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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    2016 Antelope

    Congrats on your hunt
  2. Zeke-BE

    20 years!!!!!!!

    This is so sad and depressing people have to wait that long. Please tell me you guys go out of state and hunt elk to pass the time???
  3. Zeke-BE

    260 Rem or 6.5 creedmoore???

    To clarify my last post I haven't started to build on it so I don't have any
  4. Zeke-BE

    260 Rem or 6.5 creedmoore???

    I have neither rifles. But I want to build a light weight couse mid range gun. I decided the creedmoor. After much investigation I chose creedmoor. In the end you won't go wrong with either they are so close. And to add fuel to the fire but I also called phoenix custom rifle about a muzzle brake and he just seemed annoyed with me. I was just thinking maybe he was having a bad day but maybe that is his personality
  5. .243 for me. Just build a load development for deer and use it on yotes. Then it's ready for deer if you need it. Since it's set up for deer your bullet will be heavier for those long range yote shots if need be.
  6. Zeke-BE

    2016 Pronghorn tags..........

    Wow!!!! Best of luck
  7. Zeke-BE

    Building My Reloading Bench

    I attached mine and notice very quickly that 3/4 is not enough. I just put this on and haven't tried it yet but seems solid.
  8. Zeke-BE

    Anyone with Disneyland ticket hook ups

    Well worth it! Our family loves the place!! I have 4 kids and every kid has been to Disneyland before age 1 ( not on purpose) it just ended up happening that way. My oldes daughter age 7 loves Disneyland, loves the beach, loves camping, and 10 min ago she asked if she can see her pink 22 rifle again. She says she wants to shot a "coyote in the stomach" I had to explain what vitals were. Good luck with the trip. Spring break is busy! If you want to go with no one there, go in he beginning of January. 5 min rides all day.
  9. Zeke-BE

    Wyoming hunter safe card

    I know in wyoming you need hunter safty card. I'm one of those people who grew up and hunted my whole life and never took the class. Big mistake and missed out points. Been trying to find a feild day for over a year. Every time I check any class within an hour away is always filled. And if I miss one day looking on line it seems like that's when they start a new class and then it's filled. My problem is I'm starting to get worried on time. Deadline for wyoming antelope is end of May. Can I still get drawn and still take the feild day afterward, as long it is before my hunt?? Are there other options that wyoming except that? ( obviously recognize my by Wyoming but not by Arizona). When push comes to shove I'll go make a weekend out of it somewhere out of town if I have to
  10. Zeke-BE

    Kaibab buck back from Authentic Taxidermy Thanks Troy Smith

    Good looking buck!
  11. Zeke-BE

    The Ewe-air-eze

    Wow just wow!
  12. Zeke-BE

    Coues dinner tonight

    I just had dinner and now I'm hungry again
  13. I guess I'm not very familiar with the supplemental. Is this different then the hunters after course? And I'm wanting to get the hunter safety course so I can get the extra bonus point. Will there be more hunter field day courses?
  14. Zeke-BE

    Wyoming 2016/2017

    So if you do a special and you get your second choice unit do they still charge you the special cost or is that only on your first choice?
  15. Zeke-BE

    A good Sign

    Nice. First time I've seen a sign for pigs
  16. Zeke-BE

    Last day Javelina

    Congrats! 20 pigs! Did you keep chasing the same herd or are all these in different places ?
  17. Zeke-BE

    Wyoming 2016/2017

    How much with 2 points?
  18. Zeke-BE

    Start to a busy spring!-Update-Osceola Down.

    I like e Aoudad on the wall
  19. Zeke-BE

    Opening Day Success

    Nice work
  20. Zeke-BE

    Wyoming 2016/2017

    I'm planning on putting in for 32 with my brother from Chicago. I wanted to be close to Casper so I have a place to stay. Might be a little harder to find public land then 59 though. Is 59 a shoe in if you do a special draw