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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues

    New To The Site

    Welcome to the site! Now that that's over --- You suck cuz thats my tag you got
  2. Huntn coues


    Dagnabbitt Casey and Jim- Thats some funny stuff right there! Short bus and wedgies lmao lol: Still trying to get the tears out of my eyes!
  3. Huntn coues

    got a monster

    There you go Snakekiller Nice pic!
  4. Huntn coues

    Ground Blind help

    They work great. Also you could try one of those mist bottles as well. I have one that I use and it works great. Just get it up to pressure and clip up the hose and let it rip. If you are able to get a small ice chest to where your blind will be then get a couple of those neck thinga ma-jigs that stay cool and just keep rotating them out of the ice chest.
  5. Huntn coues

    Another one of Grandpa's sheds

    Those 3rds sure are long. Heres a pic of some thirds as well.
  6. Huntn coues

    any good hunting spots

    Welcome young man Keep posting and have fun and learn Also there is a new 10 year old female member Who thinks that you have cooties and are disgusting I think she is probably right but a PM to her would not hurt You are welcome Troy
  7. Huntn coues


    You still don't have them though and you did not get em on the 9th Sounds like crappy customer service to me! Next time buy some quality glass like Tasco
  8. Huntn coues

    This one rides the Short Bus....

    Rudolph (casey) with your eyes so crossed ---stay the heck away from the sleigh tonight.
  9. It was the 17th last year so why would it be later this year Hope he is wrong.
  10. Huntn coues

    Rage Broadheads

    Welcome to the site! Get ready for alot of feedback on this one You opened a can of worms
  11. Huntn coues

    Hey I am new to the site

    That's the last one! Three girls and they ALL hunt
  12. Huntn coues

    elk pics from this weekend

    Hey snakekiller welcome to the site! You don't have to worry about these pics because they will be long gone come opening day Everyone knows these bulls but when you get onto your own bull that's when you want to be very discreet with pics and what you say.
  13. Huntn coues

    elk pics from this weekend

  14. Casey.....I thought of you the minute I saw this bull. They say things like this sometimes come from an injury. You are known for shooting antlers off animals, correct? If so, maybe we might change his name from the Odd Bull to Casey Critter. TJ Just when you think everyone forgot.................... leave it up to tj.
  15. Huntn coues

    Do you recognize this bull?

    Now I thought I was losing it until I talked to Gino and he said he saw pics of it to. One of the pics show it in the back of a trailor he said. I also think it was a late evening pic. I think the bull I am talking about was killed in a different unit , I think 7w. Now I for sure know I am going NUTS
  16. Huntn coues

    Trail Cam Help

    I use the wildviews as well and have had good success with them and they have not failed me yet.
  17. Huntn coues

    Do you recognize this bull?

    The bull that GH is refering to is a bull that I was chasing around and Grong had a client on him as well and I think it was taken last year. He had a dropper and trash on em. GRONG can you confirm the one I am talking about got hammered last year? I sure thought he was posted on this site
  18. Huntn coues

    Help name my new hunting buddy!

    I have an 8yr old dog and on occasion he eats gravel too
  19. Huntn coues

    The Motherload

    Motherload is an understatement
  20. Huntn coues

    Ground Blind help

    Start out by brushing it in if possible also if you can find some shade under a tree(if possible) that will help with the heat. I have sat mine without brushing it in and have seen plenty of game but if I can I will. Make sure when you set it up that you place it playing the dominant wind although sitting a pop up helps contain your scent a bit. Also I will leave my shooting window open to where I am banking on the animal to come in all the other windows I leave closed or just cracked to peek thru. If you open more than one window you will have alot more light coming in which the animal can see your movement rather easily. Wear dark clothes on your upper body and head as well , this also makes it near to impossible to detect movement as well. If its hot bring your ice chest and shorts with you which is another benefeit to sitting a pop up. If you are like me I sit both the tree stand and pop up but I have a very hard time sitting still in my tree stand so I prefer me pop up when possible. Now I usually will set up my pop up a few days before the opener (if I fill comfortable) leaving it for them to get use to it. But I have on several occasions just thru it up jumped in and hunted. I have taken turkey's and other critters that way. The only animal that seems to peg me in a pop up is the coyote. I shot two over the turkey season from my pop up but both of them put on the brakes at thirty or so yards and looked directly at it Oh and another thing is to make sure you rake out the area before you set it up which helps reduce the noise when you move around. Also use your stakes they provide to secure it to the ground cuz when a big ole gust of wind comes you will play heck trying to keep it from blowing to the next county
  21. Huntn coues

    This is the stuff dreams are made of.......

    Un fricken believable Are you on a vacation in the midwest somewhere and just not telling us??????
  22. Huntn coues

    Mound of sheds!

    Jeeeeeez luizzzzzzzzzzzzz One year worth of sheds
  23. Huntn coues

    Do you recognize this bull?

    I thought the one I was after a couple of years ago was wacked last season He to had a special point but was more palmated on one side. Also thought his pic was posted on here as well with the lucky hunter.
  24. Huntn coues

    My girls filled their bull tags

    Congratulations!!! Good luck and keep us posted.