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Everything posted by out2hunt

  1. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    Thought I would add my buddies bull from 5a in 2011
  2. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    Thank you for the great advice. Patience will be number one focus in mental preparation leading up to the hunt.
  3. out2hunt

    More Pics 2

    Sweet Bulls
  4. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    Had to add one more, look at the 4s on the bull in the back! Big 6/ notice the difference in hide color. Older bulls are usually darker right?
  5. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    Tough 53 days to wait for sure lol! Super stoked and feel pretty worthless at work thinking about elk all day!
  6. out2hunt

    5A Archery Early

    It wasn't that bad Saturday lol. wowzer
  7. out2hunt

    5A Archery Early

    How many cwt members drew this tag? Out of those who drew, How many want to hunt north and who likes to hunt the south end of the unit? All for fun gentleman
  8. out2hunt

    Great scouting trip

  9. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    I hit a wall of water just outside rye friday night, and when we checked the cameras everything was full. Every tank was to the brim!Found some pics that I want to share, let me know if any of these bulls are shooters. HUGE THANKS GOES OUT TO SHEDHUNTERAZ FOR ALL THE EFFORT AND EXPENSE THAT HAS BEEN SPENT TO HELP A GUY TAG HIS FIRST ELK!
  10. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    Serious trophies! Awesome stuff man
  11. out2hunt

    Checked one cam

    Sweet! Thanks for posting the pics, they are all that is keeping me going over the next 56 days.
  12. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    I appreciate that! I hope your monster shows his vitals at 20 or less, just for the excitement factor!
  13. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    Checking cameras this weekend, so I will be sure to post a few pics. I have been on a few archery hunts as a caller and cameraman so I know the action can get hot! I have elected to hunt the unit because of the fun in years past spent with huntin buddies chasin bugles!
  14. out2hunt

    The good ol days

    No, I was awaiting a unit 9 tag and decided that I would like to hunt more than anticipate, so I put unit 9 muzzy first choice and 5a second choice.
  15. out2hunt

    More Pics

    Love the fours on the last bull.....SHOOTER!
  16. out2hunt

    Checked cams (vers 3)

    Great pics! I see the activity is up with the rain! Love seeing them grow!
  17. out2hunt

    What a nice rain can do

    Tell me 5A has the same problem lol love it
  18. out2hunt

    3a 3c Archery Elk Tag...

    you'll be tagged out by 10 am the hard part will be holding out for a big one lol
  19. out2hunt

    AES Elk Rut Video to start your day.

    looks like him again at 247 mark
  20. out2hunt

    AES Elk Rut Video to start your day.

    206 thru 210 min mark! Can I find him in 5A? lol
  21. out2hunt

    AES Elk Rut Video to start your day.

    I love the chocolate horned bull that comes right after the close up spook. Thick curling 4's and great tails. Not the biggest on the video, but the one that I'd like to stare at everyday when I get home! C'mon September
  22. out2hunt


    Great Photos Doug! Way to pump me up with the big bull pic!!! Thanks for sharing
  23. out2hunt

    Any other lucky 23N Early Archery Bull tag Holders here?

    Dude killing a 295 bull on a late hunt is equal to killing a 350 bull on an early hunt in my eyes. Props to you! Seriously!!!! They are almost always broken up at that time of year. Congrats
  24. out2hunt

    Any other lucky 23N Early Archery Bull tag Holders here?

    Forgive all of those of us that enjoy a positive hunting environment and experience, as we have now spent far too long trying to educate a young man on sportsmanship. Any negative remarks made about a hunting experience goes against what this site and it's member's stand for....sportsmanship and the love of the outdoors. My advice to all who read this, Make positive remarks and you will get positive in return. Negative opinions should be kept to the poor guy thinking them. Many Blessings, Ken Meyers