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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    Sig Sauer scopes

    China can meet high spec requirements.
  2. Zeke-BE

    Lead Sled DFT or DFT2

    Mine was torqued to spec and came loose. If the rifle doesn't move that energy will go somewhere
  3. Zeke-BE

    *Updated 9/5* Bear Skull Cleaning Finished!!!

    Nothing is cooler then seeing youth think outside the box and find ways to get into a market place and make money!!! Good for you guys and especially your son!! Keep the report coming because I haven't mastered the skull cleaning to a T yet.
  4. Zeke-BE

    Hunting beards

    I started growing a beard a year and half ago. Now my wife won't let shave it!!!! She says it makes me look like a Man's Man!!! I just think it hides my ugly mug and shes happy about that. But there are a couple rules! You need to know how to gut an animal, and back up a trailer. If you can't do any ones of those Shave your Beard!!! Ha ha
  5. Zeke-BE

    New to site, new to Coues

    Lots of good coues populations from Phx area all the way down to the border. If you hunt down by the border (don't let illegal immigration bother you, I hunt down there all the time) you see a lot of country that looks similar to central California with rolling hills and oaks. If your planning on a hunt I would at least look into javalina application for the January archery tag (same time as your archery OTC. Wouldn't be so bad if your back in your unit and find a herd of pigs.
  6. Zeke-BE

    Lead Sled DFT or DFT2

    ^^^^^^ Yeah I had my 300 win mag knock off my scope in a sled
  7. Zeke-BE

    Lead Sled DFT or DFT2

    I went down this road once trying to find my groupings and all the big time shooters on here don't agree with them. Main reason you change the harmonics when you shoot and bullets will end up at different groups. You are more likely to be shooting off a bag, limb, or your bipod in real life. Just practice with a bipod and a good butt rest. You will gain better habits in shooting and really see what your rifle does in real life situations. Besides if your sled groups 1/2 MOA and you group 1 MOA in reality you really cant depend on a 1/2 grouping out to 500 yards (2-1/2" group) you are really getting (5 inch group). That being said if you have a big ole gun with no brake and you need to get your rounds on paper to sight it in I totally get that. Or even see what rounds group better, then go back out and see what they do with you shooting it.
  8. Zeke-BE

    A few pics

    Honey hole!!! No other cams right??
  9. Zeke-BE

    NM Antelope

    Well done!!
  10. Zeke-BE

    Stolen custom rifle

    That sucks!!!! I wont even load my truck with hunting gear the night before I leave . I just leave it in my garage until the time I leave
  11. My grandpa has killed many many elk in his life with a .270!!! More knock down than most 6.5 for the standard shots. Also I was shooting .270s and 30-06 when I was 11, so your 13 year will be just fine. Lots of rounds and rifles to pick from. Probably the most economical rifle you can get. That being said if I could do it all over again the .280 would be the choice. Lot better ballistics then the .270 and more reloading options. But to buy a gun and not worry about large recoil, plenty of ammo, enough knock down power, no need for reloading, is the .270
  12. Zeke-BE

    Coues Scouting

    There will be plenty of deer close to the roads. But probably a better quality hunt farther in away from people who are thinking the same thing you are
  13. Zeke-BE

    Who's headed out this weekend

    Those are bigens
  14. You were a 32 waist and you lost weight???????? Your going to blow away in the wind my friend!!
  15. Zeke-BE

    AZGF Restrict Use of Trail Cameras

    Its been done!!!
  16. You going to have fun!!! Once you start shooting long range your 200 yard shot will feel like a hip shot and 400-500 yards will feel like a 300 yard shot
  17. I really liked that buck
  18. Zeke-BE

    Casa Grande Range

    How large is the plate?? If you don't know just measure it with your MOA marks if you have 1FP scope and do the calculation.
  19. Zeke-BE

    First lite fit

    Pants work good for me. Its their jackets that got me upset. Ordered an XL, and its large and feels great. Until I bring my arms forward and down. It bunches up my shirts into my arm pit and has a pinching feeling. Im going to be looking into the first lite jackets
  20. Zeke-BE

    Excited for my son's first big game hunt

    Awesome job!! Take him out there when the wind starts blowing around. He will appreciate and respect the gun even more when he sees the wind kicking his bullet around. On a elk I don't think he will miss his mark but he can understand with a 10 mph wind at 450 yards his bullet will move 13 inches. Best of luck and go hunt and report back to us, we love youth hunts!!!
  21. Zeke-BE

    2017 HR Bull

  22. Zeke-BE

    Camo KUIU layering

    I had to send back the Guide DCS Jacket. Fit perfect all around but when you pull your arms forward it starts pinching clothing into my armpit. Got very annoying and this was an Extra Large. Anyone else have that problem. The attack pants are sweet in brown and the Ultra Tib Zip T. I was looking in to the sitka jackets (no arm pit pinching) but hate the Idea spending 120 dollars more for a jacket then a Kuiu. Since I got the attack pants in brown it will match with anything. What do you guys think of First Lite?
  23. Zeke-BE

    Casa Grande Range

    Just go Adam and report