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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE

    Archery Yote!!! (VIDEO)

    Awesome stick
  2. Zeke-BE

    Texas Hog Hunts

    Big brown yeah I saw them. They are there. I was thinking about shooting one of those when we couldn't find those pigs at first. With a rifle no problem. Depending where they are at, if they are in the rocks it's real rugged. But they like to hang out in more of the flat pinons. So a bow would be fun. If you go on google earth follow the 93 till you hit the 40 . Head east until you find fort rock road. The big gap In between the freeway west of Fort Rock rd is his property and south of the 40. His house and the hunters cabin is north of this property. The kids should love it. Have fun. If you go up there tell him I'm the one with 700 lb russian. He kept telling me he wanted to put those pictures on his web site. He took plenty of pics but never once put my ugly mug on his site. Ha ha that was kind of a let down
  3. Zeke-BE

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    This sounds awesome. Cant wait to see the results. From what I've read from Lance in the past and some of the stuff he has helped me out on, this round is the best way to describe him. Knows his stuff, and doesn't follow the crowd, and wants to be unique from the rest of the shooters. Enjoy, show pics of the gun ASAP
  4. Zeke-BE

    Texas Hog Hunts

    BIg Brown overall I thought it was fine. At first I thought would be a grand slam one evening and I would be out of there. We hunted hard the first evening, and the next morning we hunted hard and we didn't see anything. I was looking for a smaller 300 lb Russian pig to shoot because they were cheaper, but the only guy that presented its self was this almost 700lber Russian. I told myself oh well, I hunted hard and it will look cool in the pictures. 100 yard shot I think my scope was off because I shot real low and wounded it. We looked for a couple of hours and couldn't find it. The owner said he has never lost an animal. While looking for this pig wounded, of course the we glass up and come across like 5 other Russian pigs go figure right!!!! Well I went home empty handed all bummed out. The next morning while at church he calls me up and said it was alive and bedded down. So I drove up there right away and he got me onto it about 40 yards shot right into the vitals, layed over and got back up and did a short charge at us, the guide yelling at me Shoot Again, Shoot Again. Popped another one into it, turned side ways and he said Shoot Again! So I shot the 3rd time and went down and started kicking. Well it already charged once (charge that didn't seem like I was in danger though) so I shot one more into it. We discovered my very first shot was right on the belly fat and knocked off some fat and that was it. So it was a fun hunt and a fun story to tell. Its one of those hunts you do on the off season and don't entirely feel like its a free range hunt because its not. But awesome for those 1-1/2 day hunts and great for the kids to hunt and bag something. I would do it again and I might do it this late spring, but this time with a bow. The meat is pretty good! I would like to take one of those rams with a bow just to say I did!
  5. Zeke-BE

    Texas Hog Hunts

    I got is guy on that ranch 2 summers ago just to say I did. It took 4 rounds of .270 to bring it down
  6. Zeke-BE

    ** Merry Christmas yes CHRISTmas

    The gift is Christ! But out of respect for other Religions if any one said Happy Hanukkah to Me I would gladly say it back to them! Or any other belief they had.
  7. Zeke-BE

    Limbsaver Airtech Recoil Pad

    My brother and I both have a tikka .270 and I have the limb saver on mine. After a morning of shooting long range I wanted to shoot his round and check out his scope. He didn't have the limbsaver and there was a big difference.
  8. Zeke-BE

    Pheasant hunt

    Yes it was Kevin. On his website there are pictures of a guy with the cousewhitetail.com sticker on his truck. Would that be you??
  9. It's been 10 years since my old man has hunted game bird ( usually quail). So I took him to this preserve pheasant outfitter and shot some birds! It was fun I never used dogs before only use to walking around for quail. It was easy walking for my dad. It was fun to see him get excited to go on this hunt. He called me 3 times talking about his ammo he bought, the vest he ordered, when he got his new vest. He was acting like a little kid. It was fun to see that side again.
  10. Zeke-BE

    Wife Tags Her '14 Coues

    Awesome! Now if I only to get my wife to go.
  11. Zeke-BE

    Pheasant hunt

    Yes there are 2 outfitters here in the Phx valley area. Well more south! There is 1 in Coolidge and this 1 was in Maricopa. You can google it and find them. Great way to train your dog without them getting stuck with thorns. Of course this wasn't no North Dakota hunt but it was still fun. They also have chulkers. He said most people like the chulkers because they are lot quicker then pheasant, and apparently they taste better.
  12. Zeke-BE

    Pheasant hunt

    How did you do that??????
  13. Zeke-BE

    NM 232" buck

  14. Zeke-BE

    7mm or .308?

