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Northern Pintail

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Everything posted by Northern Pintail

  1. Northern Pintail

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    This is not the correct bull. Pretty sure they have pulled it from every where.
  2. Northern Pintail

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    That’s a lie and you know it. Now that you’ve been convicted you can be honest. Like. How many times did you cross the line? Did GF talk to you that fall? When where you charged? Anything you say can’t be used against you. and again don’t lie. There are people out there that know the truth. (Im not one by the way).
  3. Northern Pintail

    Update cc

  4. Northern Pintail

    CC hits

    In Arizona the law is in regards to a raffle I don’t fully understand it either but it’s something about you can’t do a raffle with out specific permits and gf doesn’t want to do that for every draw.
  5. Northern Pintail

    CC hits

    The delay is because half of the applicants don’t know their shoot and create another account when they apply so to make sure their bonus points are used the department has to merge the accounts before they can run the draw
  6. Northern Pintail

    71 yrs old with 19 bonus points, what unit for a Bull

    The problem with this thought is that he probably won’t catch max. I did some math for a non res buddy who has 17 pts and looking for early archery 9. I can’t remember how many he is behind but based on how many people are in front of him and at his point level it could take another 24 years to be in max. And that’s if others don’t jump into that unit with more points. Early rifle tags don’t even half as many tags as archery so the creep would be much more severe
  7. Northern Pintail

    FS Road 26

    Was in there almost 2 weeks ago. A lot less snow than expected. It was wet but could easily get there
  8. Northern Pintail

    Can’t wait to take my kids hunting

  9. Northern Pintail

    Can’t wait to take my kids hunting

    This info from Dave is incorrect. No 10% cap on antlerless hunts
  10. Northern Pintail

    Can’t wait to take my kids hunting

    In a previous forum a week ago it was mentioned that the 10% cap does not apply to antlerless elk hunts and limited opportunity hunts. It does apply for all bull or any elk hunts. I knew it didn’t apply for limited opp but the antlerless was knew to me
  11. Northern Pintail

    Can’t wait to take my kids hunting

    I’m probably confused but if there is one nonresident on the app the entire app is considered nonresident. But antlerless and limited opp hunts do not have a 10% cap on nonresidents.
  12. Northern Pintail


    I think the thought process is because they are feeding them a natural food source. Trash cans for bears are natural for bears
  13. Northern Pintail


    I agree but this is their way of trying to prevent cattle depredations and human interactions
  14. Northern Pintail


    You know the point of this is to keep them out of town. In theory having a good source just out of town will not give them a reason to go into town. And this whole going after people and kids is ridiculous
  15. Northern Pintail

    71 yrs old with 19 bonus points, what unit for a Bull

    Hate to bring more bad news but you’ll probably never catch max for an early rifle tag. Probably won’t catch early archery 9 either. if you really want a tag this year your best bet is an archery tag or a late rifle tag. Several units can produce good bulls in the late hunt but can be very strenuous. a question I haven’t seen is what type of bull would you be happy with?
  16. Northern Pintail

    71 yrs old with 19 bonus points, what unit for a Bull

    When non residents only get 10% they almost have to rely on points. Think early archery 9 where only 10 permits go to nonresidents. Most early rifle hunts give only 3.
  17. Northern Pintail

    Point guard question

    You both have to buy point guard for both to be eligible.
  18. Northern Pintail

    horses in elk unit

    You’re right they shouldn’t be there in those numbers but that’s not the reason tags in 3c have been cut. Talk to the wildlife manager and he wants an older age class of bulls. Might want to get the truth making things up
  19. Northern Pintail

    Popcorn thread

    There is another thread titled where’s no bull that talks about this. No bull made some statements.
  20. Northern Pintail

    Draw odds

    Depends on what you consider max pool. If you consider everyone at a specific point level a guarantee then yes. If you mean the point level max gets to even though not everyone draws then 15 is not. At 14 points 46% of those people drew in the bonus pass.
  21. Northern Pintail

    Draw odds

    This was already commented on but to be sure you understand. You will draw the archery tag with a zero percent chance at the muzzy. Being the bonus pass stays at the same level from the previous year.
  22. Northern Pintail

    Max Bonus points

    Tomharvey did you buy your point after the draw?
  23. Northern Pintail

    Max Bonus points

    Negative. Wyoming changed it where they didn’t issue points in the draw. You had to go back during the point purchase time frame and buy one. Lots of people are finding out the hard way
  24. Northern Pintail

    Max Bonus points

    Did you buy your point after the draw? A lot of people are figuring out they didn’t issue points in the draw if you didn’t get drawn. You had to go back and purchase your point.
  25. Northern Pintail

    Max Bonus points

    I don’t think that gets you the red desert as max is 14 going into 2020