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Everything posted by Explorer

  1. Explorer

    Cable stop alignment

    Bull Basin archery hands down.
  2. Explorer

    Bison reduction project

    Do I get Davis Bacon Wages as it is a federal funded project?
  3. Explorer

    Bison reduction project

    Shoot a bunch of bison. Let horses and donkeys roam free. Hurts my brain.
  4. Explorer

    Flag fire up by kingman

    No lightning. Was working in kingman in 80 degree weather yesterday. Watched it pop off from a small cloud to major in an hour. Scanner said they were looking for a red and white side by side seen leaving the scene.
  5. Explorer

    6.5 creedmoor raffle 1 box ammo

    I will tell you where the power lines are for that box of ammo.
  6. Explorer

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Does game and fish require wardens to have biology degrees?
  7. Explorer

    ECM Search

    Pre turbo?
  8. Explorer

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    I have been thinking about it. And all I can hope for is they issue more december rifle tags in the no december archery units. Only saying because I'm a few points behind a couple nice mule deer tags.
  9. Explorer

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Just be glad we have a seperate system unlike colorado. Those guys will legally come harass you in the name of being a tree hugging hippy who is jurisdictional in both forest and game management. Arizona is still blessed.
  10. Explorer

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Anything about tag prices increasing?
  11. Explorer

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Im not concerned with the draw. What concerns me is no place to hunt in December in my neck of the woods. And some only open for 2 weeks in January. Would rather draw a tag in an area I want to hunt when I want to hunt. Like previous posts but more bluntly put.. Thanks for moving here!! And you are welcome for all the tags.
  12. Explorer

    Updates on Outdoor Writer ???

    Oops Yaqui?
  13. Explorer

    Updates on Outdoor Writer ???

  14. Explorer


    It identifies as a nerf gun.
  15. Explorer

    Antler Staining

    My sons deer had just shed its velvet and the horns were pretty much white with a bit of blood. I used thick thick paste out of coffee and soaked them for about 2 hours. Then buried them in the garden for a day. Steel wooled some spots might work on it more. I was not happy about the discoloration from where the tag was on the horns but over all happy. I have ruined some nice antlers trying to stain them in the past.
  16. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    Funny watching John Wayne movies growing up and then finding out he was slapping his own son around in a few of them. He even played Pat Garret in young guns.
  17. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    Errol Flynn liked shafts not inserts though..
  18. Explorer


    20 round rotary mag. Pump the system with a bike pump basically. 22 caliber at 1200+fps. Legal to own if you are 18 or older.
  19. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    I saw John Waynes safari wagon at the riverside resort car museum in laughlin years ago. It was an International Travelall. With a gun turret cut in the roof.
  20. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    Yes you are correct. I was thinking of westerns and forgot the Alamo. . The shootist alway struck me weird as his character had cancer in the movie and he was actually dying of cancer in real life.
  21. Explorer

    THE LIE Significant threat to public safety!

    Ever seen a game and fish officer with a dirty uniform? Or maybe more rules and regulations equals needing more employees and raising the prices all while maintaining upper level high pay scales and bonuses.corporate game and fish.
  22. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    The bar in down town Williams has a single dollar bill above it. It says "I killed John Wayne" signed "Bruce Dern". To me thats what makes the Cowboys so good in a way. Its the one he dies in.
  23. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    Jack London was a great western author of mine until I read his autobiography. He helped start the socialist movement in America then denounced it after he became a capitalist from his writings .
  24. Explorer

    Favorite Westerns

    Interesting. Should have known. His son got throat cancer from eating....
  25. Explorer


    My brother has a 25 caliber that is impressive. They aslo make full auto ones..