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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    Another Guess the Score

    Without a dought he's a shooter
  2. Pushing a 160g .284 out of an AI at that speed and accuracy thats some good work That is not even that fast for this rifle. My hunting load is a 175 Berger Elite Hunter @ 2975fps. Again, a hot load, but ridiculously accurate too. Wow really!! That is a sweet rig
  3. Last time I was there picking up my rifle he was already there shooting the breeze and he was still there when I left!!! He will find any reason to go talk guns
  4. Pushing a 160g .284 out of an AI at that speed and accuracy thats some good work
  5. Freaking awesome-------------------Go back at 6:13 while they are talking look above them and you see like 3 deer running on the hill behind them ha ha
  6. Zeke-BE

    One Caliber in Arizona

    If only one to hunt, carry, shoot multiple rounds, practice on, recoil, BC, and a all around round to take deer to elk down no prob will be the 280AI. I don't have one but that round is right smack in the middle of all the hunting rounds
  7. Zeke-BE

    Alaska fishing

    Depends on the fishermen. By law you have to take a certain size which isn't to small but not big either. (I don't remember the size in inches) Then you can keep fishing catch and release until you want the size you want. Most people usually ended just being happy with with they got. But you can catch and keep all the Cod you want. But its very tiresome. Your bait is 90 feet below the sea level and reeling up 5-20 pound fish gets old and your forearm about to explode!
  8. Zeke-BE

    Alaska fishing

    If you want to keep it simple fly in Anchorage, car rental, head down to Seward about 3 hour drive. The drive is awesome!! Seward is a pretty town. Just pick an outfit to go. There are plenty of hotels and places to eat. Make sure you buy your clothing in Anchorage though. Pic of the town This was the end of May Our boat only fit about 6 fishermen on it the way I wanted. We did head out to sea while rough and I almost puked!! Once fish on I was ok. But sitting there I had to watch the horizon the whole time. Once we switched over to salmon in the calm water I was good
  9. Zeke-BE

    Unit 1 Trophy Bull

    Sell this guy to e scouters
  10. Zeke-BE

    Yamaha Rhino 660 2007

    Nice rig I got the same roll cage! Free Bump
  11. I say 6x47L!!!! Love to see how that comes out!! I enjoy you expensive addiction its fun to read about and it doesn't cost me anything
  12. Zeke-BE

    Archery Buck from last month

    Great buck! Awesome job congrats
  13. 1. Being in the out doors! Spending time with family. Becoming one with nature. 2. I like feeling the same way our ancesotros feel when they hunted. Plus I really enjoy the meat and like knowing my meat is completly organinc and not off a farm. 3. Game and Fish has done a great job to allow the environment and ecosystem to thrive for game animals because of game managment. There is very little high growth of animals and very little decline of population. --See www.-.biologycorner.com/worksheets/kaibab.html- Before 1905, the deer on the Kaibab Plateau were estimated to number about 4000. The average carrying capacity of the range was then estimated to be about 30,000 deer. On November 28th, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt created the Grand Canyon National Game Preserve to protect the "finest deer herd in America." Unfortunately, by this time the Kaibab forest area had already been overgrazed by sheep, cattle, and horses. Most of the tall grasses had been eliminated. The first step to protect the deer was to ban all hunting. In addition, in 1907, The Forest Service tried to exterminate the predators of the deer. Between 1907 and 1939, 816 mountain lions, 20 wolves, 7388 coyotes and more than 500 bobcats were killed. Signs that the deer population was out of control began to appear as early as 1920 - the range was beginning to deteriorate rapidly. The Forest Service reduced the number of livestock grazing permits. By 1923, the deer were reported to be on the verge of starvation and the range conditions were described as "deplorable." The Kaibab Deer Investigating Committee recommended that all livestock not owned by local residents be removed immediately from the range and that the number of deer be cut in half as quickly as possible. Hunting was reopened, and during the fall of 1924, 675 deer were killed by hunters. However, these deer represented only one-tenth the number of deer that had been born that spring. Over the next two winters, it is estimated that 60,000 deer starved to death. Today, the Arizona Game Commission carefully manages the Kaibab area with regulations geared to specific local needs. Hunting permits are issued to keep the deer in balance with their range. Predators are protected to help keep herds in balance with food supplies. Tragic winter losses can be checked by keeping the number of deer near the carrying capacity of the range.------ 5. Propper Views and respect usually comes into play with forest lands and animals from people who hunt. This propper view and respect is usually handed down to offspring. 6. See #4 7. See 300 Rum answer 8. Yes of course, but you can't buy vension or elk anywhere. You help out game and fish, you past down tradations to family, and you eat pure organic meat, and you provide more money to animal preserves, managment more then any other 3rd party cause 9. See #4 as an example. Proper managment will keep animal herds and poplulations from drastic decline and inclines. 10. Furs and pelts are still in demand, just like purse leather, whale blubbler. Preditor hunting is also done by Game and fish when certain areas are in gulfed with preditors to manage game. Game and fish also hopes that people will take adavantage of the open season to help out heards. 11. This is a whole other topic. Ive meet and talked with these hunters who do this. The systems they have like in Africa really does help out the game managment. Even some animal activist have suggested to keep these hunters in place because there were more animals poached when these hunter game managment left the areas. For these activist it seemed like hunters were the lesser of the 2 evils in their views. On the plus side local villiages really do benifit from the hunters and meat from trophy kills. 12. The only thing is to compare it to other systems. Think of a slaughter house. Farmers breed cattle, sheep, chickens, pigs all in the purpurse to take to a slaughter house, shot in the head or neck cut hung upside down and then we enjoy the meat we buy at the store. Trophy animals for the most part are free range in high fence areas and live lot longer then farm animals. If I had to choose I would pick to be the breeded trophy animal. (just another way to look at it) 14. Im a relgious person! God intended that animals are for man kind to use for food, shelter, clothing. With respect of the animals. Take relgioun out I still believe animals are for man kind to use. Thanks to animals man kind has thrived "just as nature inteended" 15. Even if they changed the Law that we can kill game animals such as elk only for trophy and we don't need to harvest the meat I wouldn't be a part of this in the least bit unless I can harvest the meat. (its about respect for the animal see # 5) Trophy's are bonus to hunting, not the reason! I believe 95% of the hunters out there would agree with my answer.
  14. Zeke-BE

    Degraded shooter ability

    ^^^^^^^^ I agree with this!
  15. Zeke-BE

    Motivation for 2018 Season

    Good looking buck!
  16. Zeke-BE

    Out of State Success Unit 32

    Nice job congrats
  17. Zeke-BE

    Canyon Mistress

    Nice pictures thanks for sharing
  18. Zeke-BE

    First Bobcat.

    Wow nice job!! Congrats
  19. Zeke-BE

    Day One Results

    Please let Desert Schools be late!!!!!
  20. As of to date there has been over 4,000 deaths in 2018 from drunk driving!! No one is throwing a fit!!!!! Ford and Chevy should close their business down for all the death they created by the hands of drunk drivers!!
  21. Zeke-BE

    Short Hunt

    Since when was pig hunting "challenging"???? Ive glassed up hundreds of deer and animals and as of yet I have not glassed up or seen a pig in the wild as of yet. I would be happy just to know I came across one. Im bad luck with the pig hunts
  22. Zeke-BE

    Coyote Down

    Ive had one dog do the same but the eyes were half way out.
  23. Zeke-BE

    Short Fake Hunt

    Funny story congrats
  24. Zeke-BE

    Sons First Big Game hunt

    Congrats Gavin!
  25. Zeke-BE

    Ali's pig

    Great job!! How do you like the e tips??