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Gr8 White Jr

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Everything posted by Gr8 White Jr

  1. Gr8 White Jr

    Gave me a good laugh

    Thats too funny! Thanks for sharing! -Tracy
  2. Gr8 White Jr

    Covert 1 or 2 ?

    Are the extra LED lights the only difference in the two cameras other than the mounting options? Are they basicly the same camera as far as technical features? -Tracy
  3. Gr8 White Jr

    My NM Turkey mount

    That looks great Amanda! -Tracy
  4. Gr8 White Jr

    Meet Brutus...

    What a bueat! Congrats on your new addition! Casey, if you smack a coyote with it, you have to get in on video! -Tracy
  5. Gr8 White Jr

    Happy Birthday Tjhunt2!

    Happy B-day TJ! Hope its a good one! -Tracy
  6. Gr8 White Jr

    photo radar ticket

    Wow! You must have a lead foot! -Tracy
  7. Gr8 White Jr

    Neighbor's yard

    Those are some of the coolest trail cam pics I've seen! -Tracy
  8. Gr8 White Jr

    Remeber this one?

    Great looking mount! -Tracy
  9. Gr8 White Jr

    Novice hunter

    Very good advice! Some of the best Ive read on this site. Especially the taking advantage of the archery season part. Getting out during the archery season to spend countless hours glassing and making countless unsuccesfull stalks is priceless practice. Every trip you will learn more and more about the area you are hunting and what you are seeing where. Every time you go out it will get easier and easier to find deer including the bucks. With every blown stalk you will learn a little more about what you could have done different or what you will do next time. Once you start getting better at making archery stalks, your rifle stalks will seem that much easier. I think trial and error is one of the best learnig methods along with doing exactly what your doing now, asking questions on this site. This site is a volcano of valuable knowledge so just keep reading all the different posts and keep asking the questions when you have them. -Tracy
  10. Gr8 White Jr

    Bobcat mount

    Great looking cat Josh! Gets me excited to get mine back but I still have a long time till its going to be ready. Very cool! -Tracy
  11. So that must be your connection to getting 19 elk tags in a row. I knew you must have been hiding something. -Tracy
  12. Gr8 White Jr

    Covert cam critter shots

    Very cool pics Amanda! Those Coverts take some quality pics. -Tracy
  13. Gr8 White Jr

    Camo job on my AR-15

    +1 Very cool! I love it! I have been wanting to do a camo paint job on one of my rifles and was going to start a post for suggestions on how to go about it. -Tracy
  14. Gr8 White Jr


    +1 -Tracy
  15. Gr8 White Jr

    Sheds found in 6A a few years back

    Wow! What a great buck! -Tracy
  16. Gr8 White Jr

    Prayers needed!

    Sorry to hear about her misfortune but glad to hear that she is doing better! Our thoughts and payers are with her and her family. Hope she continues to pull through for a full recovery! Incredible pictures of the flowers Amanda! -Tracy
  17. Gr8 White Jr

    camping 2009

    Looks like a lot of fun! Gorgeous pics! Thanks for sharing! -Tracy
  18. Gr8 White Jr

    Any Archaeologists here?

    That is amazing! I can't wait to hear what comes of it after experts look at it. -Tracy
  19. Gr8 White Jr


  20. Gr8 White Jr

    Well.........Were waiting!!!!!

    Width! Points! Palmation! And a plippin droptine!!!! That buck is exactly what coues dreams are made of. What an amazing buck with every great characteristic you could ever want all in one. -Tracy
  21. Gr8 White Jr

    Bulls in Velvet

    Very cool pic! Is that here in AZ? Thanks for sharing! -Tracy
  22. Gr8 White Jr

    through the years

    DB, Is it just me or has it been a while since you have been on the site? Good to see you back on here. I have always enjoyed what you bring to the site. That is an absolute stud. Hope you get to ground check him this year! -Tracy
  23. Gr8 White Jr

    Vortex Viper 15x50 for sale

    PM sent.
  24. Gr8 White Jr

    Storm Destruction

    +1 It is worth checking into as some agencies will cover losses like that under your homeowners policies. My dad's friend had some rifles and his bow stolen out of his tent while camping/hunting and his homeowners insurance covered the loss. If that can happen anything can. -Tacy
  25. Gr8 White Jr

    Well.........Were waiting!!!!!

    Nov 2008 last day meat buck. By far the best tasting deer I have ever had! Mmmmmm mmmm Yummy! Jan 2nd 2009 archery muley. Wish we could shoot more than one deer a year! 2010 can't get here fast enough! Jan 20th 2009 archery javelina. Angie's Feb 23rd 2009 rifle javelina! Her 1st big game animal. What a blast!!! -Tracy