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Everything posted by muledeer#1

  1. muledeer#1

    My daughter first bull hunt

    We built a elk hanger for my parents house works great
  2. muledeer#1

    My daughter first bull hunt

    My buddy's sons cow
  3. muledeer#1

    My daughter first bull hunt

    Another bull we glassed up
  4. muledeer#1

    Lost dog in unit 10

    Try this again
  5. muledeer#1

    My buck

    I had to learn the unit quick but got some good info from some members I located a 200 plus buck but this buck showed up and I wasn't going to pass on him
  6. muledeer#1

    My buck

    Thanks Everbody
  7. muledeer#1

    My buck

    Thanks , and yes , I scouted for a week got some good info from a member on here he awnsered all my question about the second day all the info started to make sence .I had 5 bucks located with does , I glassed this buck up thrusday afternoon so I checked on him on Friday afternoon to my surprise he never moved off the mountain I found him about 20 yards from the last time , so a buddy of mine showed up , Saturday am my brother and my buddy hiked up to glass so I stayed were I saw him last they popped out the huge doctor Binos an went to work , but I glassed him up same hill so I made my move my buddy hauled butt to get over to me the buck was beded about 100 yards from me but I backed out we got across from him for a better shot I let the 7 mag rip and 410 yards and the buck never moved from his bed . I only hunted 1 day and a morning if I'm lucky enough to draw the tag again I'm going to hit it hard and hold out I'm glad I could share my hunt with family and friends , it's been a crazy year so far I helped my brother kill his first archery bull then my daughters had back to back deer tags they both killed great bucks then my hunt now it's back to elk .
  8. muledeer#1

    My buck

    Couple bucks on the first morning we ran into
  9. muledeer#1

    My buck

    I saw ton of good bucks after a week of scouting I covered a lot o country can't wait to go go back
  10. muledeer#1

    My buck

    I wanted to stay longer but my daughter had a bull hunt so I need to scout for it
  11. muledeer#1

    My buck

    I have a Toyota Tacoma extra cab with everthing about owned in it
  12. muledeer#1

    21 roll call

    My daughter 21 buck
  13. muledeer#1

    unit 21 coues

    A picture of the buck beaded along was out
  14. muledeer#1

    unit 21 coues

    Put a lot of scouting in on this hunt ,I had to work late of Thursday so we headed up Friday morning but by the time we got loaded up it was to late to get to the spot I had some good bucks picked out .So my brother said let me show you this area its a lot closer I said lets go so off we went drove down to the road ended he said couple years back he shot at a buck over this ridge so we hiked to the top as we set up to glass he says holy crap there he is so we had to move over but he was across a deep canyon so we got set up for a far shot ,my daughter couldn't find the buck in the scope then he beded down my brother said once the shade is gone he will get up so sure enough he stood up and was moving down to some shade while we wated we set up the rifle so she could find the buck she aimed about foot high my 270 broke his back so we hiked over to him and finished him off .My baby girl was so happy the shot was over 500 yards the buck is a 4x3
  15. muledeer#1

    Help on AZ strip info

    Almost time for my strip hunt I cant wait .
  16. muledeer#1

    21 roll call

    The hike was crazy to get the buck but it was worth it
  17. muledeer#1

    21 roll call

    I had to work late so we couldn't go up Thursday, Friday morning we showed up to late to go were we had bucks picked out ,so my bother said I no a spot that I shot at a nice buck couple years back so we parked are buggy's hiked in its about 8:30 he said I shot at the buck right over there and then he said holy crap there he goes ,it was along shot but she got it done took longer to pack my buggy .
  18. muledeer#1

    21 roll call

    Tried a differnt area opening morning my daughter killed a 4x3 around 9am
  19. muledeer#1

    21 roll call

    I have a couple toads I have been watching for the last couple years , I hope I can get my daughter to connect on one .
  20. muledeer#1

    21 roll call

    I have 5 hunts to go on, its about to get crazy.
  21. Went out to check cameras for my daughter early coues hunt today.
  22. muledeer#1

    checking my cams for my kids hunt

    Starts in couple weeks , I got about 4,000 picture still have to go threw ton of mule deer on it also