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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    Long range scopes

    My vote is for the Athlon Ares BTR 4.5-27x 50 you can get on line or from Douglas gun guy on the site. On line price is 850 dollars and has better glass then PST. My brother has the lower end Athlon and the glass almost matches the PST It BTR also has zero stop. Sightron III is also a great scope. Really great glass but no zero scope and doesn't have the broad xpower range like the Athlon Ares BTR does
  2. Zeke-BE

    Anyone near Forest Lakes?

    This is the time of the year to go!!!!! Mornings are nice and by noon it starts raining keeps the dust down and the bugs away, you can have fires, and it gets cold!!!! Who wants to go camping with tons of bugs, dust, and 90 degree weather?? Love the monsoons !!!
  3. Zeke-BE

    August Plan A - Pic Heavy

    What a spot!!!!! Now thats a honey hole!!
  4. Zeke-BE

    Newbie Rifle Choices

    Tikka baby!!!! Light weight and always shoots sub MOA. .270, 260 comes in their standard rifle.
  5. Zeke-BE

    Rabid Bobcat Attack

    I posted this on another page but exactly ^^^^^
  6. Zeke-BE

    "BOOM' 2 Big game tags 1 camp

    He caught it with his hands in Anthem. It had rabies too!!! That guy in Anthem was so dumb!!! I wouldn't be pulling it off I would be stomping its head in!!! Its got your dog and if you try to pull it off its going to bite you like it did!!!!
  7. Zeke-BE

    Berger bullets on Coues...

    Meat is tasty just lot more deer fat and small muscle in the shoulder. Don't care for deer fat to gamy
  8. Zeke-BE

    "BOOM' 2 Big game tags 1 camp

    Had that one last year awesome hunt!! I swear those trees are common by the border :)
  9. Zeke-BE

    Berger bullets on Coues...

    No one cares about front shoulder deer meat anyways, that ends up jerky meat for me. The loins and rump meat is where its at
  10. Zeke-BE

    Berger bullets on Coues...

    I think more handloaders and target shooters use Bergers than Hornady or Nosler combined (just from what Ive seen). So more info about bergers that are out there. That being said I also had a friend who shoots a 30-378 210 HVLD and had it cooking fast. Nailed an elk at 700 yards and dropped it in its spot. Oddly it got back up after good placement (from what the spotter said) and we tracked it over a mile and never found him. The following year a family member uses his rifle and shoots lot closer and killed it but it penciled through. He stopped shooting them after that day. I have found more pencil through shots through the internet and you tube about bergers. But there are alot more success about this round then these other shootings. Hornday Amax I have never seen a bad report (as of yet on my behalf) but the ELD-m are the Amaxs with new tips and there are some really good (real kill reviews) about the ELD-x. Im shooting the ELD-x and its working ok. But I will not hesitate to shoot the ELD-m at all. I have my 300 win mag 0.222 MOA on the 208 ELDm. But for Bergers I just think there are so many of them out there you just happen to see more results, you know Law of Large numbers, but enough it has me concern, but not enough to not use them.
  11. Zeke-BE


    Since Im a plumber I just set my torch up and leave it on full blast, hold the base of the brass with a light glove, and since I have mapp gas it burns lot hotter. So I twist it real quick for about 3 to 3-1/2 seconds at the shoulder and bam!!! Done! I can do a lot in a short amount of time. (by the way I use a torch on high heat on copper and brass all the time for work. I know when metals start to change so you might have to do a couple of practice rounds) I did this very quick!
  12. Zeke-BE

    Custom rifle?

    5 MOA groups at 100 yards. I saw this and said to myself what are you talking about Lee!!! .5 MOA is awesome!!!!! OHhhhh 5.0 MOA ha ha ha
  13. Not sure if this is a common practice, but I went ahead and took my widest spread of variation of my load development to test it out. Just in case you slipped up or put the wrong brass weight in the wrong pile and see what it does to your most common grouping. So here is the widest spread I have after I weighed everything. 1--shot--ELDx 143.4 g-----H1000 60.6 g------Brass 178.2 2nd--shot--ELDx 142.9------H1000 60.5-----Brass 177.3 (this will be 80% of my loads) 3rd--shot-- ELDx 142.2----H1000 60.2-----Brass 176.6 200 yards little under 1.8 inch. Most of my shots are usually .8"- 1.5" at 200 yards. So even with this variations Im still getting sub MOA My node for this load is a pretty good spread. Velocity from 60-60.8 grains is roughly 15fps variations. My OAL will show up a little more, but brass weight and bullet weight with powder is does pretty good.
  14. Zeke-BE

    7mm-08 vs 6.5 creedmoor

    Cept that he owned that kid Casey 99% of the time. Cept I'm still here sooo........ Ha ha ha ha ----BUMB SUCKER!!!!
  15. Zeke-BE

    7mm-08 vs 6.5 creedmoor

    Casey couldn't leave the old man alone you cyber bully :)
  16. Zeke-BE

    Quick VERY amateur Trail Cam video

    looks good
  17. Zeke-BE

    7mm-08 vs 6.5 creedmoor

    I miss that guy!!!!! Funniest story there was in CWT for the reason he left!!!
  18. Zeke-BE

    Halibut, salmon, and rock bass fishing

    Awesome!!! Was in Seward in May, Beautiful!!!
  19. Zeke-BE

    SPF, Thanks to everyone who showed intrest.

    Clint (Stomp442) from safford. If neffs his last name then yes
  20. Zeke-BE

    SPF, Thanks to everyone who showed intrest.

    That looks sweet!! I love Tikka's! Smooth as butter Here's mine! 6.5-270 AI Fire form is about the same I used 57 grains W760 and was consistent with 1/2 and 3/4" groups Shoots now 143 ELD-x H 1000 60.5g 3,105 fps with a 0.465 MOA Bump for an awesome rifle that your selling
  21. Zeke-BE

    Lightweight Build

    For the 6.5 caliber right??? I haven't seen that from berger before! Whats the BC on the box?
  22. Zeke-BE

    7mm-08 vs 6.5 creedmoor

    If you don't handoad not a lot of options of heavy bullets for the 7mm-08, most common is the 140s and BC is usually .10 BC less than the 6.5 unless you start hand loading 160 grains you will be right there
  23. Zeke-BE

    7mm-08 vs 6.5 creedmoor

    ^^^^ What 300RUM said!