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About varnco

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  1. varnco

    I've been blessed again!

    Really nice buck. What time of day did you take him, if you don't mind me asking.
  2. varnco

    2021 Rut....

    Seems like the rut varies by location? I was up in 24a last weekend and just saw solo doe's and 1 solo buck (youngster). Up in the mountains (man, it's a shame the burn it got (again), but should be good in a few years). The rut should be starting (or I missed it, lol). Good luck all!
  3. varnco

    Punched 2021 tag

    Very nice!
  4. varnco

    2021 Rut Activity

    Heard 2 bugles in 7e tonight at dusk. Central/flats part of unit
  5. varnco

    7E - Scouting - Sept 10th Archery

    Thanks! Went out to the flats and didn't hear any bugling, but missed a nice 5x5.
  6. varnco

    2021 Rut Activity

    Went over to the flats tonight north of 514 and didn't hear anything either. Must be later this year. There's always something, lol.
  7. varnco

    7E - Scouting - Sept 10th Archery

    Here any bugling? Nothing in the bearjaw/abineau canyon areas. Dead silent.
  8. varnco

    2021 Rut Activity

    Quiet in 7E, so far.
  9. varnco

    2021 Archery Coues!!

    Very nice! Congratulations!
  10. varnco

    7E - Scouting - Sept 10th Archery

    Thanks for the advice. I'll keep at it!
  11. varnco

    7E - Scouting - Sept 10th Archery

    Thanks.. there is food everywhere.. in trees, in prairies... everywhere. Water is available in most areas as well, if there's a tank nearby. All good things, but then again, that means they can be almost anywhere. I am going to assume they are going to be higher/ cooler than the lower elevations at this time of year and in September, as it's still relatively hot in Flagstaff (High 82* this week). I am hoping they're talking at the beginning of the hunt, but I know they're more likely to be talking towards the end of the hunt. Heading up again this weekend and see if there's anything on a few cameras I put up.
  12. Went up again to 7E this weekend, and like seeing tanks with water and the greenery is amazing... food everywhere. Saw quite a few deer, including a couple of bucks (since it's OTC), but nothing taken. Scouted around the N side of the main mountain there, and saw sign, but didn't see any elk, and my 2 evil cameras only got deer on them. Did about 5 miles on boots, and was in the 8400 - 8700 elevation area Scouted around on the S side of the mountain, general area, N of 522/Shultz Tank, up to 9400 feet, and again, found elk sign, but no elk (cows or bull). Did about 5 miles on boot and was in the 8400 - 9400 elevation area. Came across a few OTC deer hunters, one saw 1 buck, said last year, there were many more. Maybe the drought earlier this year has kept some of the animals away? Any tips are appreciated... or just keep doing what I'm doing? thanks!
  13. varnco

    7E - Early Archery

  14. varnco

    7E - Early Archery

    Were they responding in the first part of the hunt or only second part? Sep 10 seems a bit early, but like that there's virtually no moon.
  15. varnco

    7E - Early Archery

    I am extremely happy to see the rain they are getting up north. I was going to go today and do some initial scouting for camping area, looking for cow elk sign, and throwing up a few cameras, but decided against, since they were calling for lightning as well.