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Everything posted by mkaml4868

  1. mkaml4868

    Need a pistol

    I appreciate the info I am looking to spend as little as possible for one.
  2. mkaml4868

    Misl items for sale

    Does the Lawn mower have a rear bagging system and is it included in the sale if so? Thanks
  3. mkaml4868

    Guns for sale

    pm sent
  4. mkaml4868

    The "Wrongway" Bull

    thanks for sharing and great bull.
  5. mkaml4868


    I have not been able to get out either Im dying man. There is just so much to do and by the way Ross is home I think you probably knew that. Lavell and Ross are going to come over tonight and recover from fishing. Kaelyn is stoked to see Ross we Just had a baby so she couldnt go see him at the plane when he came in. Good luck in the bronze I hope that you keep chasing those dreams. It is good to hear from you and keep in touch. Best to ya and now we can keep in touch Murlin
  6. mkaml4868


    Jason Hey this is murlin I never knew you were into this. Glad to hear from ya. Are you still in silver? Lynnie says hi I thought that it was you from the photo good luck
  7. I was wondering what the best coyote rifle is, that does'nt make too much of a hole. I have been looking at the 220 swift and the 22 250 as my favorite choices. I dont want anything in a wildcat caliber. I want to use it for javies and possibly other small varmints like groundhogs etc. Any opinion is appreciated.
  8. mkaml4868

    Last Day Where You Goin

    I'm all done last day is without me out there. I must work.
  9. mkaml4868

    Not a coues...BUT I'll take it

    congrats it is a beauty.
  10. mkaml4868

    Here she is...

    congrats on the beautiful baby and more especially to the wives they do all of the work.
  11. mkaml4868


    Those are some scarey thoughts and I dont like it either.
  12. mkaml4868

    looling for a coyote rifle

    If you could only use a swift or a 250 which would it be? Thanks for the help.
  13. mkaml4868

    looling for a coyote rifle

    Thanks for all of the responses, I have still been trying to decide which one I am going to buy I want the flattest shooter that I can. I keep hearing that the 220 swift is faster and flatter than the others and still has more energy at the POI. I appreciate the imput.
  14. mkaml4868

    Butting Heads

    That is a sight that not everyone gets to see. Thanks for sharing with us
  15. mkaml4868

    Nice Coues buck

    I know that this is different but my father in law found a 6 point bull this past year. It was near his camp there was no hunt going on. He found this bull that had been hit by lightening that night ( He was there watching the night before and it wasnt there) When he came in the AM there it was. He called the Gand Fish and wouldnt you know they told him not to touch it because he asked He wanted to see if the meat was good to be able to use it. A few hours later the wardens came and cut the head off and away they went. He was ticked And what a waste. he is still mad about that. These guys are the animal conservatioists sometimes they act pretty strange for that title.
  16. mkaml4868

    Find the shed...

    found what i think is a shed in both. Heck if you want I can find three in each picture. If they are really there or not is the question At least if they are where I think I see them!!!!
  17. mkaml4868

    Some Bow Kills

    Bryson, Congrats on the trophies and I hope that the mission is the best thing that ever happens to you. I know that mine was. It put everything in the right perspective and has for the rest of my life. The lord loves ya. Good luck with the future hunt.
  18. mkaml4868

    2200 Badlands pack $100

    how old is it? I am possibly interested as well and may just call.
  19. mkaml4868

    Hey Buddy

    Glad to have you on board. Hunting is a great thing. It saves alot on the doctors bill.
  20. mkaml4868

    Thank Jesus

    I also am a believer and to me my religion is everything. Pretty cool thread though even on a cover up. I appreciate the site and the information. The lord loves you.
  21. mkaml4868


    Check with Doug, he has alot of stuff at great prices and he will work with you on the shipping if you dont like it. I have decided on the minox as well I hear that they are the up and coming challengers to Swarov and zeiss.
  22. mkaml4868

    Used Zeiss Warranty?

    I have a question for any one that may know something. How do you find out what the warranty is for a used pair of zeiss binoculars? I have looked at their website and that wasnt much help (it may be that I am looking at the wrong spot on the website) They are 15x60 and I am trying to find out about them. Thanks for your help.
  23. mkaml4868

    Used Zeiss Warranty?

    "Thanks for helping me "conserve energy" I'm savin up. ( That is what I tell My wife) I will try to do my homework a little better next time.
  24. mkaml4868

    Used Zeiss Warranty?

    Do you know how I can get in touch with zeiss usa warranty to see about the warranty issues.