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About trophyhnter

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    Premier Member

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    On good days in the forest, bad days Gilbert
  • Interests
    Family and the outdoors

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  1. trophyhnter

    Unit 21 Opening Day Buck

    WOW! Great buck! Congrats
  2. trophyhnter


    What year is the bow? Can the draw length be decreased with those cams or are new ones needed
  3. trophyhnter

    Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42

    Great meeting you. Remember you promised that I would find a +110 coues with the binos. Kidding.
  4. trophyhnter

    Coues and Effect

    great writeup! I was pulling for you on the big muley!
  5. trophyhnter

    2 for 2 for 2

    Great hunt and awesome smiles all around! Congrats to all in this hunt!
  6. trophyhnter

    My buck

    Wow! Way to go! That a long way from the spike my friend was putting the stalk on yesterday! What a brute!
  7. trophyhnter

    5 of 7 tags filled in 21

    Way to get it done!
  8. I will be in the unit next week helping my friend on a muley hunt. We scouted last weekend and I saw some tanks with water that hadn't held water in years past......may mean healthier deer and a good rut year. Either way, it should be fun. Last year the big enough bucks were chasing does the weekend before Christmas. Good luck and don't over look the transition areas where you find muleys and whitetail.
  9. trophyhnter

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    I would seem that legally the rest of the story should be very simple! Hope it is, getting a judgment against someone is great but getting the money is the tough part. Attorney fees are not joke and language like "reasonable attorney's fees" as part of a judgment hopefully cover ALL of your uncles! Hopefully your uncle take the leash off his attorney and try everything to get his money...like liens and wage garnishments! Good luck! Do you have a copy of the signed contract? I'm sure some Mexican official would like to look into the waste of Mexican resources without receiving their cut! I would wait until your uncle gets his money back.
  10. trophyhnter

    My First Coues Hunt - 27/28

    Great writeup! Congrats on a great buck! What luck.....two years to get a December tag and a great buck 50 yards away! Sounds like you really earned this buck....next time your dad will be with you!
  11. trophyhnter

    It's Not Over Yet!

    Never mind....got it to work
  12. trophyhnter

    It's Not Over Yet Part 2

    The video of the two bucks that I posted earlier were sharing 10 to 12 does! That day I saw 5 bucks and all had does with them! Change setting to HD
  13. trophyhnter

    It's Not Over Yet!

    I have another segment to shows all the does they are sharing! I had a big write-up but my original post crapped out so the follow up was short!
  14. trophyhnter

    Opening Day Success

    Congrats on your success! The second picture is framed perfectly! Looks great!
  15. trophyhnter

    Dog Down 6.5 Creedmoor

    Congrats! Good looking coyote killin rig!