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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    Big Sky with Kirk Douglas. That guy was a bada $$. Lived through the best years of the last century!
  2. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    The train station on the verde at perkinsville is in that movie. Im not sure if the building is still there or if they moved it to the sharlott hall museum..
  3. Explorer

    Nobody / anybody

    Helped my uncle reset his portal account last night. He has 22 points and didn't get drawn for 10 rifle. Figured with the high amount of tags he would draw. Sad. Say goodbye to the good old days of hunting in the next few years. Elk and antelope tags ..
  4. Explorer


    It is considered the same as a crossbow. So champ. Muzzy. Crossbow permit. Rifle season. HAM. I have only ever even seen one or two people with even crossbows so I am not concerned. Legally my doctor could write me a note from my shoulder surgery and I could get a permit. But I can ethically still draw my bow at 70lbs... Its not just airbows. You can hunt with high caliber air rifles shooting slugs now.
  5. Explorer


    Pneumatic weapons ARE legal to use for big game. Airbows are legal.....
  6. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    Lots of old westerns filmed in sedona. There are some free apps that stream nothing but old classic westerns.
  7. Explorer


    If you could put exception on everything claimed as once in a lifetime. Snowflakes all have once in a life time shapes.
  8. Explorer


    Ever look at the total sheep population in az compared to tags issued and prime sheep hunting blocked.. for many sentences worth of reasons. And the burros and the mountain lion hunting restrictions. Military.. hippies.. grand canyon. Sheep hunters know what game they play.
  9. Explorer


    Better go get some french trail cameras and whaaamburgers!!
  10. Explorer


    Take my picture where I can drive to and I'll stab your trail camera in the face with a soldering iron!
  11. Explorer

    G&F actions today "disenfranchised" many

    They should auction off the leftover tags..😁😁
  12. Explorer

    Results are up

    Late archery bull tag in 8.
  13. Explorer

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    Archery bull in november.
  14. Explorer


    Ranchers dont own the road or the property the tank is on. They own the investment.. Such as they can build something and you can get in trouble if you vandalize it. But they dont own a dang thing besided the physical material used to build. Not the property itself. If they did OWN it they could sell it for christs sake. I dare any rancher to tell me im on his property when im on public land lol.
  15. Explorer

    Tick Tock

    See what covid and legal weed has done to employees these days. Worthless unproductive no Credit card charging.....
  16. Explorer

    Dental Work

    I should have been a dentist. All those billboards with 2 guys and 25 women!
  17. Explorer

    Trail cam update

    Exhausting snowflake data /drama since i logged out a year ago. I get watched on camera from my door step to the gas station to Wal-Mart.. get the drift. Take my picture at a awesome little honey hole secret spring and that is acceptable. Tracking me on every drive up to water source and I feel intruded upon indeed!!
  18. Explorer

    Assault weapon ban

    Its hard for business owners and big money guys, but I am seriously considering filing exempt on my taxes till the next election. Keep a percentage saved for when I pay after 4 years. Hopefully into a regime that has better use of the money they steal from me.
  19. Explorer

    Tick Tock

    Im getting drawn. Just waiting on what unit. And hoping archery equipment is still legal by then.
  20. Explorer

    A Father’s Last Gift

    Thats is a wonderful story, thank you. I remember my dad going downhill from cancer and wishing we could get that last elk tag. Lots of good memories.
  21. Explorer

    Trail cam update

    Coyote hunting has sucked. Trail cam sniping sounds like a new fun sport.
  22. HB 2889 passed the AZ house 51-1. Rep. Pamela Powers Austin was the only disgusting person who voted against it. On to the senate!!!
  23. Explorer

    Enough moisture?

    See them eating alot of cactus fruit every year in the 19 units. The antelope that is
  24. Explorer

    Something good happened last week

    Maybe Biden will miss interpret it and think he cant come to AZ anymore..
  25. Explorer

    Sheds? To Early?

    Im gonna save all my sheds. China can go impotent or pay me alot more from now on.