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Dustin F

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Everything posted by Dustin F

  1. Dustin F

    Hoyt arrow quiver

    I have a hoyt arrow quiver for sale took it off my maxis 31 it holds 6 arrows asking 40 bucks or trade for new grave digger chisel tip 100 gr broadheads call or text 602 469 1067
  2. Dustin F

    Hoyt arrow quiver

    No body needs this sweet set up ha ha make an offer I'm sick of looking at it
  3. Dustin F

    Hoyt arrow quiver

    According to archery talk your bow should have oval holes but I guess hoyt made brackets to adapt to the triangle holes
  4. Dustin F

    Hoyt arrow quiver

  5. Dustin F

    So calling works...

    That's a sweet bear. If you don't mind me asking what call sounds are you using is it a Reed call or an electronic call I tried to spot and stalk one Sunday the spotting part was easy but stalking in that nasty terrain was brutal I'm trying to get it done with my bow so I think calling might up my odds
  6. Dustin F

    3c buck

    Here's my buddies 3c buck since he won't post it I figured you guys might want to see this one he did it solo spot and stalk drilled him at 80 yards and packed him out a mile and a half solo congrats vinniebeaks
  7. Dustin F

    3c buck

    He is gonna try and get another cape he was solo running out of light and pouring rain so he got out as fast as he could
  8. Dustin F

    3c buck

    Ya we found him about 5 days before he put him down and he was with a way bigger 4x4 pushing 200 inches but I told him he needed to stick with the double drop time buck that is more rare than a 200 inch 4x
  9. Dustin F

    Stolen stands and cameras in 5bs

    I have a brand new in box tree Stan that your more than welcome to use if you need one I know it's a little close to crunch time but throwing it out call me at 602 469 1067 I'm in North phoenix
  10. Dustin F

    Archery in your backyard?

    I had a buddy call the 39th and cactus police station and the lady said "are you asking me what you should do or what's legal " so they frown upon it but it's not illegal
  11. I have no clue how to judge a ram or even guess the age, but I was fishing saguaro lake a few weeks back and spotted this guy up on a bluff. My buddy had his nice big camera but the pics weren't cutting it from the water so I hiked about 1/4 mile or so and stalked in within 80-90 yards of this guy and was able to get some nice pics of him. Would this ram be a shooter?
  12. Dustin F

    How old and what does he score

    Ha yeah I figured he was young but man if I had my Hoyt in my hand and a tag he might have been posted on here with a little red on his side and a little closer camera angle it was pretty cool being that close to him he didn't actually look at me untill I was about to head back to the boat then he spotted my movement and started stomping his feet at me so I thought I better get to gettin before I had to make a cliff dive with a 2500 dollar camera that wasn't mine.
  13. Dustin F

    Closing the gap???? Archery

    I had my first elk tag last year. It was also archery early bull. I tried everything from sitting water, to chasing bugles to calling. I took me 8 days to finally tag out and it was 8 hard days of many miles a missed shot and a ton of blown stalks to figure them out a bit. I am by no means an experienced caller. My bugle was horrible so I didn't even bring it with me. The one thing I used was a cow call for two reasons, one being that I am an aggressive hunter so I like to charge in on them and catch them off guard but sometimes this means you make mistakes like kicking branches or rocks and making extra noise. I would use the cow call to cover up my mistake when I was in close. The other time I would cow call is when I was physically close enough to hear the chatter back and forth between the actual cows and I would turn my back to them and try to mimick the same thing and same sequence that I could hear them doing. This is what ended up getting me my bull. He was no 350 bull by any means and this was my first time but I have been on other people's hunts so I had some knowledge of the animal, but I did harvest a nice 5/5. My tag was in unit 8 by the way not sure what unit you have but the rut was not as crazy as I have seen on other hunts it was on some days and off on others and I focused on only cedars the entire hunt. Hope this helps good luck to you.
  14. Dustin F

    Moving sale/ updated w/more items*****

    I just re read the add I see how much the mower is so dusregaurd the last one sorry about that
  15. Dustin F

    Moving sale/ updated w/more items*****

    How much for the mower
  16. Dustin F

    Help or thoughts?

    I would say that deer is probably dead that's a good amount of blood the one I hit did not have near that much blood loss.
  17. Dustin F

    Help or thoughts?

    I did the exact same thing last December like vinniebeeks was saying mine was a 60 yard shot but after I thought about it his leg was back because he was taking a tree when I shot I'm pulling 72 lbs and was shooting the gold tip velocity arrows around 290 fps with G5 t3 mechanicals. It sucked bad for me untill I found out that deer was shot this October by someone in 5guyshunting hunting group. Good luck on it tho I feel for you for sure
  18. Dustin F


    I saw a buck just like that in 21 In December was gonna put him in the freezer but he gave me the slip so I guess I gotta keep eating elk for a while longer
  19. Dustin F

    Badlands 2200 in max 1

  20. Dustin F

    Badlands 2200 in max 1

    I have a badlands 2200 pack in good condition no tears or rips and all zipper and buckles function flawlessly other than a few blood stains pack is ready to hunt only reason for getting rid of it is I just transitioned to the outdoorsmans pack I'm asking 200 would consider traded for 8 or 10 power binos or vortex ranger range finder other than that cash is the best trade of all as soon as I can remember how to get pictures on here I will post or send me your phone number and I can text them much easier my phone is 6924691067
  21. I have had decent luck getting close to some good couse Bucks spot and stalk, well within bow range but have not been able to let the air out of one yet. Due to bad shots or random tree branches that jump in front of my arrow. I'm sure it will come but I was wondering what seems to be the most successful method? It seems that many people like to sit stands and blinds but I am not ready to sit for along period of time after like ten minuets I get ancy and have to go glass something and blow a stalk. I am just trying to see where the better odds are?
  22. Dustin F

    Badlands 2200 in max 1

    Still got it and 101 and I 17
  23. Dustin F

    Badlands 2200 in max 1

    Make some offers on a great pack
  24. Dustin F

    Badlands 2200 in max 1

  25. Dustin F

    Badlands 2200 in max 1

    Here are some pics of the pack