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Everything posted by Cochise

  1. Just wanted to thank Amanda and Doug for their great service and awesome products. I purchased a tripod from Amanda and a new set of binos from Doug. I could not be more satisfied with the service or the products, both are great!! If your looking for a great prices and exceptional service talk to them. Thanks again!
  2. Cochise


    I remember seeing the elk stickers (briefly). The wife and I were headed down to Unit 29 for a day of scouting. Turned out to be a great day. Hope the quail hunting was a success. Quint
  3. Cochise

    UNIT 29

    I will keep an eye out for you, my dad and I both drew Oct. tags in 29 and will be scouting hard for the next three weekends. Will be in a white dodge with the CWT sticker in the back window, or a white and brown ford. Good Luck! Q
  4. Cochise

    Southeast units

    Spent two very, very wet and muddy days down in 29. Saw lots of deer and a couple of decent bucks but didn't get a chance to fling any arrows. Headed to 27 this weekend to hopefully locate a couple of bulls again. Good luck and good hunting.
  5. Cochise

    Southeast units

    I will be down in unit 29 this weekend, can't wait! Leaving tomorrow morning. Will be in a white dodge with the CWT.com sticker on the back window. Good Luck and Stay Safe.
  6. what did the migrant traffic look like? we keep hearing that the national guard barricades are helping, big write-up in the Daily Star yesterday. Just curious what if any difference you could see?
  7. Cochise

    azgfd survey

    I received and completed the survey and felt as though the questions were very leading in that the answers did not allow the participant to answer consisitently in favor or against the process all the way through. I seriously considered throwing in the towel but after dealing with a number of surveys in my job I know that the area they mark as non-respondent carries a great deal of weight when they tabulate information. They log it as (individuals who do not care enough to reply). I agree attendance at the upcoming meetings is the key to having voices heard. I would like to commend the members and visitors to this site for caring about the tradition of hunting enough to participate in the political side of it. In closing I offer this quote - "There are lies, dang lies, and statistics" - unknown author
  8. Cochise


    I second the information sent by peloncillo, excellent spots. Another area worth a day of scouting is Devils Canyon Trail on the north end of the unit boundary on the south side of the Rucker Canyon Road. Usually a very good area during the Dec. hunt.