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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues


    NOT as younghunter hahahah
  2. Huntn coues

    GAmehauler and tj

    Cuz u gots to be nice because I am picking up a package for you tomorrow.
  3. Huntn coues

    trail cam pics

    Thank's for the pics. The first one kinda reminds me of GH and C/S
  4. Huntn coues

    Giant Mexico Buck!

  5. Huntn coues

    broadheads you guys are shooting?

  6. Huntn coues

    Picked up my trail cam

    not sure on the spelling but I think it's a coatimunday.
  7. Huntn coues

    Hauling water with the family

    Oh, Boy.... here we go again! Where is Dirk D. Dirk D. was deleted Do not bring up his name ???????????????????????????
  8. Well along with the elk cams that Coues n Sheep and I were tending to over the weekend we also had another project that needed done. We did what Gamehauler has been doing lately and hauled water to a drinker and boy talk about a long haul!! Anyhow I was able to take some pics with my phone and as you can see had both family's participating. The pics are fuzzy but that's ok.
  9. Huntn coues

    chevy gas milage question

    DODGE --06's get horrible mileage. I know of 6 people with the o6 dog and they all told me the same exact thing. mileage sucks. They are not like the older dodge deisels that got 21. My neighbor has finally gotten 14mpg after 50,000 miles. I know for a fact that my bro-inlaws 06 gets 15 and thats with exhaust and a chip.
  10. Huntn coues

    Checks cashed

    HAHAHA you so funny.
  11. Huntn coues

    Two weeks worth of trail cam pics

    OOOPs did I say 42 I meant to say 44m.
  12. Huntn coues

    Hauling water with the family

    Oh, Boy.... here we go again! Where is Dirk D.
  13. Huntn coues

    Hunter education for my youngin

    I am looking for a field day that is going to happen on or after 11/9/07 for my daughter who turns 10 that day. G&F is going to be having the classes availiable online some time in August which does help us out some but the field day is the kicker. (her cow hunt is in mid Dec.) When I spoke to them about the online classes I was told that they have to pass the class online then take an extra 50-80 question exam at the field day(to make sure mom or dad did not do it online) and pass before they will be able to participate in the field day. So to make a long story short I have been keeping an eye on the classes posted on the web but there are no field day's posted for November yet. If any one knows an instructor that might be able to do one in November please let me know. I can gather a few extra people to try and make it a full class.
  14. What a fricken jag off...
  15. Huntn coues

    chevy gas milage question

    My 06 duramax gets 16-17 in town and right at 20-21 on the highway when it had the factory tires on it. I just changed over to a 285 tire and have not yet checked it yet.
  16. Huntn coues

    Awesome Velvet!

    Gino and I are going back and forth on that first bull and Gino is giving him a solid 280 and I am giving him 290. Nice pics there Jim.
  17. Huntn coues

    Hauling water with the family

    Amber would need to be a very slim girl to make it to where we go And the driver would need to be in shape to hump it in the last 1/2 mile on your back. So that might exclude you GH
  18. Huntn coues

    A few more pics

    Gino those look like our bulls in 42
  19. Huntn coues

    giving me the raspberry

    Here's a couple more
  20. Huntn coues

    chevy gas milage question

    My 06 gets 11 mph so I am interested as well.
  21. Huntn coues

    Fire pics

    Units 8 and 9 is some of my old stomping grounds. Live up there for 13 yrs or so. Actually lived outside of 8 and 9 just a little off of Rd 319. Sad to see it smoking.
  22. Huntn coues

    Two weeks worth of trail cam pics

    Hey TJ and GH- These bulls that Gino and I have on are cams are located in unit 42. Do me a favour and don't let that out.
  23. Huntn coues

    Checks cashed
