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Gr8 White Jr

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Everything posted by Gr8 White Jr

  1. Gr8 White Jr

    What Have We Been Up To? PART 2! FINISHED!!!

    Sorry??? Thats evil man...just plain evil!
  2. Gr8 White Jr

    What Have We Been Up To? PART 2! FINISHED!!!

    Man I'm loving this story but you're really KILLING ME! You had to end it right there??? -Tracy
  3. Gr8 White Jr

    Life and Death struggles

    Exactly what I was thinking. -Tracy
  4. Gr8 White Jr

    Latest Covert II pics.

    Very nice pics! Lots of nubs there. It will be neat to fallow the growth of those bucks. -Tracy
  5. Gr8 White Jr

    Giant Coues Set

  6. Gr8 White Jr

    What Have We Been Up To? PART 2! FINISHED!!!

    This is just not right! You guys sure get a kick out of driving us flippin crazy by leaving us hanging. -Tracy
  7. Gr8 White Jr

    Owls vs. Mice video

    Very cool Amanda! Thats some amazing video you caught! Talk about the ultimate predator. Did you release the mice or were you just in the right place at the right time? -Tracy
  8. Gr8 White Jr

    WHAT HAVE WE BEEN UP TO? House Rock Buffalo Hunt

    Sounds Like you had another amazing outdoor adventure! I can't wait to read part 2 when you get it posted! -Tracy
  9. Gr8 White Jr

    For You Yote Hunters

    Heck yeah! That was awsome! Thanks for posting that! -Tracy
  10. Gr8 White Jr

    Elk are growing! Plus a bonus pic!!

    Very nice! Looks like some good growth already. Good luck to you! Hope you arrow a big one! -Tracy
  11. Gr8 White Jr

    AZ deer association

    If you're going to dream that big, why not through in a couple elk tags as well?
  12. Gr8 White Jr

    Check this out!!

    Thats the best camo I've ever seen! -Tracy
  13. Gr8 White Jr

    California Fly Fishing Trip

    Very nice! Some good looking fish and some beautifull country! Looks like you and your dad had a great trip together. Thanks for sharing it with us! Did you see any other wildlife along the rivers and creeks? -Tracy
  14. Gr8 White Jr

    Leftover Memorial Day Fish

    OUTSTANDING!!! A big congrats to you TJ! I always have my best days in the outdoors when its a spur of the moment trip. Thats a day you just can't beat. Good thing you have picture, other wise we would all think it was "just another fish story". Congrats again! Thats one heck of a day. -Tracy
  15. Gr8 White Jr

    Gobbler Down

    Not only was it the last tag but it was my 5th choice! Last tag on my last choice, that is pretty darn lucky!!! -Tracy
  16. Gr8 White Jr

    Gobbler Down

    Hey Robert! Good to see you on here! My dad and I are doing just fine. Its going to be a slow fall as neither of us drew elk or antelope tags and I already filled my '09 deer tag in Janruary. That just means the coyotes are really going to pay this year! We'll have to get together some time and do some predator calling. Hope all is well for you! -Tracy
  17. Gr8 White Jr

    Memorial day sheds

    Nice finds! Looks like you had a productive day and half of shed hunting. That 5 pt pair looks like it has some really nice thirds! If I found that bull under the tree I'd probably still be there digging it out. Thanks for sharing! -Tracy
  18. Gr8 White Jr

    To shoot?... or not to shoot?

    I would take that forward hooking buck on the first day, at first light, on any hunt! What a cool looking buck and his uniqueness makes him a stud in my book for sure! -Tracy
  19. Gr8 White Jr

    To shoot?... or not to shoot?

    The only way I would take the 1st buck is if it was an archery hunt but rifle or muzzleloader...not a chance! Of course I already have an AZ antelope under my belt so I can understand some of the guys who have never taken an antelope wanting to shoot. The second buck I would have to think real hard about and it would all depend on the caliber of bucks that I was seeing on the hunt so far. -Tracy
  20. Gr8 White Jr

    Gobbler Down

    Holy smokes!!!! I know RL (Robert Gray). I owe my first big game animal to him! Back in 1996 when I was 14 I drew my 1st elk tag (muzzleloader cow). On the 2nd day of the hunt my father and I stumbled upon Robert and his friend sitting at a natural pond in the bottom of a wash. They invited us over to sit with them and within a half hour a large herd of elk came filing down to the water for a drink. Even though Robert and his friend had been sitting that water all morning and the morning before he looked at me and said "you take the 1st shot". What??? This was his spot that we happend to come across and he had a lot of time invested into sitting this spot. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and before I could say a word he looked at me and said "everybody here has killed an elk before except you, now take the 1st shot"! My dad told me not to argue with him and to get ready. To make a long story short I shot my 1st elk seconds later and I owe it all to Robert Gray. When I asked him how I could repay him he said "some day you'll have the same oppurtunity to help out a youngster and I want you to do the same as I have done for you". That is why I always jump at the chance to help a child or 1st time hunter if I can. I'll never forget that day as long as I live! Thanks again Robert, I see your still out making dreams come true! Sorry Atypical! I'm not trying to take over your thread, just wanted to say what a stand up hunter and guide you had. Congrats on a fine bird and if you talk to Robert tell him that "lucky number 50" said hello!
  21. Gr8 White Jr

    A prayer and a thank you.

    This is a great post! I think too many people think of it as just another 3 day weekend with out really recognizing what it is really about or the prices that were paid for this great nation and our freedom. Thank you and God bless! -Tracy
  22. Gr8 White Jr

    loose or pellets?

    Sorry Scottyboy! I know that wasn't really much help!
  23. Gr8 White Jr

    loose or pellets?

    I can't really compare pellets to loose because I have only shot loose powder with my muzzleloader. I'm still shooting old school. I started in '96, right before pellets got big, when I was 14 and drew my 1st elk tag. I shoot 90 gr of loose pyrodex with a 385gr hornady conacle. Definitely not a long distance shooter(more like lobbing mortors ) especially since I shoot open sights, but within 100yds its deadly. Many people have told me I should change to more modern setups but after taking 3 elk, 2 javelina, and an antelope with my current setup I say "why fix it if aint broke"! Besides I like the added chalenge of having to get closer, I guess thats why I'm obsessed with archery! My dad on the other hand used to shoot loose powder and he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Then he changed to pyrodex pellet and loves it. He shoots 150 gr (3 50gr pellets) and a 220 gr sabot and with a scope mounted he shoots accurately out to 250 yds. -Tracy