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Gr8 White Jr

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Everything posted by Gr8 White Jr

  1. Gr8 White Jr

    AZGFD Draw System

    Wednesday evening I recieved a call from Commissioner Mike Golightly. I discussed the situation with him for about ten minutes or so and he informed me that there was nothing that he or anybody else at the game and fish department could do for me. I really wasn't expecting to hear back from anybody so I was very pleased that he took the time to contact me. Oh well! I'll make the best of my hunt. Next year I will remember not to put a 2nd choice on my javelina application.
  2. Gr8 White Jr

    Another Nice Buck for Dad!

    What a great looking buck! Great job to your dad!
  3. Gr8 White Jr

    Two First Time Deer Hunters....

    Great story! There is nothing better than that right there. Congrats to the two young hunters on two great first bucks!
  4. Gr8 White Jr

    Proud Papa

    Outsanding buck Ashley!!! I am so proud of you! Let me say that this young lady has the heart, patience and persistance of a great hunter. This is only the beginning. Great job Ashley and way to go Justin!
  5. Gr8 White Jr

    AZGFD Draw System

    I took your advise and sent a letter to the Director, Deputy Director and all five commissioners.
  6. Gr8 White Jr

    AZGFD Draw System

    Grey Hawk Like Huntn Coues said AZGFD keeps scanned coppies and of each application. Call down there and ask to speak to some one in the draw department and they will look up your application. Just ask them what your 1st choice hunt number was and see if they give you a number or if they tell you it is blank. Seems pretty stupid that you get rejected for not having a 1st choice hunt number. Why couldnt they just go to your 2nd choice then. I wish they weren't so black and white when it comes to the applications. I had a deer application rejected two years ago because my buddy didn't check the resident box even though his address is on the application and they had his sportsmans ID # that shows all his info. Also he filled in the box that he had been a resident for 23 years and 3 months. They rejected it when if you looked at the rest of the info on the app you would see that he was clearly a resident. I guess it just comes down to AZGFD has so many apps to process that they dont have time to put in any extra time on the apps.
  7. Gr8 White Jr

    AZGFD Draw System

    I put a second choice on my javelina application because 3 years ago I was not drawn for my 1st choice because the every available tag was taken. Speaking of this... Anybody else seem to think there is an unusually high amount of left over tags this year?
  8. Gr8 White Jr

    AZGFD Draw System

    Yes I agree with you. If we were talking about a bull elk tag that the draw successes are less than 10% then the 20% bonus point pool works very well but we're talking about javelina. There really is no need for a 20% bonus point pool when the hardest hunts to get drawn for are around a 60% draw success. It is a complicated system but with a little logical thinking I think AZGFD would see that on a draw with such high success rates there is no need for the 20% pool. As far as changing my tag, I understand what you mean about someone else wanting my 2nd choice tag that I originally got but there are left over tags for that unit as well so I dont think it would be an issue. Dont get me wrong Im not trying to bash AZGFD. I support them 100% and I am thankfull that no matter what I get to go hunting in this great state, just sharing a friendly gripe.
  9. Gr8 White Jr

    AZGFD Draw System

    If I'm not mistaken, AZGFD does not set aside any tags for nonresident applicants anymore. I live only about 15 minutes away from the AZGFD headquarters in Phoenix so I am going to go down there today and see if there is some body I can speak with that will change my tag.
  10. Gr8 White Jr

    Ethics VS Law

    I was out last weekend checking my trail cam and doing a little varmint calling as well. While hicking around I came across a beded calf elk laying about 20 yds from me. I watched as it lay there, not moving hoping I would just move on. I looked around for mama but she was nowhere to be found. After a few moments of me watching the calf it could no longer keep its baring and stood from its bed. It turned to walk away and I noticed it limping. As I payed closer attention to its right front leg I could see it was completely broken right above its knee. I'm not talking about a fracture, I mean the bone was completely broken through. The calf's leg was dangling so wildly its hoove actualy hit the calf in the head and back several times as it tried to run. As I watched it I was feeling terrible for the poor animal and the big question came to my mind as I stood there, rifle in hand. Do I put this animal out of its pain? The laws says no but I could tell that the calf had to be in excruciating pain so to me the ethical thing to do is to shoot it. I stood there watching it for a good 20 minutes or so debating with myself on whats the right thing to do. I used my cell phone to call the operation game thief hotline and told them I needed to get in contact with the Game Unit Officer. I left my number to give to the officer so he could contact me. I ended up leaving the calf to fend for itself. The officer left a message on my voicemail later that evening saying that there is nothing they can do and to just leave it be. I continue to think about the calf and I feel terrible for not shooting it when I had the chance. I am a firm believer in "whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong" and my gut tells me that I did the wrong thing leaving it there dispite what the law says. Any opinions?
  11. Gr8 White Jr

