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Gr8 White Jr

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Everything posted by Gr8 White Jr

  1. Gr8 White Jr

    New To The Site

    Hello and welcome!
  2. Some thing that has had me wondering is why it is still taking untill the second or third week of July to complete the draw? When the elk and antelope were all included in the same draw the results were always available by about the second or third week of July. You would think that the results would be available at least a few weeks earlier since there is so much less data to process. Just a thought. -Tracy
  3. Gr8 White Jr

    Mound of sheds!

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's all squared away with that. You never know though, he always has some kind of project going on. -Tracy
  4. Gr8 White Jr

    Another one of Grandpa's sheds

    I do remember measuring but for the life of me I can't remember what it came out to. Huntn Coues, thats a pretty cool bull there. Looks like they could be from the same gene pool. -Tracy
  5. Gr8 White Jr

    Another one of Grandpa's sheds

    Here is a picture from last Christmas of one of the sheds my grandpa picked up last year. Even though it is pretty weak on top, this one stood out to me becuase of its huge G3. You don't see that kind of length in a G3 very often.
  6. Not sayin' your WM buddy is wrong, but as far as I'm concerned, I've had "inside" info many times before and it's NEVER accurate this far ahead of time I'm to the point I don't believe anything I hear in regards to results posting....and that's even if it comes from the person in charge of the draw! I do hope it's earlier than the 22nd though! Couldn't agree with you more!
  7. Gr8 White Jr

    Hey I am new to the site

  8. Gr8 White Jr

    Mound of sheds!

    Actually that is your girlfriend's necklace...accidently put it on that morning when we got dressed. It was dark and our cloths were all mixed up all over my bedroom floor. Oops, did I say too much?
  9. Gr8 White Jr

    New Commissioner

    Him? Guy? Hahahaha! LMAO! At first glance you sure would think so.
  10. Gr8 White Jr

    Leave it up to me.......

    Thats awesome! Cool find!
  11. Gr8 White Jr

    Couple of Carp looking good!

    Cool pics! That buck on the left is gong to be a wide one. Thanks for sharing! -Tracy
  12. Gr8 White Jr

    What do you think about this bull?

    Younghunter is right about what bull it is. Last year he finnished out with a 4" 7th point. His tops really make his bottoms look short, especially when he finnishes off. This is a couple of pictures of him from last year from latter in July. Lance I agree that his tops make his bottoms look weak. IMO his bottoms aren't too bad at all. The average mature bull elk is going to have a distance from his bases to the tip of his nose of aproxiamtely 17 to 18 inches. Keeping that in mind, look at the 1st picture where you get a side profile of the bull. Cover up the top part of his rack in the picture and just look at his bottoms in comparison to his head. Not bad! -Tracy
  13. Gr8 White Jr

    Some Cam pics for yall.

    Definitely a very nice bull but if there aren't many cows in that area he probably won't be around come the rut. Thanks for sharing! -Tracy
  14. After trying several attemps with my trail cam last year all i had come up with was a picture of one coues doe. It was very discouraging but I tried again this year in a totally diferent location and I finally got a good turn out. I left my camera out for 6 weeks but the battery lasted less than a week (cheap Moultrie). Still it took 161 pics in a period of four days. it kills me to think of all the shots that the camera missed because it was dead over the last five weeks. I bought a solar panel yesterday and I am going out next weekend to set it up. Well here are just a few of the pics. -Tracy
  15. Im one step ahead of you. I had the camera pointed northeast and I was getting glare in the morning. Now that I have changed the angle of it, it is pointed almost due north. I didn't think the solar panel would work with a regular baterry so yes I did buy a rechargeable battery. Thanks for all your help! -Tracy
  16. Gr8 White Jr

    Mountain Lions

    I thought it was only Uncle Rico who could fire a pig skin over them mountains.
  17. Thanks for the tip! Squirel problems never even came to mind but now that you bring it up I will definitely wrap the wire. Great idea! Thanks again! -Tracy
  18. Gr8 White Jr

    tri bull

    Great pic! Its very odd how far down toward his nose his base is. Its almost between his eyes. Thanks for sharing!
  19. Here is one more pic that I didn't post earlier. I think its pretty funny! SAY CHEESE FOR THE CAMERA!
  20. Allready done! I moved the camera about ten feet further back. I also put it at about a 45 degree angle to the trail that its on as apposed to the 90 degree angle i had it on before. I put it a little lower on the tree too. I don't know if it will make a difference but I stacked logs and brush to create kind of a bottle kneck to the salt. Can't wait to see if my adjustments will make a difference. I will definitely keep you all posted. -Tracy
  21. Gr8 White Jr

    Critter pic's from this evening.....

    The first time I had ever seen a gila monster was out near Robin's Butte. It was a little further east by Power's Butte. That is a really neat area!
  22. Gr8 White Jr

    Results are out

    A big fat NOTHING for me!
  23. I am heading out this weekend to help out with the Brandenburg and Buzman catchment redevelopement. I was just wondering if anybody else was planning on volunteering there time?
  24. Gr8 White Jr

    Brandenburg and Buzan Catchment Redevelopment

    Well glad to hear you are going Amanda! I wil be down there on saturday and sunday. Thought I would get a little bit better response. -Tracy
  25. Gr8 White Jr

    Elk tags?

    If I remember correctly the results should be out by the third week of March.