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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    My first coyote!

    Nature girl I thought you were going to take your bow and and stick one of those coyotes near your property? But congrats
  2. Zeke-BE


    If there are any Boy Scouts or fathers who have Boy Scouts and need a Eagle project contact the forest service and get your eagle service project and help do a clean up. I know this doesn't solve our issue but it helps those boys getting their Eagle to have a very good project and help out the Forrest.
  3. Zeke-BE

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Well you can quit hunting and go back to fishing because they don't get much better than that
  4. Zeke-BE

    Backpack Coues hunt

    That's quite the hunt!! Nice job
  5. Zeke-BE

    New to Arizona hunting. Tips?

    There is something about Arizona and the open country. Once you learn to glass and your eyes adjust to using the binos you will find a new favorite kind of hunting besides deer feeders in texas. Nothing is cooler when you pick up deer at 1000-2000 yards out. Lots of guys will spot them out at a mile plus. The excitement starts and you plan the stalk. The country here is very cool and unique. An awesome drive is going north on the 191 to Alpine or take the 10 into phx and head north to either Payson or Flagstaff. You will see a huge elevation change from low desert, to high desert, to junipers and cedars, to large grassy areas and then up to the pines. Enjoy arizona
  6. Zeke-BE

    Coyote in my yard

    Just claim it was coming right toward you and you had to take the shot; with your bow; with the caller around your neck; and the spoil meat that got accidentally left out.
  7. Zeke-BE

    Opinions wanted on Heavy duty trucks

    Diesel trucks have come a long way in just 8 years. I'm a ford guy and have a bulletproof 6.0. With them bulletproof you don't have oil cooler problems, EGR problems, or head studs. It work the way it was supposed to. I pulled a 12k lbs trailer with the old tank engine 7.3. Now with the the 6.0 I've notice it's lot smoother and pulls faster up hill with the 12k trailer. I was doing 60- to 55 mph up those big hills from flagstaff to phx and guess what those ford 6.7 pulling bigger trailers blew by me like I was standing still. So my point the Big 3 today's trucks will dance all round my 6.0. Pick one that you like and feel. But I must say I love the ford 6.7. Google it and there was a 2014 diesel shoot out. Ford over all own but there are pros and cons to all of them. Good luck
  8. Zeke-BE

    137 5/8" giant

    It's a beauty
  9. Zeke-BE

    2014 "Brother Buck" (long post and picture heavy)

    Congrats thanks for the story !!
  10. Zeke-BE

    Early deer oct hunts

    Wow!! Diehards! There's usually 3 areas these type of people do for work in life. Navy Seal, Army SF Delta Fource, or a rancher from Alpine Arizona. I've seen these ranchers at the Bear Wallow all pissed off looking and looks like they can break you in half. Us normal hunters can't compete with those so ill still whine here and there
  11. Zeke-BE

    Early deer oct hunts

    I can't remember when maybe around 2005 I had a December hunt whitetail in 36B. We got there and we had a high pressure swing in the day before. It was around 95 degrees in December opening morning. December!!!!!!! The next day southern arizona had a hi wind advisory. It was wind blowing 20-40 mph. We still got out and hope to find some calm pockets. I got to the top of the mountain and all of Mexico wind was bashing on that ridge. With the wind compressing up against the mountain the top side was shooting wind around 50-60 mph. I could barley stand. Well we gave up that day and I remember the tent bubbly down on our faces in the middle of the night. Did it get better?? We woke up to calm cool RAINY weather. We still wanted to hunt so we went out and beat the bush and scared out a few does. The next morning we woke up to snow!! What the!! Snow is a better sign but I was done mentally with this hunt. So we glassed all morning through fog and some open areas and then called it quits. That was the most bizarre hunt I have ever been on.
  12. Zeke-BE

    Early deer oct hunts

    You know besides the bugs, this is the main reason I opt out of the first more successful hunts because do the heat. I work in the heat all the time but for some reason hunting in it just drives me crazy. Maybe it's a psychological thing you think hunting should be cold but it's hot. I don't know. But I'm hoping for my November 14 hunt it should be 10 to 15 degrees cooler than what it was this last Saturday
  13. Zeke-BE

    Border Stories

    Also some of the best hunting areas and 36 B that I would like to hike into and get away from the roads have the heaviest human traffic trails I have ever seen. And this isn't some type of hiking trails that's posted these are made by illegals. No roads and I bet there's some big bucks but I haven't pushed myself to go back in there yet. I like knowing that I can glass up a truck about a mile away at least somebody's nearby. Just be safe
  14. Zeke-BE

    Border Stories

    All of my deer hunts have been in 36 a and mainly b. The only times i saw illegals was 3 of them were being escorted in the back of a BP truck, and off Arivaca road she looked like she was giving up because a BP truck was right in front of me and pulled over and she just walked up to them. Then about 1 am we were at the base of the mountain sleeping when a Blackbird was shining its spot light on the topmofmthe mountain. It Hovered there for almost 40 minutes. My guess it dropped some agents off and bagged some illegals. While I'm waiting for the chopper to leave and now that I'm a wake got out to take a leak and the chopper briskly spotted me! Don't know if the light just accidentally rolled of me while I was taking a leak or he did it on purpose. Anyways all these people don't want to be caught. I don't think they want to break into your car or camps and bring attention to themselves. Doesn't mean it hasn't happen though.
  15. Zeke-BE

    3a/3c roll call

    Congrats! You know I never eatin mule deer only white tail. Is there a difference?
  16. Zeke-BE

    Mule Deer Hunt Success

    Well done
  17. Zeke-BE

    If you Could Have Just One...

    .270 for the all around hands down. But since you have moose on there and if you ever shoot at a black bear across the canyon I'll stick with the 300 win mag. Just my opinion which doesn't mean much because a lot of people already posted different ideas. Then again that's what makes this fun!!!!! But you want to know a secret? Do you want lots of fun? . Having more than 1 rifle!!!! Good luck
  18. Yes your friend Ryan Hardy showed me this picture today on his phone on the job site. My jaw dropped. Good job
  19. Zeke-BE

    Opening day success

  20. Zeke-BE

    Opening morning success!

    Good lookin buck
  21. Zeke-BE

    Trigger pull for hunting rifle

    I would never carry hot! My brother had a .243 wssm with a 2lb trigger. Chambered one and set it on his lap while calling yotes, but being a safe hunter he made sure the barrel was pointed on the opposite side of his hunting buddy and while just sitting there it went off. Don't know if it was the trigger or something else happen. Have fun, shoot strait, and be safe!!! Good Luck