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Everything posted by trophyhnter

  1. trophyhnter

    Archery cow VRS Archery Bull

    Oh yeah! Congrats on the getting a tag.....even if its the hard way!
  2. trophyhnter

    Couldn't stand

    Cool pics. Keep posting them! Bucks and all.
  3. trophyhnter

    Archery cow VRS Archery Bull

    I like to chase bugles. Two for one in that experience (hunt cows and practice hunting bulls). Listen for bugles and chase them down. Practice getting the wind in your face and getting in front of them. You can practice your cow calls which brings in the cows and hopefully a Giant bull so you can get twice the "buck fever" as you get ready for the shot. Waterholes suck unless your willing to throw down with some hot headed hunter who owns the tank because he has been hunting the area for years and he has been scouting the tank for months (at least that has been my experience). Mineral licks are great if you start them. Right now your best bet is to find a game trail and place it close to the trail! I have had cows bite the small blocks of salt and almost eat the entire thing in 10 minutes! Good luck! Im jealous!
  4. trophyhnter

    whats the score?

    108ish just because of the time length....G2s. Realy great buck! I would shot in a heartbeat
  5. trophyhnter

    2012 Hit List

    Wow.....Thats all I can say! You guys are putting in some time in the field to find this bulls! Good luck to you and your clients! Just leave one for me next year when I get my tag!
  6. trophyhnter

    Lifesize Javelina and a Color Phase Bear Rug

    You did a great job on both but the javelina looks lifelike! Thanks for sharing
  7. trophyhnter

    Time line of a kitten

    Thats what I thought. Its obvious that the lions dont really mind human scent around their kill.....I would have thought otherwise. How big of a territory does the lion with the kitten have?
  8. trophyhnter

    Trail Cam Pics

    Very nice buck. Getting pumped for this archery season! Good luck shoot straight andl et the air of him.
  9. trophyhnter

    Glass Bedding My Rifle

    Good topic. I looked up pillar, glass bedding, and floating rifle barrels on youtube and have seen enough to get me interested in trying it. I have an old 22 mag rifle that I will try it on before I try it on my other rifles.
  10. trophyhnter

    Time line of a kitten

    Great pics. The back legs look like they are tied!
  11. trophyhnter

    Why am I posting this pic?

    I think I see it.....Ive seen something like that at the Kiabab. I got busted on a stalk by one in the same position!
  12. trophyhnter

    Growin' Bone - July 2

    Great video. WOW those are two shooter for sure......I dont have a tag so good luck to the person that has my tag!
  13. trophyhnter

    Trailcam pics from June

    Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a bull!
  14. trophyhnter

    June TC pics.

    Good luck on your hunt! Im definately jealous!
  15. trophyhnter

    Lions And Deer

    Things are looking up! Hope it starts raining soon so the rest of the forest dont shut down and we cannot hunt deer in august!
  16. trophyhnter

    My 2012 Crazy Bear Hunt

    Great story. Thanks for sharing. I would have paid money to see the blooding trailing scene. We all need to have a GoPro.
  17. trophyhnter

    Elk video

    Great video. Congrats to all the hunters and guides. Were some of those bulls killed on the over the counter tags? Looked like a desert river bottom.
  18. trophyhnter

    Coranado Forest Travel Plan

    Do they make a Travel Plan every year? They already closed a lot of roads according to the map I downloaded. I tried to attach it but the file is too big. http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5325452.pdf
  19. trophyhnter

    Some pics from the month of June

    Great pics. All the pics are cool. Moma bear with twins! Thanks for sharing.
  20. I think your right about the purpose/process for bear management but I/we were just applying the bear management process to get acurrate harvest numbers for deer and if G&F was realy into harvest objectives for deer then they could close the specific season instead of only closing the archery hunts.
  21. Good idea! On step further, harvest report should be mandatory for all harvest so that unit can be shut done when the harvest objective is met. Like bear, have harvest objective for all season (archery, muzzleloader, and rifle seasons). If game and fish is serious about harvest objectives, like they are with bear, then they should go with these ideas, Right????? I dont think they would ever manage other big game like bear because it too much work but they could at least give an incentive to reporting like giving a bonus point for reporting. I dont remember seeing how many people respond to the hunt surveys but Im sure it is well short of 100%.
  22. trophyhnter

    Locked gate on state trust land

    If the fence will be built in the ADOT right of way them most of the permitting Enviromental clearance, bugs and bunnies permits should not be a probem. If not, then the process can be a long furstrating process. Did Matt say what the timeline for a possible solution like the fence would be?
  23. trophyhnter

    My Deer, well whats left!

    Great pics! From that angle, the bear looks like a grizzly! Let the air out of him and make sure
  24. trophyhnter

    Snakes are out!

    Holy smokes! Thats part anaconda!
  25. Great info. Thanks for sharing! That's a great ram! Congrats to the hunter for the grand slam and the ram but mostly for drawing the tag!