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About UncleSnick

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  1. UncleSnick

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    So were Catholic priests but we all saw where that went.
  2. UncleSnick

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I'll just stick an arrow through the bullet hole.
  3. UncleSnick

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Oh snap!
  4. UncleSnick

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    This must be about the Game and Fish "collecting bone" from a member.
  5. Rude and disrespectful is just my game.
  6. stay classy you didnt think that was a little but funny? He probably believes that God actually did actually make that buck get into a fight the day before just so the turd would feel humbled that he had to shoot a buck under 100 inches. Hey, mysterious ways and all that.
  7. UncleSnick

    Luckiest kid ever.

    Choices choices. Donate to a girl with bone cancer? Nah. Donate to conservation? Nope. Donate to a family who lost their father? Don't have money for that. Help a kid get his deer mounted? Bingo!!
  8. UncleSnick

    FS Ground Blind

    Sounds like a smokin deal..... or I could just buy them brand new for $180 and $144. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/primos-the-club-blind-xl?a=1003137 http://www.academy.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_10051_285251_-1__?N=602989784&affcode=42&kwid=ps_cse&cid=PLA_009902966&affcode=42&kwid=ps_cse&cid=PLA_009902966&gclid=CIyDgeKP1cECFcNQ7AodczYAcw
  9. UncleSnick

    AZ unit 1 bull

    Pics or it didn't happen
  10. UncleSnick

    Cited by AZGF

    . I am sorry but if anyone kid, adult, or old timmer goes out hunting they should know if what they plan on taking is leagle or not. We must teach the next generation the right way to hunt. This may beven a good kid but we don't know what the Worden seen while he was there and the law is the law. Sorry but we all need to fallow the rules
  11. This guy must have missed his hunter ed class.