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About JustinB

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/24/1974

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  • Interests
    Being outdoors. Hunting, fly fishing. Getting my kids out and excited about exploring what the woods have to offer.

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  1. JustinB

    12AW Youth Oct

    was 18 degrees last weekend up there. the mornings are going to be chilly.
  2. JustinB

    Input sought from elk hunters

    The results of the last survey sent out by AZ G and F....
  3. Sitting in the trees... The big boy i missed twice opening morning last year has shown up again. Game on.
  4. JustinB

    she is starting her own little collection!

    Check out the artist... I believe he is an ex-combat vet but he nailed what I was after for my daughter. Super guy! https://www.facebook.com/nevada.grassie/
  5. JustinB

    she is starting her own little collection!

    Through an incredible artist... check him out. https://www.facebook.com/nevada.grassie/
  6. JustinB

    she is starting her own little collection!

    yes... engraved then antiqued in some sort of ink.
  7. Got my daughters doe skull back the same day her spring turkey tail was finished! Doe was her first hunt first kill and the turkey was the kids over the counter tag this April. She was supper excited to come home and find these!
  8. JustinB

    card hit

    My daughter is going back to the kaibab for a doe and is thrilled (2nd year in a row). Card hit on Saturday 7/8 My nephew got a youth buck hunt unsure what unit. Hit on a different card also Saturday 7/8
  9. JustinB

    Drew AZ Unit 8 Late season Rifle Bull--Help Please.

    Feel free to reach out to me... I live 20 minutes from the unit and that is my first choice always. I have killed multiple elk in the unit with my bow (so different time of year) I hunt deer in Sycamore. In my experience the elk don't start to move into the area until the beginning of the archery elk season. I have a spot I sit for deer and will never see an elk at that time of year. There are plenty of people that have shot a bull out of sycamore. Not sure how many of the people commenting have hunted this late hunt... but it can be a bitch. The idea that elk are everywhere at that point is a little misleading. Think about it, they have been shot at since September and been getting scouted since April. There are many big canyons in the unit and typically that is where I see the animals pulled from at that time of year. They have been pressured for 6 months. They move to a deep dark whole and hide out until spring. As far as getting it out... its just walking not a race. hang that meat and if it takes 4 days then oh well you will have some finely aged meat. Great unit to hunt snow or no snow. Last few years getting back in there in December has not been a problem at all.
  10. there are pics on FB of it on the hoof prior to the shot. It stood out..
  11. JustinB

    Let your voice be heard

    wow. I hadnt noticed that. i guess Mesa is a close as its gonna get. Must be the lack of population density right? I joke.
  12. JustinB

    Let your voice be heard

    So what do you think the best solution will be Bill? I am not suggesting fewer hunters or fewer hunters in the woods. I am thinking fewer hunters in the woods at one time. Break seasons up offering multiple seasons/hunts. That might alleviate seeing more hunters in the field than game. I would imagine the same number overall but they spread out over early, middle and late. I think this is how that conversation needs to start. Sportsman kicking around a multitude of ideas to help guide the process. I have been told multiple time now by AZGFD officers that they are no longer managing units for trophy quality animals. That is silly. We have some of the best elk hunting in the country. We should be managing certain units for trophy quality hunts. If your not after a trophy hunt you simply apply for another unit. i think as a community we need to start making and promoting suggestions vs. just bitching about poor experiences. There are a lot of moving parts and by fixing one item it is inevitably going to affect another adversely. they get such a small turn out at these events and so little input. Sportsman need to take a more active role in helping guide this process.
  13. JustinB

    Let your voice be heard

    Here you go. You here lots of people on here express feelings of not being to found of the current hunt structure being managed for oppurtunity to hunt vs having a quality hunting experience. This is the chance for your voice to be heard. There might be a real impact if sportsman turn out and express their opinions. Hope as many as possible can make it to one of the meetings around the state. http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/2017-pronghorn-elk-hunt-recommendations-to-be-available-for-review.shtml
  14. JustinB

    Rifle for 10 Year Old

    Everyone has an opinion. I bought my 10 year old daughter the ruger american compact 7mm.08. She shot it all last year practicing at the age of 9 and shot her first deer with it this fall. Enough punch for just about anything in AZ and manageable recoil for her. She loves it
  15. JustinB

    12A West Youth Hunt - Who's going?

    Her you go. Had the best hunt of my life! Enjoyed a great weekend one on one with my 10 year old daughter. She was incredible and so was the weekend. Got into camp around 300 on Thursday evening. Setting up camp we had 15 deer 50 yards away for an hour. Ended up seeing about 60 deer Thursday evening. Eating dinner that night she said "you know what Dad? That was incredible. Im ok if i dont get a deer. We just saw so many! That was cool". Friday morning she was up at 5:00. Asked her how we were going to do this. It was her hunt after all. She wanted to walk out of camp and chase the deer we had in camp the afternoon before. So we startered walkibg a ridge out with plans on droppeing into the canyon an coming back on anoher ridge. 15 minutes in we had 8 deer right below us. The angle was too steep for her height and ahe could barley see them. They eventualy got nervous and blew out of there. We worked over to the other ridge in the direction of those deer. At ththe top we wlaked into a father and son who alerted us to another group just below on the backside. We decide to work the top back up to the ridge. Trying to give everyone room. 5 minutes later we are back in deer . I got her set up and just as she went to touch it off the doe trotted away. My daughter was all smiles! She was loving it. We headed back north her plan was to walk another one of he old logging cuts. Befor we hit th next ridge there were more deer. Again she got set up for the shot. Trying to coach her as best i could she took a breath and boom. I thought i saw the deer drop but wasnt sure. Deer scattered everywhere. Then i hear her crying. She got a little excited and moved up on the scope. Took it in the eybrow. Al little bruise and a few tears later we moved forward to check for blood. I start looking for sign she whispers "dad that looks like a deer butt". Sure enough her doe wasnt 10 feet away. The video footage i got at a that point was priceless. She was so happy. Tears of joy and a little sadness. She was overcome. She approached her deer with great respect and happiness. It couldnt have gone anybetter. The hunt was over in an hour. She was done at 715. She help dresss the deer drag it out and skin it at camp. Asking question the entire time. Truly the best hunt ever. She says the worst part is she has to wait a year to try and get another. So happy to have a new hunting partner.