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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Current conditions - Perfect timing

    Saw a group of 5 does last week and they all had fawns with them. The most i have seen at once in a long time. If I had time i would be looking for coyotes on the deepwell ranch. They are not shy.
  2. Explorer

    Youth rifle for girl

    My rifle is still available. Includes partial box of federal fusion ammo and bore snake. I even have some youth camo pants the boy outgrew in one season that i will throw in for free
  3. Explorer

    unit 11M archery draw tag

    Should be a easy hunt. Town deer were easy taking until some idiot in Prescott killed one in a neighborhood park and the 1/4mile rule for archery was created. The flagstaff area should hold plenty of human acclimated deer.
  4. Explorer

    Savage axis 7mm/08 youth rifle for sale

    Still available
  5. Explorer

    What am i?

    Part of a water wheel?
  6. Explorer

    6b muleys

    The muzzy hunt is any antlered. So you can get coues or a muley
  7. Explorer

    Leftover Shrinkage

    I wonder how they are gonna process the leftovers next year.. are they gonna have paper apps just for leftovers or have a different system all together. And if they stay with paper how hard are the darn things gonna be to find at stores and so on..
  8. Explorer

    Savage axis 7mm/08 youth rifle for sale

    Still available. Will also consider as partial trade for youth pump shotgun
  9. Explorer

    Savage axis 7mm/08 youth rifle for sale

    Pictures. Also includes boresnake.
  10. Explorer

    Results are up.

    My son got the multi unit youth tag. Excited to take the young man hunting!
  11. Explorer

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    Cant run trail cameras in a wilderness area. The elk are there just gotta hunt hard.
  12. Explorer


    Youth deer tag for the boy. Nothing yet for me. Gonna enjoy otc archery while it is still around.
  13. Explorer

    AZGFD banning yote contest!!!

    Sounds like the liberals are winning. A friend in Colorado was telling me how bad it is there. The forestry dept and the fish and game dept are all one entity and they are very liberal and harass hunters in their camps and do searches and camp inspections like nazis..
  14. Explorer

    Solo kaibab Bison Hunt with help

    Bad a$$!! Love hearing diy hunt stories. Especially ones that involve stepping on guides!
  15. Explorer

    Checker Board Land Access

    According to my interpretation of proper posting of private land if I enter state land and happen to corner hop at a corner of private property that is not posted and marked according to the standards of arizona requirements for posting private property then i am not doing anything illegal.
  16. Explorer

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    Im glad such organizations and transfer rules exist in Arizona. Kids are the future of hunting and him getting that tag is such an amazing gift to a well deserved young man. Can't wait to hear the upcoming story. Good luck Hunter!!
  17. Explorer

    15A, 15B, 18A elk hunt (antlerless)

    Get an otc archery deer tag and go have some fun scouting and hunting during the early season. Boots on the ground beat fingers on the keyboard.
  18. Explorer

    Results are posted!!!

    Had that tag two years ago. Fun hunt even though I didn't get close enough to seal the deal and never saw another hunter the while time!
  19. Explorer

    Results are posted!!!

    Archery bull in the multi unit.
  20. Explorer

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    Lol my account has shown pending with zero points all week and I went into the draw with 3. Don't look for signs just wait for the results to post. 2-3 years ago we didn't know results till mid april.
  21. Explorer

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    Dang kids killing all the trophies! No wonder all the guides with high paying out of state clients can't consistently find and kill trophies every year.
  22. Explorer

    CC Hit

    Either archery bull or cow. All bottom tier hunts but I hate not going hunting so I will be happy with whatever I get
  23. Explorer

    CC Hit

    I thought I was out of luck until I saw $135 pending charge at 8pm last night. Hope is still out there.
  24. Explorer


    I see some good deals on Craigslist at times.
  25. Explorer

    Pellet Stove vs Wood Stove

    I'll take a peice of hard earned gator bark in the stove over a piece of kitty litter wood pulp any day.