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Everything posted by out2hunt

  1. out2hunt

    Late season success for two great kids!

    Thanks Guys! The boy loves the responses!
  2. out2hunt

    21 points for Antelope, which unit

    5A........Sleeper toads in the northern half of the unit!
  3. out2hunt

    Late season success for two great kids!

    The Best for sure Azbowhntr! Priceless memories
  4. out2hunt

    The "Candlestick" buck SCORE

    P&Y BRUSIER! Kudos
  5. out2hunt

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Myself- 2pts resident elk 3125, 3027, 3132, 3128 Antelope 7points resident 2021, 2007, 2023, 2055 My son-2pts resident elk 3069, 3015, 3099 Thanks again for all your help Flatlander! You are a fine example of a sportsman willing to help his fellow man! May you draw the tags of your dreams!
  6. Great job Man! I love the color phase!
  7. I can not wait to use my new Alps Outdoorz Commander frame pack! New this year for christmas, wife suprised the dickens out of me!
  8. out2hunt

    46B tag #1

    Gorgeous Mount, loved the thread!
  9. out2hunt

    Late rifle bulls

    Kudos on a couple of great bulls!
  10. out2hunt

    Coyote Pedestal Mount

    Superb work again Dale! Outstanding
  11. out2hunt

    11 Year Old's Quest For Her First Elk

    Awesome job Taylor! Way to go team, one of the best threads i have followed on this site in 7 years
  12. out2hunt

    "You've got to work for it"

    Sweet story! Love the pics, congrats!
  13. out2hunt

    Junior hunters get it done!

    Awesome bucks! Congrats
  14. out2hunt

    Final Jr. Deer Hunt!

    Great job to all involved! Kudos
  15. out2hunt

    Gabe Ward Elk and Coues

    Kudos on filling those tags Gabe!
  16. out2hunt

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    Blessed for sure, awesome bull!
  17. out2hunt

    My First Elk Hunt

    Great job in the late season! STUD Bulls!
  18. out2hunt

    My first bull

    woohoo, love when a plan comes together! Kudos on your first bull!
  19. out2hunt

    unit 8 rifle bull

    Nice First Bull and even better, priceless memories! Kudos
  20. out2hunt

    "My Turn", video and pics…Finally!

    Great Job Jim, We both waited ten years and both ended it before the sun even rose! Kudos on an outstanding bull!
  21. out2hunt

    Finally got it done late season bull

    Like I said when you called, Proud of you for not giving up bro. You deserve that bull, congrats!