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Northern Pintail

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About Northern Pintail

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    Football, Hunting, Fishing, Golf

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  1. Northern Pintail

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    Why raffle tags? We wouldn’t have near the animals if we didn’t have all the catchments out there. Most of those come from these “extra” tags.
  2. Northern Pintail

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    You’re gonna believe what you want so we’ll leave it at that. Trust me I felt the same way originally.
  3. Northern Pintail

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    We are going to get into what words actually mean here but it’s not illegal for someone else to tag your animal with your tag. Example. We are both standing there at the deer, I shot it, I have the tag, I give you the tag and you put it on the antlers. That is not illegal. The elk case went in front of a judge so it was all public record.
  4. Northern Pintail

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    I had the same feelings as you did but actually looked into these matters. Your “facts” are wrong. The 27 wm and those in the helicopter did not see that 400 inch bull on that flight. And because of people like you spreading rumors they try and not to fly when they have a tag even though there are laws that say they still can. The 3b warden deal was not the last night of the hunt. It was the first Sunday of the early archery hunt. no matter what you think about it your facts are won’t and that matters.
  5. Northern Pintail

    AZ 5a Late Bull Hunt Struggles

    The reason they give access to us is because the gf gives them a percent of the tags. Your tag is good for both hopi lands and non hopi lands within that unit.
  6. Northern Pintail

    AZ 5a Late Bull Hunt Struggles

    I think you are confused about the hopi tags. Azgfd gives the hopis tags so those of us draw a normal tag can hunt their land. Might want to give the warden for that area a call
  7. Northern Pintail

    Points with a party

    You either didn’t have those points or you’re reading it wrong.
  8. Northern Pintail

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    It’s for the parabolic microphones. Not for hearing aids or walker headphones. You’ll be fine.
  9. Northern Pintail

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    The hearing devices are for things like you see at football games where it amplifies sound. There is new technology out there and they are getting ahead of the game. It’s not for hearing aids or walker game ears
  10. Northern Pintail

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    Wrong. Read the actual law. It’s for carcasses brought from out of state
  11. Northern Pintail

    Drones during an open season (not for hunting)!

    What am I off about? Drones are classified as aircraft so they fall under the flying 48 hr rule. Chasing wildlife with a drone is also harassment of wildlife.
  12. Northern Pintail

    Drones during an open season (not for hunting)!

    May have missed it but drones are a good way to get a harassing wildlife charge. If you’re using a drone and start chasing them with it to video it you’re probably violating the law. also it’s 48 hours before a hunt in that unit. Not 48 hours before your hunt. So if you have a December elk tag and fly in august/september during the archery deer hunt that is still illegal.
  13. Northern Pintail

    Colorado Deer results out

    The hunt you drew probably has turn back tags which means you could put it as a 4th choice and still draw it in the leftover while trying to get a smoking tag
  14. Northern Pintail

    Colorado Deer results out

    With the current left over draw structure I wouldn’t put my kid in for the first draw. With youth having preference in the secondary draw they have a chance at drawing tags that take many points to draw, without using their points.
  15. Northern Pintail


    They don’t need to replace revenue in the normal sense. Auction tag money only went to projects on the ground, not salaries. So there will just be less projects on the ground.