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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues

    The "Wrongway" Bull

    Great job there Jim and Shortpants. Looks like my spot worked out for ya. JK Congratulations on that fine bull and all the hard work your team put in.
  2. Huntn coues

    Don't flinch

    My electricians normaly take about 15 minutes to wire a unit up but seeing it's a service call they will probably hit you up for a trip charge and the minimum 1hr. Is there any electrians on C/W that can hook the brother up????
  3. Huntn coues

    Don't flinch

    That's an easy fix for an electrician. (rather inexpensive) Since it hit your power for the a/c condenser how hot is the house? I will agree that's some good penetration.
  4. Huntn coues

    I SEE YOU!!!!!!!

    Jeeez oh man
  5. Huntn coues

    First Bull Ever

    Congrats Now hurry up and get that camera
  6. Huntn coues

    New huntin' partner

    Congratulations on your new hunting buddy. Be prepared to enjoy all the fun you are gunna have in the upcoming years.
  7. Huntn coues

    curious about safety in camping trailor

    Pinon nut shell LMFAO DB you just got hammered
  8. Huntn coues

    Hunting in Unit 36B

    By the sounds of it you should probably stay in a motel. Either that or when you leave camp leave and extra case of water out and some chips so they don not break into your tent/trailor and steal it.
  9. Huntn coues

    curious about safety in camping trailor

    Air is about 78% nitrogen gas, N2, which has a molecular weight of 28. Carbon Monoxide gas, CO, also has a molecular weight of 28, so the CO would be distributed uniformly in the air having equal densities. Vapors from gasoline and propane are denser than air, so would settle to the floor. I think the gravitational pull on the earth when the sun is setting and the moon is full has something to do with it as well.
  10. Huntn coues

    week 1 of archery bull

    Must have been that DIRK D. feller
  11. Huntn coues

    week 1 of archery bull

    Ditto What happened????
  12. Huntn coues

    Another big bull? Record?

    That bull would be lucky to stretch the tape to 330. JK What a smoker.
  13. Huntn coues

    2 Photographs

    What a fricken shame.
  14. Huntn coues

    curious about safety in camping trailor

    Isn't gas heavier than air?? Doesn't it settle towards the floor ?? The guy in Pine thought it was safe as well to use his stove to heat with untill it killed him.
  15. Huntn coues

    curious about safety in camping trailor

    Yep get a carbon monoxide detector and install it. I know how you feel cause I have felt that way before. There was this guy where I was raised who died in his trailor due to this and it has alway's bothered me since. What ever you do do not use your stove to heat your trailor with when you go to sleep. They do make catalytic heaters that have saftey switches(low oxygen) on em. But lets get the real answer from MIKEY. Wake up MIKE.
  16. Shamey shame on you teasing those hunters. Did they knock an arrow as well??
  17. Huntn coues

    week 1 of archery bull

    Wow to be labeled a poacher on opening day I sure would have been pi$$ed off myself for one. Anyhow looks like you will have alot of memories of this hunt for years to come and stories to tell to boot I would have done the samething in that situation if it was my father on that hunt as well. Mrs. HC and I have a Muley tags this year and my father (recent stroke)is coming along and I know it will alter the way I normally hunt the unit we are in but that does not bother me what so ever. It sure is a kick in the pants when he goes on the hunts with us. Any how good luck on your next hunt and I hope it will be with your Father and family. A family that hunts together stay's together.
  18. Huntn coues

    Jakob's 1st Gray Fox!

    Right on Brett. Congrats to you and your boy.
  19. Huntn coues

    Caldwell Lead Sled

    Hey C/S thanks for letting us know it was sold. And don't feed us that crap that you were hunting or something like that.
  20. Huntn coues

    Trail Cameras

    did he taste like Tamales? PS... We all hunt habitat; man made or natural it doesn't matter.. j- My point exactly.
  21. Huntn coues

    Trail Cameras

    Thanks Bill.
  22. CNS has a couple wildviews and I think he gets 60 days on em. Is this correct Gino?
  23. Huntn coues

    We took one in Carazzozo

    Looks like the home work was done on this one. Jeez 3 minutes Great buck and congratulations.