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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    Last day buck for 2015

    Good job
  2. Zeke-BE

    Grey Fox

    That's a really cool pic
  3. Zeke-BE

    I must have this

    Ha ha ha ha
  4. Zeke-BE

    My great buck, great blessing!

    What a sweet buck
  5. Zeke-BE

    Green Chili Recipe

    Ahhh my stomach is growling
  6. Zeke-BE

    Never gave up!

    Great job
  7. Zeke-BE


  8. Zeke-BE

    being optimistic, I have a few questions

    I didn't know you have to bring the sex organ with you. I know Wyoming says that
  9. Zeke-BE


    Good job Josh! I'll see you at church today!
  10. Zeke-BE

    Need to Wine a little

    Why is this a volunteer thing? There is such a demand for it. Let's find a way for these guys to make a little money. I'm willing to pay to get the class I want, the place I want, and the timing I want. And I sure most people would pay that for the same thing. Just a thought
  11. Zeke-BE

    Desert Mule Deer

    Nice spread
  12. Zeke-BE

    Need to Wine a little

    I've been checking on line every other day for 6 months. I guess I'm going to need to drive 3 hours somewhere just to do it. I agree with you class in Mesa and phx are booked up the day of. Doesn't do much Incentive for anybody to do it online when they can't even get a feild day to complete it. I've been trying to do it so I can get my hunter ed card so I can do a wyoming hunt next year
  13. Zeke-BE

    Pretty Awesome First 13 Months of Hunting!

    Uhhhhhhhhh there is a bit of jealousy anger because he had such a better hunting career than I and way younger then I was able. At the same time i'm extremely excited for him! But hey I want my kids to have the same experience at that age as well congrats! . What a year!
  14. Zeke-BE

    Highs and Lows….. Sarah's Bull

    Awesome story and nice bull
  15. Zeke-BE

    How big is this buck?

    If it's bigger than my last one it's a monster to me!! Shoot!
  16. Zeke-BE

    My coolest find to date

  17. Zeke-BE

    That's a big bear

    Now that picture is legit! Notice how smart people stand right behind, right to the side of it, and I this case on a ladder! Not standing 10 feet behind it to make it look bigger!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Zeke-BE

    Epic First Hunt!

    Holy crap he's a toad
  19. Zeke-BE

    Archery 4x4

  20. Ha ha that's awesome! Putting a stalk on a goose! Sweet nice job
  21. Zeke-BE

    best 223 bulk ammo

    If you want to shoot and just plink I like PMC brass . Stay away from steel casing. Even if you gun does great with them it's a matter of when it jams. One jammed in my colt 6940 which is supposed to feed them pretty good and I had to us a cleaning rod and hammer and knock it out.