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Huntn coues

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Everything posted by Huntn coues

  1. Huntn coues

    Swarovski 15's

    I can store the guns!!!!!!!
  2. Huntn coues

    What's Your Projectile Launcher?

    30 30. Can shoot darn near 500 yards (open sight) with that bad boy.
  3. Huntn coues

    Help from treestand coues hunters

    I have never used rubber boots and don't think I ever will unless I am hunting a swamp. Only thing I do is use scent away (some times) or I sometimes throw a wafer in the pop up when I am not using my stand.
  4. Huntn coues

    How long should I wait?

    Sorry to hear that Give it what you can and like others stated over the next couple of day's look for crows and yotes yacking. Good luck. Oh like Amanda said get a dog out there cuz they work wonders!
  5. Huntn coues

    Coueskiller harvests a brute........

    OOOOOOOH db and grong sittin in a tree.....................................................
  6. Huntn coues

    great weekend

    What a buck Mr. Mike!
  7. Huntn coues

    packing a sidearm

    I think the length of the barrel has something to do with it
  8. Huntn coues

    How long should I wait?

    Amanda - I knew what you meant I was just curious because with your credentials/expierience I thought I would ask what you thought. I did not mean my question to come out the way it seems to have. It's a tough position to be in especially with so many variables. He is armed with a bow but with a rifle you might be able to get a follow shot off quicker than with a bow if you did happen to bump him from where he layed down. If you wait to long then the meat is spoiled by the heat and if the buck is bleeding mostly inside the cavity(hit in guts) that will ruin the taste of the meat as well. As far as being hit in the liver like mentioned above I have hit a deer it the liver(with a bow) and he expired with in 20 yards and know of a couple others that died in less than a hundread yards after 30 min to an hour wait. So my question is if the buck was shot at 12:30 and expired at lets say 2:00 how long would it be before the meat would spoil in these temps?
  9. Huntn coues

    How long should I wait?

    What's your advice Amanda?
  10. Huntn coues

    Jumping the string

    A what?
  11. Huntn coues

    Leaving deer attractant out

    As the law is now you can hunt it.
  12. Huntn coues


  13. Huntn coues

    Not a huge buck but hey an archery harvest!

    +1 Like alway's said any deer with a bow is true accomplishment!
  14. Huntn coues

    Jumping the string

    I know that feeling!
  15. Huntn coues

    Lets hear about your close calls

    I am not sure there Casey but I am thinking that his answer would be a big NEGATIVE GHOSTRIDER.
  16. Huntn coues

    How long should I wait?

    I am thinking about 4 hours. With it being so hot get back out there with your bow and nock an arrow and glass out in front of you every few feet from where you last saw him. The longer the wait the better chance at finding him expired but IMO with the heat I would get back after him. Good luck.
  17. Huntn coues

    bullet trajectory

    So in other words hold low
  18. Huntn coues

    bullet trajectory

    Depending how steep hold low on both. Or get one of those fancy range finders that spits out what yardage to shoot at up hill or down hill.
  19. Huntn coues

    WTB - Swarovski 15's

    Ouch DB
  20. Huntn coues

    Coueshunter bags his first with a bow!

    Woo hoooo!!! Way to go!
  21. Huntn coues

    The all out buck!

    Thank's for all of your replies Grong- I am taking your advice on sending my story to all the magazines and now I am just waiting on all of their calls I intend on giving you some of the proceeds I get for your idead-K.... Redman- Nope it really was my Fred Bear Instinct.... you no likey? Gamehauler- Here is a pic of the stand in progress. deer_stand.bmp
  22. Huntn coues

    javalina recipes

    I agree! just a dash of Lark will ruint it