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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues

    he's back

    Nice mount Mike.
  2. Huntn coues

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Yup me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Huntn coues

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Well there you have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were just discussing this on another thread. Where did you get this info?
  4. Huntn coues

    Deer Cain Minerals

    Where's Tony when we need em?
  5. Usually that means its the first one to fall out and get kicked around under the desk when they take the top off. JK.... Good luck!
  6. Huntn coues

    Deer Cain Minerals

    I love using the middle finger but rarely does it accomplish anything other than make me feel good. That may not have come out the way I meant it to some. Shut up Gino!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Huntn coues

    Deer Cain Minerals

    Hey Gaines I know they are all important but if we could choose one or the other which one would be our best one to go to? IN NUMBERS
  8. Huntn coues

    Deer Cain Minerals

    I love using the middle finger but rarely does it accomplish anything other than make me feel good.
  9. Huntn coues

    Deer Cain Minerals

    And thats what we all need to say AT THE COMMISION MEETINGS! Hardly any of us go to these meetings all we do is fricken belly ache about it. MYSELF INCLUDED. I remember a while back we were all going to attend these meetings over an issue and only a select few did,my hats off to those who did.
  10. Huntn coues

    Deer Cain Minerals

    We do not show up in numbers at these meetings like K Gaines stated. They do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until we do they will take what they want.
  11. Huntn coues

    Javelina, pig or rodent?

  12. Huntn coues

    What did you apply for?

    I'm with you my Friend!!! OH... You mean what did I put in for?? ....I'll.....never.....tell........ Okay.... We all put in together.... Elk- 42M archery (early), 39W, and 36B antlerless.... Ant.-42M Archery, 39W, and 36B antlerless.... Okay....come on! You know you atleast stared to smile once???? I just couldn't help myself.... it is a compulsive disorder.... Got it from my mother's side of the family. Dirk D. Ditto!
  13. Huntn coues

    Deer Cain Minerals

    NOFX- IMO... Everyone needs to listen to what G/H said!!!!! And I have said it before SHOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH. Its not just this one post but it's the hundreads of posts just like it on this site and all the others. All the other Anti's use this stuff to fuel the fire and all it does for us is we get screwed because it will be eventually be gone. And it will be gone. It all boils down to "well if we give them this then it might quiet them up for a while" And we all know what that will lead to next which will be something else that's not in our favour. (domino effect) Just my 2 pennies.
  14. Huntn coues

    2007 December coues

    Yep welcome aboard.
  15. Huntn coues

    Bullet Question

    Now if we could just get Lark to admit he's wrong about the .270 ........
  16. Hold The Phone!!!!! I didn't hear anything like that!!!!! That might equal the nationl War Debt!!! I might have to find another place in another town to eat.... now... Thanks Tim!!! For something like that I will make the trip from Tucson! Woohoo!!! Free dinner on Gino... Gino, while your at it, I could use a tank of gas too I am with Casey but I might need a little more fuel than 1 tank. BTW.... you guy's make sure Gino spends all of his time at the salad bar.....K
  17. Huntn coues

    Draw Results ???

    Yep I agree 100%. Might lead to one less app in the pile.
  18. That's cutting it close Good luck in the draw!
  19. Huntn coues

    Pop Quiz #1

    dang I thought I got it with sparrow
  20. Huntn coues

    What Caliber is most commonly used

    The 7mm 08 has dumped everything from Bulls to javy's for my daughters all with no tracking involved. Its an awesome round but with any round its shot placement. I have had to track animals that were shot with the .270 30.06 and many others but it all depends on who's shooting and where its hit. Just shoot what fits you but STAY CLEAR of the .270......Troy Just for you lark....
  21. Huntn coues

    Skinning and fur handling

    That is good info. That is exactly as I remember doing it. It is Funny that you mentioned the trick with the two sticks, it brought back other memories as well... we often used a pair of pliers to strip the tail as well. Once the hide is off though the fun Really begins.... You gotta get ALL the flesh and fat off the hide before you stretch it. We never sewed our green hides and never got docked for it either, but we never had any holes larger than a 22 short either. FYI.... a piece of log siding with a rounded end makes the best fleshing board I have ever used. Always put your hide on the Stretcher hair in till almost dry... then turn and let it finish drying with the hair out so that the fur buyer can grade it.... completely dry hides are near impossible to turn. I have a ton of fur Stretchers that I never use if anyone needs some, I'd be willing to part with some of mine. CnS Gino u might want to keep a stretcher or two so you can stretch out your shirts every once in a while. Tubby
  22. Huntn coues

    Pop Quiz #1

    #4 is a easy one! Jeez guy's that's a sparrow.