    Ethics VS Law

    I'm hoping not many! I know that unfortunate things can happen when archery hunting but I hope that most hunters are responsible enough to wait for the right oportunity to make a responsible and humane kill.
  12. Gr8 White Jr

    Scouting in unit 8 archery bull

    Congrats on a great tag! Is this your daughters first elk tag?
  13. Gr8 White Jr

    Ethics VS Law

    Well I doubt the elk I saw is still alive anyway. I'm sure the coyotes have caught up with the poor little guy by now. Thats too bad that you saw another in the same condition. What unit were you in?
  14. Great bull! Incredible tine length. He looked a little week in the front in the first couple of pics but on that side view you can see his brow tines are pushing 18 to 20 inches. Its hard to judge this bull because he does look different in every picture. He is also in velvet which always makes them look bigger but I would have to agree with 370+. One thing is for sure though, he is definitely a shooter. I could never pass on a bull with whale tails like that. Great pics! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Gr8 White Jr

    another roadkill - 3 more deer dead

    Again? Thats so sad. Now thats four little perfect fawns that almost made it. Its really sad how in just two incidents six deer were lost. What a shame!
  16. Gr8 White Jr

    Drew Unit 33 Need Scouting Info

    257longshot- PM me and I'll help you out.
  17. Gr8 White Jr

    Got my 06 Mount Back.

    Wow!!! Some fine taxidermy work. Great looking buck! I love those tall racks. His tine length is incredible. What did he score? Nice Mulie too!
  18. Gr8 White Jr

    Unit 9 turkey

    My dad and I drew turkey tags in Unit 9 this year. I have seen quite a few turkey in that unit a couple years ago while joining a friend on his elk hunt. Anybody have any pointers on where to go? Not looking for anybody to give up their secrets, just a starting point. I appreciate any help that can be given. Thanks!
  19. Gr8 White Jr

    Why fill up tanks.......

    Wow! Thats awesome! That little guy was lucky you came along. Would have been hard to believe without the pics. Thanks for sharing!
  20. Gr8 White Jr

    Splish Splash

    Thats great! I wonder whats in that water. Thanks for sharing!
  21. Gr8 White Jr

    1 road kill - 3 deer killed

    Thats right, you don't understand! That is the problem with the "Brads" of the world. They are too shallow of people to understand and they run their mouth and judge others on a basis they know nothing about. I have a question for you Brad. How much time, effort and money have you spent on the preservation of wildlife? I'm guessing NONE!
  22. Gr8 White Jr

    1 road kill - 3 deer killed

    How sad. Hate to see that kind of thing happen. That is heart wrenching! Thanks for sharing Amanda!
  23. Gr8 White Jr

    Ethics VS Law

    I have always said the same thing. I always told myself that if I ever came across this situation I would choose the ethical thing to do over the law with no hesitation. Its amazing how hesitation sets in though when you're standing there living this situation. Hunting is my life! I beleive I was put here on this earth to hunt. Every thing about my life revolves around my passion and obsession for hunting. It is what fills my heart and soul and the thought of loosing the right to participate in what I consider my reason for living creates alot of hesitation. Its extremely frustrating and its a battle of right and wrong that I don't think I will ever be able to settle. I know that alot of people think that they know what they would do, because like I said before I thought I knew what I would do, but I think its a situation that you will never know how you will handle untill you experience it.
  24. Gr8 White Jr

    2nd amendment

    doc- All I can say is WELL SAID BROTHER, WELL SAID. Thank you! That is exactly how to deal with the "Brads" of the world.