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About rcguerena

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  1. Excited to get out this weekend for my first coues hunt. Does anybody know were I can find (internet or store) a map of San Carlos, specifically unit D? We'll have a guide but I like to know where we are at/going... Anybody have any luck in this area?
  2. rcguerena

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    This is great entertainment, nice work guys. Not sure if it helps with my OCD of checking my bank account for a hit every 10 minutes though as I'm gonna be circling back to this thread now for new posts and a laugh or two. Good luck on the draw.
  3. rcguerena

    Fall Turkeys

    A quick weekend hunt to the San Carlos produced this nice bird. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  4. Anybody have any luck dove and/or quail hunting here? The park is open for shotgun only dove and quail and I live nearby. With a newborn at home I need quick and easy access to some decent spots (I'd be happy with 2 or 3 birds l, just need to get out!) Thanks for the help.
  5. rcguerena

    Duck Huntin

    Nice job - how do you like your Benelli? Was thinking about getting the Vinci Cordoba or for quail / dove and the occasional duck hunt.
  6. rcguerena

    First Kaiab Buck

    Bagged this 4x4 in 12AW opening morning. We spotted him and a couple of 2x's coming up a draw to my left from about 500 yards out. I cut over and watched him come up to the top of the draw about 250 yards out where I dropped him when he stepped out of the thick stuff. First Kaibab hunt and buck - had an amazing time and looking forward to getting a late hunt tag in the next few years (with some good luck).
  7. rcguerena

    T minus 5 days and counting....

    Heading up Thursday with a few buddies for our first Kaibab hunt in 12AW. These are going to be the longest two days of my life leading up to Thursday... We've done a lot of scouting/research and hope it pays off. Good luck everybody!