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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Looks like sneakers 440 bull he has been bragging about
  2. Explorer


    I was hoping to get to hunt some family property in mexico but my gilrfriends grandfather is not understanding of the rules about the mexican government surveying his ranch before i can buy the permits to hunt it. Hopefully i can convince him to be more understanding of the law.
  3. Explorer

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Sounds like you are having fun regardless. Have you ran into any other moose hunters?
  4. Explorer

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Sad he couldnt spread his genetics and die an honorable death. Im not an expert can someone estimate what he scores?
  5. Explorer

    Another first for my son!

    Beautiful bull! Way to go !!
  6. Explorer

    Walking in the dark to your stand...

    Found 2 lion kills in a one square mile area on my elk hunt. The second one had fresh piss around it. Took all day to get that smell out of my nose. Found tracks criss crossing everywhere and it appeared to be a momma with a half grown companion. I did alot of traveling in the dark and it was a bit spooky. But then again i swim past the breakers in the ocean sometimes and wonder what is swimming under me. Deffinalty had my sidearm unsnapped and hand close to the holster.
  7. Explorer

    Trophy Bull Poached

    Should be some real healthy coyotes to hunt in unit 9 this year!!
  8. Explorer

    Trophy Bull Poached

    I dont see the photo in the article
  9. Great story and an amazing bull! Hope your son shoots a big one!!
  10. Explorer

    Bottom tier bronze pics and story added

    I have a love hate relationship with these units. Fortunately they have been good enough to me over the years.
  11. Tagged out on my last available day to hunt on a tough hunt. Pics and story coming. Not the big bull I was dreaming of but I went into this hunt with the reality I would shoot the first bull I saw. When I first found out I drew my first archery bull tag I was surprised and excited. I only had one bonus point besides my hunter safety and my loyalty point. Right away I told myself i would be scouting like a mad man and dedicating all my spare time to making the best of it. I work six days a week and scouting was slow on my only day off but I found some good elk activity in spots I already knew of and felt confident. Then the sheridan fire started. My top 3 spots were shut down to entry . Well good thing I still had plan D and a few more spots I had hunted on previous cow hunts. Opening day my plan D spot had a couple hunters working it over so I went to plan E. Plan E turned out to be where half the cow tag holders were hunting and only half the tanks in the area had water. Monsoons sucked this year. After a few days of searching and only finding old sign and multiple hunters getting to water earlier and earlier to beat the next guy in I decide to go back to plan D. A couple hunters for competition beats a dozen. Went home on wednesday night to take care of some business and was back to the hill Thursday night. I woke up Friday morning to the first sounds of the rut I had heard all week. Tried multiple times to close in on the action throughout the weekend and either got busted or they were moving to fast. Sunday night I was kicking myself for not taking my only week off work on the second week of the hunt instead of the first. My hunt was pretty much over accept for the last sunday of the hunt. Spent the week grumbling at work and thinking about my sons junior deer hunt coming up. My reason for not taking two weeks off for elk, I wanted my second available week off to give him the whole hunt to get his first big game animal. Well thursday came around and my boss found out my hunt was a three week hunt and not a two week hunt and told me I could have a two day weekend. Go hunting he said! Thanks boss!! Saturday I hit the woods and spend some time doing recon to find fresh elk sign after the big rain storms we had. No fresh sign found. Slightly discouraged I park my truck and decide to head into an area i had a blind set up on a trail at a fence crossing. Ten minutes into my trek as im slowly moving and looking for any sign of elk still being in the area I see something out od the corner of my eye. I turn, its an elk . I Can see everything but the head. Then it lifts its head to take a break from eating acorns off the scrub oak and I see horns. No time to range! He is looking right at me. He is not running away. He lets me knock an arrow, still not running away. He lets me draw! Still not running away. He is farther than 20 yards but not farther than 30 yards i tell myself as I set the 30 yard pin on his third rib and aim for the opposite shoulder for the quartering away shot. Release and thump!! He takes off. I just shot my first achery elk!!. I cow call a few times and hike back to my truck. Gotta give him an hour at least. Call in the buds to help haul out and sneak back in while they are getting geared up to come meet me. Track good blood a hundred yards and find him on the ground..with his head still up and he is looking right at me. Not what I wanted. He didnt try to move so I stuck him again and he stood up. Stuck a third arrow in the boiler maker and he walked about ten yards and did the drunken merry go round and hit the dirt. My first archery elk was down! Friends arrived and we gutted and loaded him and headed out with an amazing sunset. All three hits were vital hits. Was surprised that the elk was so tough. But, I was dissapointed that my first shot went through both sides of the elk but didn't completely pass through at a range of 25 yards. Im going to do some more thorough research on what im using before my next archery elk hunt.
  12. Explorer

    11m elk

    Congratulations on your success!!
  13. Explorer

    Unit 22 Youth Hunt

    Good luck! Im gonna be in another unit with my son and Im excited to spend another week in the woods.
  14. Explorer

    2019 Muzzy bull

    Awesome bull!
  15. Explorer

    Lower Lake Mary or Ashhurst lake in mid October?

    Put a split shot 18 - 24 inches up to keep the bait out of the rocks and crawdads. Found that out the hard way. heck take a crawdad trap and the kids will enjoy a good time catching some mudbugs also!
  16. Explorer

    Elk pastrami

    Been some years but my brother corned an elk heart once and im gonna do it with mine this year. It was amazing!!
  17. Explorer

    Is a .243 enough for a cow hunt?

    If its on it feet keep hitting it. Seen elk get hit good and the shooter thinks it is gonna go down. Then it takes off sometimes never recovered. Shoot till they hit the dirt.
  18. Explorer

    Bottom tier bronze pics and story added

    Ya he was not rutted up and stinky. Was surprised.
  19. Explorer

    Lower Lake Mary or Ashhurst lake in mid October?

    Take multiple colors of power bait. They sometimes favor on color or flavor and wont touch others.
  20. Explorer

    Lower Lake Mary or Ashhurst lake in mid October?

    No i have never been able to hook into one on that lake. The biologist said they go in about twice a year and gill net for pike removal.
  21. Explorer

    Lower Lake Mary or Ashhurst lake in mid October?

    If you go to ashurst get there as early as possible. The bite is better early in the morning.
  22. Explorer

    Colt suspends production of AR-15 for civilian market

    Having worked in a few machine shops. I am aware of the machine procedures. Mine was sent back for rework on the grip area with machined away from the grip area and the notched trigger control group. So it had chips in areas that lacked anodize and or plating. On the plus side I sold it for 1k more than payed for to the paranoia of the time.
  23. Explorer

    Rut Activity

    Bulls just started getting active in the cedars in the multi unit. Started being vocal and hearing fighting at night since friday night. I should have taken next week off instead of opening week but such is life. Gonna try and get out for a couple days before season closes.
  24. Explorer

    Colt suspends production of AR-15 for civilian market

    Payed 1500 bucks for a monolithic flat top colt AR back when Obuma was elected. Limited production item. When i took it apart the lower reciever was still full of metal chips from cnc process. A fine rifle indeed and like i said one of the few with a crome bore. But Colt was cutting corners to produce in a time of potential ban.