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About muledeer#1

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  1. muledeer#1

    Strip tag

  2. muledeer#1

    Strip tag

    One of The bucks we were after .
  3. muledeer#1

    Strip tag

  4. muledeer#1

    Strip tag

    I had this tag before , last year I was there for 2 weeks on the archery hunt so I no it pretty well plus 3 scouting trips ,should be fun .
  5. muledeer#1

    Strip tag

    Well this year my youngest daughter was finally old enough to apply for the draw , to my surprise she drew a strip tag still in shock .
  6. muledeer#1

    They're up-archery bull elk in 7W!

    We have 3 archery bull tags in 7 W and 8 cow tags should be a fun year .
  7. Brand new 12x50 razors going a different direction 1,100 $ OBO
  8. muledeer#1

    Hunting items for sale

    South phx
  9. muledeer#1

    Hunting items for sale

    Vortex range finder used a couple times 300$ Nikon range finder 100$ 10x42 vortex diamond backs 130$
  10. muledeer#1

    Archery desert buck

  11. muledeer#1

    Archery desert buck

    It's nice to kill a good archery buck so close to phx
  12. muledeer#1

    My 2014 buck is done

  13. muledeer#1

    Hit a good bull in 7 west coulndt find him

    found a couple bears but no lions
  14. muledeer#1

    Hit a good bull in 7 west coulndt find him

    Can't believe all the coyotes this year , worst I've seen it .