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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    Holdovers versus Come-Ups.

    ^^^^^This If your shooting out to 400-450 your hold over might work ok. You will have to field verify it to make sure where your bullet it hitting. Holding over farther than that (unless you practice a lot but if you do you will have zeroed scope with dials) you will end up shooting a grouping over 18-30”. That’s not ethical. Yeah it your only good with 400 Yds which is totally doable use the hold over. But once you start reaching out it becomes addicting and you want to do more.
  2. Giving out rd numbers, what part of the unit, what area, high low etc etc will drastically push anyone in one direction of a unit. Believe me areas anyone pointing to an exact area will get unwanted at attention. People google search and will come across this forum “we hunt off this ridge, road, bluff, part of the unit and have great success”. You spill the beans in a matter of a few years you start noticing more people in your area. I’ve seen it first hand. So if anyone does share please as k for DMs. I wasn’t saying your some young pup but a new guy to hunting as you already stating. I’m not saying your stealing our business. What I was getting at was the emotional feeling we hunters put so much work, boot leather, and time we just don’t give out exact location when you have not done the work yet. You know teach a man to fish and feed for a life time type thing. You will get a lot of teaching here but no free fish. FYI just so you know every year at this time people get drawn and their first post on this site is “I don’t want anyone’s honey holes but can you point me in the right direction where the Bulls “ and in a few months when Game and Fish post results for Deer we will get the same thing for deer. Every year it happens.
  3. Zeke-BE

    Help for a Youth Hunt

    Wait what??? You can’t just say you literally saw 2 planes in one year crash and not tell the story what happen!!!!!!
  4. Zeke-BE


    I’m no pro but bagged a couple of yotes. Solid education on this forum for yote hunting. Also check out YouTube on yote hunting. Lots of good advise and real word videos to watch.
  5. Hey man welcome to the site. Good luck on this hunt. I know some people came out swinging on you. But imagine you started up your own company and put endless hours into building it and years to do it. Now your successful and some new Young guy comes up and wants to partner up with you 50/50. He doesn’t put in the over time/ weekend work etc etc like you did. He just wants the cream of the crop without the work. Like here in CWT lots of guys are willing to help any young guy on how to start a business (aka hunting). Never ever come on here and first few post ask can someone tell me where the elk are at? Matter of fact even if you been on here for years you still don’t ask for that. No one will give some one 50/50 of business without the work. But lots of guys have already given you awesome advise. Maps, canyons, timing of the seasons, elk are now where they will be in Novembers, and even giving up your tag for point guard. All solid advise. You just need to get out there and drive the area. Hike the area, know the area, look at google earth, boundaries for the unit and Rez. Then come back and ask when and how do elk migrate? When does snow push them around? How skiddish are they during Nov. water holes, etc etc. You will get a lot more help. Best of luck man
  6. Zeke-BE

    Big Bo Ranch (Unit 10)

    Ha ha ha you see three trees and it must be the Bishop!! Az300whb is right. 80% of the unit looks like that pic bro
  7. Zeke-BE

    Big Bo Ranch (Unit 10)

    Drive, scout, glass, time, and effort and you will get your elk. There are no honey holes. Elk are at where you find them.
  8. Zeke-BE

    Best AZ Mule Deer Hunt

    Every year units produce great bucks. Nothing stands out as a awesome world record bucks units other Than the Bab or 3c3a which you will need points. The rest of them with lots of scouting and hard hiking, tons of glassing and the time off to do it will get you a really nice buck almost every time.
  9. Zeke-BE

    7mm-08 for Bull

    That bullet and rifle has killed lots of animals and lots of elk
  10. Zeke-BE

    Your First Big Game Rifle?

    Bought me in 2004 a Tikka .270. I remember how it was the new hot rifle new kid on the block and hasn't let down since. Since then I turned into a 6.5-270AI, and now a .280AI with the same tikka action. First hunting rifle I used was my grandpas old 30-06 springfeild rifle
  11. Zeke-BE

    Credit Card Hit

    Congrats to everyone. Look forward to seeing your hunts and stories
  12. Zeke-BE

    Credit Card Hit

    Ohhh man I have 7 points!!! Why????
  13. Zeke-BE

    Credit Card Hit

  14. Zeke-BE

    Credit Card Hit

  15. Zeke-BE

    Crazy guy at Usery

    My right as a American to disagree with him or assume its stolen valor just as much as this guy disagrees with people Trump and guns.
  16. Zeke-BE

    First year coues hunt

    Just pick one and go. You will find deer I promise. If you don't your not glassing enough
  17. Zeke-BE

    Crazy guy at Usery

    I don't really trust people like that that claim their awards so publicly. (let alone a crazy liberal) There are reports that there are more fake value then real heros. Its quite a problem today. Alot of fake SF guys and Navy Seals guy. A retired Navy seal Don Shipley spends his whole time exposing fake seals. Its been up in the 1,000s. There are currently 80 living recipients of Medal of Honor. There has been well over a 500 people who have claim they have it. From 30 years to 90 year olds. When you talk to these people you can kind of tell if they are telling the truth. And real Vets see right through them.
  18. Zeke-BE


    Brain fart! Yes they were 142smk
  19. Zeke-BE


    One .270 at 350 yards accubond DRT 2nd was 6.5-270AI 6.5 140smk 460 yards DRT 3rd was 300 win mag 208 EDL-M Big hole 320 yards DRT 4th was 6.5-270AI 400 yards 140smk he ran 50 yards bed down and then kicked over. This year will be .280AI with 160SMK at 2,980fps If I get drawn for AZ I will take the .280 as well
  20. Zeke-BE

    Teamwork and spotting/guiding a shooter in on a buck

    I use the ear piece in my radio. Its great on a stalk when the spotter says "don't move he is looking at your direction". Helps from keeping you from making any mistakes. Also when you buddy is going to do a 500 yard stalk so he can get set up on a 300 yard shot and he gets half way there just radio him in and let him know the buck is still there, or when over the mountain, around the ridge etc etc. It sucks when you got to cross a canyon and when you get up into a shooting position you have no idea or direction that buck even went.
  21. Zeke-BE

    2020 Ham- double down

  22. Zeke-BE

    Broke ankle in 16A need help

    Holy crap just read this! Glad your ok
  23. Zeke-BE

    Credit Card Hit

  24. Zeke-BE

    Credit Card Hit

    I checked nothing yet
  25. Zeke-BE

    2020 az archery mule deer

    Congrats nice buck