm interested in. Just noticed that the youth deer hunt in 10 ends two days after a general cow elk hunt starts with 800 Yahoo's.
  8. Explorer

    Safety concerns on unit 10 deer hunt

    Still gonna put my son in for the hunt. It also runs concurrent with a limited number youth elk hunt. If he draws it I'm sure I would just go home on a Friday instead of sunday.
  9. Side note. Buy all you can before the gun stores Jack up prices when the election starts kicking off. Bunch of greedy wolves out there.
  10. Explorer

    Ruger Redhawk 44mag. SS Hunter WTS/WTT

    I'm in love!!
  11. Explorer

    Dear Game and Fish. . .

    I thought they based the archery draw off of success rates..
  12. Explorer

    cabo fishing report.

  13. Explorer

    Unit 8

    Any members had a coues tag in 8? How was the hunt?
  14. Explorer

    Bino harness

    I am going to throw away my strap harness asap. Almost busted my teeth out. Made a small jump off a boulder and my binos bounced up and hit me in the face. Upgrading for sure.
  15. Explorer

    Unit 8

    I'm not worried about locating bucks. Know the area very well, was more interested in info on how much pressure they get during the hunt. Thanks for the input.
  16. Explorer

    Unit 8

    Thanks. I have found them in some areas while shed hunting. I assume everybody who puts in for the unit knows what they are getting into. Is there alot of competition in areas on the early hunt or is it easy to get in pockets and not have other hunters running around?
  17. Explorer

    Clothing prejudice

    I don't care about what I have on when rifle hunting. Archery is a different story. Fleece and other silent materials give a big advantage when trying to sneak close.
  18. Explorer

    Regs out for deer

    Hoping this year is my year for a December tag. I don't have enough points yet but I can dream.
  19. They let the kids make the full ride with no helmets then busted them. I sure hope the cops stop by my house tomorrow before I drop the boy off at school to remind me he needs to wear a seatbelt.
  20. I hope g&f starts doing this more often. Accept with calibrated breathalyzers. Tags will be easier to draw when ignorant people can't afford tags because they are paying court fines.
  21. so there is nothing wrong with putting children's safety at risk and driving drunk or having a vehicle that is improperly tagged?
  22. I want to know why they only issue 100 or so tags and brag about having 6000 sheep in the state.
  23. So they are upset that g&f didn't tell them to not break the law before they broke the law..?
  24. Explorer

    20C Youth Deer Camp

    There but isnt the youth hunt in the middle of the rut?there are 2 youth hunts in 20c.
  25. Explorer

    20C Youth Deer Camp

    My son drew that tag last year, 3rd choice.Lots of cactus and catclaw, LOTS of lion sign. We found some good areas to hunt and had fun, but there are 2 general rifle hunts back to back before the youth hunt. he did not tag out. I got alot of respect for the guys who hunt the desert terrain, I learned alot.