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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues

    December tag gripe

    I know if we loose dec. hunts then we will never get em back so maybe bowhunters can hold off on hunting these units untill Jan. Yeah right. I know that I personally like to wait till Jan to hunt em anyway's.
  2. Huntn coues


    ??????????? means that's sad because if that buck kicks the bucket that will be one less buck to put the smack down on. Smack down meaning "harvest"
  3. Huntn coues

    December tag gripe

    Why is it in the Archery deer vs rifle deer in the same unit not a big deal to alot of people?? When they tried having the archery deer hunters hunt a week longer this year into the elk hunt just about everyone flipped a gasket so why not get bent now over the whitetail hunt??? I know its been like this for awhile but just curious. Just playing devil's advocate here.
  4. Huntn coues

    December success!

    Nice buck!
  5. Huntn coues

    WTB - ATV Ramps

    Fricken losers I saw some at Home depot a while back but I did not pay attention to the weight limit on them. They are the two single ramps. I might make the switch to them because the one I have now (bi-fold) are barely wide enough for my quad and will not work for my Ranger. They looked long enough for the tallest of trucks.
  6. Huntn coues

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    We do have a sentimental side to us as well Casey. What do you mean he WOULD go 93"??? Did he break? Never mind I will wait for your story. And sorry your hunt did not go as you planned.
  7. Huntn coues

    December tag gripe

    Don't know if I like the idea of being archery hunting at the same time a rifle hunt is going on. Sure wouldn't use any decoy's
  8. Huntn coues

    Traveling to Mexico

    Call me the paranoid one but with the new law that starts in a couple of weeks I sure would be careful when in Mexico. I have been talking with a lot of my trades and they said they are loosing alot of their help come the first of Jan. Also I spoke to a co worker and he has a friend who already had to close his doors because of this. I have been to Mexico one time and it was on a cruise and I was paranoid the entire time. I have heard to many horror stories for me to go there again. JMO Might be some hard feelings out there in a couple of weeks. BTW thats 1,000 for me. I gaining on secondcoueswas70 and GH, and yes you to C/S.
  9. Huntn coues

    Hunter's 911 Call

    Worked fine for me as well.
  10. Huntn coues

    This ever happend to you?

    good luck secondcoueswas70
  11. Huntn coues

    AZ Game & Fish Director is retiring

    No problemo just vote for AMANDA.
  12. Huntn coues

    Buck on the Wall

    Great mount. What unit was he in again?? What tank was he by?
  13. Huntn coues

    How old is old enough to hunt?

    Just make sure if you take the little ones out quail hunting that they do not stand in one spot very long cause they might be standing on a ant hill. Then the next thing you know I (I mean they) will be stripping down to there B-day suit and running around like a chicken with their head cut off.
  14. Huntn coues

    AZ Game & Fish Director is retiring

    This was already posted on another thread. Check it out. We are all nominating Amanda as the new director
  15. Huntn coues

    CW.com Bumper sticker?

    I like the second one as well but I am kinda seeing that it might look like anti work. Guarantee 90 % of the public does not know what Carp Deer or Coues deer are. The just know the word DEER so what they see is FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS HUNT DEER. JMO> But piss on them I will take 2.
  16. Huntn coues

    Bass Pro Shop

    Better not comw between now and Monday... Ill be hunting Im hard to mis... 6'3 270 lbs, red beard Hunting? Do you have a tag Casey? Why didn't you tell anyone
  17. Huntn coues

    Applying for tags question

    Ditto. She has to be 10 at the time of the hunt and she has to be 10 when she GRADUATES the class. Most definately put her in for the up coming draw. If she turns 10 in April that will give her a few months to get her class passed for the upcoming hunts. Bowhunter4life is correct on the bonus point if she is not drawn she will not get a bonus point this year.(it happened to my youngest this year)because she was not old enough at the time of the draw. They recognize her age at the time that the hunt takes place so there is no issue there. All three of my girls had the same issues that you are faced with but we did not have nearly enough time as you do seeing that her b-day is in April. Talk to Pam in the hunter ed department if you have any other questions. She worked a miracle for my 10 yr old this year. She turned 10 in mid Nov. and her cow hunt started in the first week of Dec. Pam made it happen. Good luck on the draw!!!
  18. Huntn coues

    World Record Cow Elk

  19. That was one of my daughters bulls. I will be posting the story and pics soon.
  20. Just wondering who was headed south bound on Hwy 87 (slate creek area) around 4 pm yesterday? When I passed you I honked!!
  21. Huntn coues

    First posting

    Welcome! Nice bucks.
  22. Huntn coues

    WOOOHOOO Thanks Everyone!!!

    You have bought some Tasco's and saved a few grand.
  23. Huntn coues

    BRD BIG Ram Down!!

    10 bonus points for me!! Should just about guarantee me a tag this year