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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues

    %$&^#$% Camera Thief

    Yep If I was you I would love to settle this on opening morning I can not stand a fricken thief but it is probably in your best interest to let the law or a WM take care of it. Nowadays you can not give someone a good ole butt stompming and not go to jail or possibly lose your rights to carry a weapon which means NO HUNTING If you do not want to post the pics then show them to some of your buddy's and figure out who he is and turn him in.
  2. Huntn coues

    what are you guys doing?

    Well besides chasing Gino's a$$ up and down the mountains every weekend I ride the good ole bicycle anywhere from 7-9 miles and I do that 3-4 times a week. I also cut back on drinking any sodas as well. I also started eating subway for lunch instead of those Big delicious double bacon cheese burgers with an extra large fry focus focus
  3. Huntn coues

    Do we have any Head Bangers??

    I saw it and thought it was pretty darn good and it had some good footage as well.
  4. Huntn coues

    Do we have any Head Bangers??

    Why u acting tuff???? I know that u know that I know that u listen to pop music like madonna and britnay spears.
  5. Huntn coues

    Coues in unit 20C

    The wife and I and a couple of friends got the same hunt as well. What do you drive?? We will keep an eye out for you. I drive a charcoal colored 2006 ford f250 powerstroke and will have a mossy oak colored polaris 500 in the back We will be in a 06' 4-door duramax (charcoal). But we will be spending most of the time in the Polaris Ranger (green) going to and from our glassing spots. My friends will also have a ranger (red)
  6. Huntn coues

    Coues in unit 20C

    The wife and I and a couple of friends got the same hunt as well. What do you drive?? We will keep an eye out for you.
  7. Huntn coues

    Got a Coose mount back!

    You might want to do a Reality Check too..... with your track record we might see you ground check 1 or 2..... Bunghole
  8. Huntn coues

    Coues in unit 20C

    I have a friend who has lived in 20-c for 30yrs and we were just talking about this a few weeks ago and he said that he has seen them in 20-b but they have not made the jump to 20-c yet. I also have another friend (and yes C/S and G/H I do have some friends) who's father works a ranch up there and he has never mentioned anything about seeing the Coues. So what does all this mumbo jumbo mean??? Nothing cause there gotta be one lost in there somewhere. BTW Longshooter what hunt do you have the first or second??? Maybe I will see you up there cause I have a couple of tags there myself.
  9. Huntn coues

    Caught on Film

    Boy I sure would have done alot more stuff to that cam If I knew it was yours G/H
  10. Huntn coues

    Time to get in Shape

    Hey G/H you might wan't to keep an eye on firstcoueswasaspikebutwisheditwas105
  11. Huntn coues

    Got a Coose mount back!

    The last time I talked to Brett he said he was getting real buisy with his work. So I am now officially letting Brett know that he needs to hold me 6 spots for the upcoming hunts that my wife and daughters have coming up. Oh yeah I have a couple tags as well so Brett could you turn all of these around in six months time? 3-bulls 1 cow 2 carp and maybe 1 COUES Now all we have to do is ground check all of em.
  12. Huntn coues

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    Alrighty then.... 118 3/8
  13. Huntn coues

    afternoon scouting

    Nice pics thanks for sharing.
  14. a buck fifty for sure
  15. Huntn coues

    Can an Archery Elk permit be converted?

    Archery only: Lawfull taking methods:Bow and arrow as prescribed in R12-4-304 and R12-4-318 and CROSSBOW as prescribed inR12-4-216
  16. Huntn coues

    Splish Splash

    I will have to show that to the little chitlins.
  17. Huntn coues

    Want to buy ATV ramp

    Yep that's right. Just let me know when and where and we can hook up. I work off of 79th Ave and Olive and will be in town all week so just let me know. Today won't work though cause they're in my garage at home. Shoot I would have given you fitty.
  18. Spot and stalk , sitting a stand , calling , sitting a blind , pre-scouting a spot for your stand or blind etc... is all a part of hunting IMO. I do all of the above and spend at the minimum 100 day's in the field every year and what ever game plan I come up with is what I do. Just my 2 pennies.
  19. Huntn coues

    Time to get in Shape

    Wheres Bino?????
  20. Huntn coues

    STOLEN HEADS!! Please look

    ANTI'S suck and so do the other thieves in this world. Brad was this you????