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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    San Carlos double

    Well done!! Awesome to get the kids in there!
  2. Zeke-BE

    Truck tire load ratings

    It was at discount
  3. Zeke-BE

    Saw your camera

    I just dance in front of them! YOU will be blessed
  4. Zeke-BE

    Idaho Antelope

    Congrats they are very tasty! Top of my list
  5. Zeke-BE

    Truck tire load ratings

    Problem is that i picked them up probably 4 months ago. They are rated for a 3/4 truck but im almost peaked with the rating. So i guess in their defense they sold me something that can be used. And me not being informed enough about tires didn't asked about E walls. I don't know how i feel about asking a refund on a 4 month old tire. Ill go try and ask if they do a trade in value. Maybe sell it back for a lower cost, or I might have to say this one was a dumb stupid tax on myself and lesson learn and try to sell it on craiglist. Unless anyone is looking for a LT315 / 70 / 17". Ill even consider selling the rims with it too. Tires in great shape. Ill get back and what the tire company says. 100 dollars for a tire and 50 for a rim. So either 400 for the tires or 600 for everything
  6. Zeke-BE

    How do I post pics?

    For what ever reason I used to do it off my I pad and now when I hit choose file a vertical blue bar appears and i cant access my photos. Im stumped! So now i got to do it the long way. Email my self with the pictures and post it on the computer.
  7. Zeke-BE

    Goat DOWN!!

    great story well done
  8. Zeke-BE

    April - June trail cam pictures

    Lots of animals nice
  9. Zeke-BE

    36B Plan/Decision

    What Str8shot said. 36B take the map that has hills and mountains and pick a spot. There will be deer! If you find heavy used trails in the rough terrain stay away. The bad guys are in the rough stuff and on top of mountains. I always 4x4 in and hike hunt from the road and a mile or 2 in. I've seen some decent bucks. If your alone just camp a 50-100 yards from another hunting party. Stay with the groups. Does it really mean anything? No but by myself I like to know that there are people around. In my own group I dont care. You will see border patrol and Ive been hunting in 36B for almost 8 years and never seen illegals yet (in the desert). Everyone of them out there do not want any trouble or attention. They just want to get into the US and not get kicked home. But by yourself bring a hand gun too!
  10. Zeke-BE

    Anyone been watching the Olympics?

    When the Olympics are on its the only time the TV is on 24/7. Even if we aren't watching it. It only comes every 4 years
  11. Zeke-BE

    water softener...

    Reverse Osmosis for taste. Softener for everything else. Make sure your house is looped because you don't want to use your hose Bibb to water your plants with salt water. If it's not your going to need re route some plumbing
  12. Zeke-BE

    Pollitical Correctness and Thin Skin

    There is a state! It's called California
  13. Zeke-BE

    hope for this year

    Good luck
  14. Zeke-BE

    water softener...

    Whole house filters might help with taste but it will never get rid of Hard water or calcium. No matter what anybody says you still need a softener to get rid of calcium or hard water
  15. Zeke-BE

    Let's hear it vehicle options for momma ?

    That's how it's done mulepackhunter!!!!!! FAT CASH!!! That's what I do! Save you thousands and thousands of dollars in interest! Plus I don't like having payment. Also doing buy brand new. If you want to buy a 5-10k miles used. You will still save thousands!
  16. Zeke-BE

    Any of you guys in insurance sales?

    One thing about sales its people people people people and more people. Your business is talking and selling them on your product. I don't want to knock you down, but if your leaving your business because of employees ( having to deal with employees) your not going to like trying to convince someone of your product everyday person after person. Unless it's a company that supplies you with clients that are looking for your product. That's lot better doing that instead of going and trying to sell cold! But cold sales guys get beat up everyday from people comments but they do make lot more money. Best of luck. Keep pursuing a dreams!
  17. Zeke-BE

    Is it rude to ask when she is due?

    Man you will feel embarrassed once you find out she already had it and that's just baby fat!
  18. Zeke-BE

    Tell me about Girl hunters

    I've only met 1 woman who goes out and takes the bull by the horns! I don't even know her name. I think it was at a Home Depo and she had a Browning symbol tattoo on her arm, maybe forearm. But she goes out with a group and I think she says it was women in this group and they are hard core. She talked about how she hunted from the beginning of the hunt to the end of the hunt in 24B and got tag soup. She expressed herself as being pissed off she worked that hard because she usually gets a deer. The way she talked about hunting I think she was lot more hard core then me and many other guys on the Forum. Plus there is another girl that works at Sportsman in Mesa and she has dreadlocks (she still looks like all girl) and she looks like she takes the outdoors or hunting pretty serious. Other than that most of the women I know just tag along. I took my wife on a archery hunt with me and that was the last!!!!!! But my 7 year daughter is showing alot of intrest and in her own words " I want to shoot a coyote in the stomach" why the stomach i don't know
  19. Zeke-BE

    Tell me about Girl hunters

  20. Zeke-BE

    late archery strategies

    Man these are some really good tips
  21. Zeke-BE

    Property owners information

    PM sent
  22. Zeke-BE

    Property owners information

    Does anybody have a way to find out a property owners information? I need to make a call to see if they will let me on. Or maybe someone has a HUNT xMap App and i can PM you the coordinates. I don't ever ask for permission because I never hunt on private property. But this spot has caught my eye
  23. Zeke-BE

    Property owners information

    Pinal county
  24. Zeke-BE

    archery elk this weekend

    We want a story elk or no elk