    What I notice the difference of the 2 is factory ammo. You can almost get the same speed and energy with the .270 compared to a magnum size 7mm. A 50-200 fps faster out of that size of brass is bad. Even with a lot of nosler loads and Berger loads you don't really have a few advantages over the .270. But there are a few loads out there that will make theses 7mm fly fast and strait. A buddy of mine found a load and build it up to shooting 3400 fps with a 1/2 grouping. What I'm saying if you don't reload don't bother with a 7mm not much more there only the kick of the gun is greater. If you reload it will do an awesome job!!
  15. I have always looked at the stats, but when you compare to hunts and success its all about the money. Its a government agency! What branch of government isn't trying to make more money and not entirely help out the public. If you watch the stats on hunt success compared to tags they always have to many tags. To many tags means more pressure on deer. Plus game and fish helps them out by starting hunts on weeks of full moons to eat and drink at night. With to many tags WE FEEL GOOD about getting drawn, they get paid from the over populated tags in the unit, hoping with the abundant hunters that will help pressure deer into hiding while hoping the impact wont be to bad. Now grant it with to many hunters more deer will be killed, but from harvest deer to cash revenue percentage its a plus for g & f. Compare it to a unit that usually has 800 tags (and lets say they want to make it a quality unit) to 250 tags. Less hunters more success with quality deer trophy's. Well with less pressure more game is able to be harvest to lets say 45% ratio in the new 250 tag unit. That equals 112 harvest deer. Compared to same unit with 800 tags with a normal 18% success rate which equals to 144 harvest deer. But we don't have those units, we only have 800 tag units! Game and fish will supply the demand for people getting drawn and makes us happy, with to many hunters will suppress deer down, with only losing 32 more deer compared to the 250 tag unit, and with keeping the 800 tag unit we (the game and fish) make lot more money. So if this made any since to anyone you can see there is no big push to make quality hunting units. Its about getting everyone a chance while making the most amount of money without completely destroying the unit in a short time period. But that's my opinion.
  16. Zeke-BE

    Mailed application for leftover tags

    After reading some of these post about the lady feeling irritated I made sure I was super Nice to her and asked her if she could help me out with my scheduling for my January Javalina hunt. Sounded like a older women and was nice. I got drawn for the 36s archery pig hunt and now got to go and buy my archery deer tag
  17. Zeke-BE

    Daughters 21 bull

    way to go guys
  18. Zeke-BE

    Wildcats Big Day

    I'm an ASU fan hard core, but I'm also a Hard Core PAC 12 Fan! The best results for the PAC 12 to stay in the final 4 play off and a shot at the title is the Ducks to beat Arizona. Believe me I love seeing Arizona get beat down, but I don't ever want them to beat someone in the PAC 12 that has a better rank then them. Nor do I want someone that is ranked less then Arizona to get beat by them unless its ASU
  19. Zeke-BE

    3 dogs 2 stands

    Everybody morals are different, but when it comes to coyotes as long as there are lead in the air there is hope in the heart from 5 yards to a 1000 yards
  20. Zeke-BE

    Hey Guys Look!!!

    Ahhhhhh California!!!!!! Where your pets have more rights then you do, gun shops won't ship guns to, tree hugging sissy bed wetter liberals tax every idea, and the only thing they know how to say is ban, tax, ban, tax, ban, tax. But hey! New port Beach is awesome and Disneyland rocks! Good luck to you california hunters keep it up and don't give up the fight!
  21. Zeke-BE

    Lifetime of waiting!!!

    WOW great job guys
  22. Zeke-BE

    Late 8 Five by Freak Bull

    Crazy rack! Plus you got meat
  23. Zeke-BE

    Bigger Than Last Year?

    Way to to you guys! Great story