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Everything posted by Zeke-BE

  1. Zeke-BE


    I just bought the same one. You guys are scaring me.
  2. I found a nice 500 yard spot and used it a few times, but it's on state trust land. A lot of people go out there and recently FS put up extras signs stated no shooting state land. So they caught on and I stopped my illegal activity in fear of getting caught. So every time I go out I bring my range finder and drive around trying to find that one spot that no one else knows.
  3. Zeke-BE

    Unconventional hunting Areas

    I treat the terrain all the same, even if it's next to a road, highway,in the middle of nowhere or homes. I've chased a 190" mule with my bow very close to town. Last January I was chasing a good medium 4 point mule with my bow and javalina within a 1/2 mile of a main road.
  4. Zeke-BE

    My Solo Adventure

    Wow! Awesome story. You better be seeing lots of deer 12 miles in
  5. Zeke-BE

    Help in Unit 22?

    You didn't read the fine print did you??? If you don't bag out after Adam has helped you out Amanda bans you from CWT. The pressure is on!!!
  6. Zeke-BE


    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Those are freaky pics!! Things I hate the most!! 1. Warm hot winters in Arizona 2. Stupid no common since hunters 3. SNAKES 4. Mosquitoes 5. And rocks for your yard instead of grass
  7. Zeke-BE

    Dialing in my 300 Win Mag

    Keep us posted. I bought a 300 win mag rem. 700 with h1000 and berger 210 as well. After my hunt in November I'll work up the load. Should be close
  8. Zeke-BE

    Opening Day Muley

  9. Zeke-BE

    Abigail the princess huntress

    Princess and a hunter!! Your future son in law will be one lucky guy to have both in his life!! That's awesome congrats!
  10. Burn in he'll not heck^^^^^ ha ha I re read this and saw heck. Brings me back to 5 th grade
  11. I follow another Facebook hunting site. Of course the person page is proudly showing off their hunts and enjoys pissing off the tree huggers. These antis holy crap!!!!!!!!! These people are wishing and saying things like " hope you and your family die in a car wreck" " hope your wife gets rapped and he shoots you " " burn in heck". Some really awful stuff. But most of them try to bully you and they try to invite their friends to comment and bully you. They even sent out a Facebook that was copy and paste on the hunters site from the antis asking for help and how they are trying tactics like de-maning men and try to make fun of their masculinity, and belittle women who shoot animals and call them really mean names. And in this post they were talking about how it's not working and how other (evil) hunters chime in and fight back with comments right back in kind. So there complaint is we are having a hard time beating them up in comments because they fight right back and are recruiting others to help. So the hunters Facebook site did the same thing and recruited 2000 people I'm just a couple of,hours to help,out. My best solution to everyone on these other sites or on the Game And Fish site is to chime in and congratulate the hunter. Let them know there are plenty if us who support this. If you want to chime in and piss them off go ahead!!!!
  12. I got a left over tag in the not so Accessible couse units. These areas are huntable but they lock the gate. I thought to my self if I can bring my mountain bike and can get way in past the day hikers. Has anyone done this?? I'll have to bring a chain and lock just in case the illegals decide to take it
  13. Zeke-BE

    Good deed gets rewarded!

    My type of scouting trip
  14. Zeke-BE

    Roy's First Coyote

    I smile when I see someone shooting their 1st yote, their 100 th yote and I even smile when I see them dead on the side of the road. I don't know what will happen if I ever hit one with my truck. I might get out and do a Football inzone spike with a dance afterwards Congrats!!
  15. Zeke-BE

    Road Trip!!!!

    Good luck
  16. Zeke-BE

    Son's first coues

    There's not much going up from there
  17. Zeke-BE

    Son's first coues

    You just ruined his hunting career. You guys aimed for the stars and instead of hitting the moon you guys literally hit the stars. Sweet buck! Makes me jealous that that is his first one!
  18. Tasty tasty meat though!!!
  19. Zeke-BE

    My Sons Unit 1 Elk HUnt Beyond Blessed

    I love stories like this! Plus my wife just tolerates hunting. So stuff like this I show her the family hunt trips pictures and explain to her the amount fun we are going to have. My kids are young so I can't wait until they get older!!
  20. Zeke-BE


    Anhhhh rattler snakes! Worst experience was while quail hunting in Oct. about 10 years ago. Heard my friend up and over a small hill shoot. So I ran to the top and while I was cressing the top I came up to a rattler to fast and he struck and hit the barrel of my gun. I jump back like cat like reflex and except the part of landing on your feet. While falling back my elbow hit the ground and the butt of my shotgun hit and the gun fires ( scary). I looked up and no joke the snack started slithering right towards me about 2 feet from my foot. This is the part when a grown man starts screaming like a girl. After I got away with lots of cuts and scratches from pushing myself away and while screaming I finally got up and shot it. Funny part after that while taking a knee and my hand and legs are shaking I look up and see a grey fox coming my way.. Took him out! It was my first fox ever. Maybe he was coming to investigate the high pitch girl scream I was doing and he Probably thought I was a dying rabbit