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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues

    No more Bugs

    I second that. Not sure about using it while hunting. Have you tried it while hunting?
  2. Huntn coues

    couple bucks

    Seemes like the guy did his homework! It's a little concerning that he posts photos for us to enjoy, and because its an, "easily recognizable spot," hunters threaten to compete. If I were him I'd start excercising so I was in shape for the opening weekend foot race. THAT SUCKS!!!! G-lover, I see that you are kinda new to this site (welcome) and obviously you don't know us that well yet. There is alot of kidding around that goes on here and also a lot of serious stuff as well. The guy's on this site will bend over backward's for a fellow hunter (as long as he/she is not an e-scouter : ) Anyhow I am in pretty good shape so I hope these guy's can run real fast(I even bought new shoe's for opening morning) And no I do not know that spot.
  3. Huntn coues

    Hunter Ed Courses

    Yep I am very familiar with the age's cause this is my third time going thru it. My first two made it by the chinny chin chin. Just in time for their spring hunt. Back in Jan/Feb I was just banking on being able to find her a class that graduated sometime after her 10th b-day. As I sit right now it does not look good. I sure am going to hate to tell her that she has TAG SOUP.
  4. Huntn coues

    Hunter Ed Courses

    This is the list of FDs already on the schedule. I would guess more will be put in place if the demand warrants, however. Also, I would assume they have scheduled them until the 2007 holidays and will add more immediatelt after Jan.1 in time for the Feb. elk/antelope draw deadline. This is a typical time for them anyway to educate all those kids who get firearms for Xmas. -TONY That's what I was afraid of. My daughter turns 10 on 11/9. Five day's later. AARRGGHH I sure hope that they have a class on one of the next three weekends.
  5. Huntn coues

    Hunter Ed Courses

    Tyson What was the latest field day available for the online test?? After speaking with AZGFD they told me that the online field day has nothing to do with the field day shown for the 20hr classes. Quigly told me that 11/4 was was the last field day available (so far) and that was a couple of weeks ago.
  6. Huntn coues

    elk rubbing in unit 9

    Looks like the one on the right is getting a little testy.
  7. Huntn coues

    Whats In A Name

    Well mine means MIGHTY elk hunter.
  8. Nope don't know them. Definately GRANOLA MUNCHERS though.
  9. Huntn coues

    couple bucks

    AAH the infamous BUCK waterhole. I know exactly where that's at. Beat ya there
  10. Huntn coues

    Pertinent Trivia Question #3

    OH that Al. I knew that.
  11. Huntn coues

    I Dare You

    Awwww man..... ... He is gunna be so bummed, when I tell him that he is not love as much as he thinks he is.... I'd try to get him to donate, too, but he is a cheep SOB to boot!! DIRK D RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Where are the pics Quit teasing and post already.
  13. Huntn coues

    Pertinent Trivia Question #3

    That's the only nobel prize winner I know. Well I think W.Wilson did to.
  14. Huntn coues

    Pertinent Trivia Question #3

    Come on Tony give us a hint. Was he/she a doctor?????
  15. Huntn coues

    Pertinent Trivia Question #3

    Still thinking....
  16. Huntn coues

    First Posing Whitetail

    Have you or someone else posted this pic before? Looks real familiar. Nice buck.
  17. Huntn coues

    Antelope Hunt

    That's funny DB When I had that tag I saw all sorts of snakes. At one point I was hunting with my friend stuffy and as we were walking by a bush a big ole rattler scared the crap out of us. At that point Stuff said that I should try out my brand new snake boots I was wearing (that didn't happen) So I sat down and was taking off the boots and he asked what I was doing and I told him he could wear my boots and give it a try. (that didn't happen either)
  18. Definately post the pics when you have the time. I am getting sick of this crap.
  19. Huntn coues

    Pertinent Trivia Question #II

    AHH Tony that was easy Give us another.
  20. Thieves are fricken SCUM. If you ever visit this site and come across this message give me a PM and we can meet any where you like you losers.
  21. THIS ABSOLUTELY SUCKS !!!!! Here we go the writing is on the wall. Un fricken believable.
  22. Huntn coues


    Where's the I in Mike?? Oh I get it - 14oz curls